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MotoSeries 6-28,29 the return to PIRC!


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The last session on Saturday I received the melted piston trophy, too much heat in motor from waiting on race school starts.........I know now when water temps near 200 degree will ends bad for a 2 stroke motor!!!

That a sucky trophy Chuck !

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Damn Chuck, thats rough!  Mock starts always seem to take forever to get gridded up.



Speaking of starts; I blew all 3 of mine, terrible launches followed up by 4th gear in 1-7 when I should be in 3rd.  

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Ron I was glad to see you come out to the track to hang with us, and glad to see you decided to stay the night and not drive home after polishing off that bottle.


I felt pretty good most of the day even though I didn't place very well in the 750 or the first 600. Met my goal of getting into the 2's and then exceeded it with a new personal best of 1:01.738. Had a nice battle going back and forth with Will in the mini 20, but he got the best of me in the end. Some crazy lap traffic held me up for a lap, and by that point there was no catching back up.


As always, great weekend and can't wait to do it again!

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I rode like a bag of ass all weekend, but nevertheless enjoyed being with the gang and seeing our guys do well! Was great to see Ron and chase a few beers back with you guys. I just couldn't get out of my own head this weekend, and it showed on the track. Part of me is looking forward to having July off, but part of me isn't. Need to get back out there and get after it. But, new shock will be here tomorrow and new tires in a couple weeks. So already chomping at the bit for Nelson to try and restore some pride. All that said, it was a good weekend overall, though wish the ambulance didn't get as much work this weekend as it did. Those guys will be okay, but still.


Congrats to all our OR peeps that brought home hardware!! Well done.

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I was happy with things on Saturday but not so much on Sunday.  Wasn't running my normal times from last year on Saturday but still had some :09's tossed in here and there with all the traffic in I group helping Craig.  I got some good starts in both races on Sunday and I was able to hold off Brian Lockett in race 1.  I think we ran some :07's that first race.  Then the wheels fell off...just felt like crap for race 2.  It was so bad that I was only able to run a :12 I think the first two laps when Brian and I got together resulting in him going down in 10.  I knew I was slow, over breaking for everything, just not able to ride like I should.  I was expecting to get passed by him just not on the outside of 10 going in.  We did talk afterwards and we're good but it still has me thinking about what I was doing or did that might have caused it.  It is still racing and shit happens to all of us so I'll just have to shake it off and concentrate on things to go faster.

Edited by r1crusher
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I think the heat and humidity was getting to a lot of people, especially later Sunday. I know of at least 2 people who said they were so exhausted they threw up a little in their mouths/helmets. Just be happy that didn't happen and most of all we all came home safe. A few broken bones is never good, but sounds like they'll be alright. Excited for the next round back at PIRC to see if I can improve my times or at least keep them consistent.

And Hollywood get that bike fixed! Let me know if I can help.

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In the first 600 sprint it just started cutting out on the last lap. He messed around with his bazzaz and tried to make it back out for the second 600. He grid himself in the back in case it cut out on the start (thanks, smart thing to do to keep everyone safe) and I don't think he made it much past turn 1 before he pulled off.

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In the first 600 sprint it just started cutting out on the last lap. He messed around with his bazzaz and tried to make it back out for the second 600. He grid himself in the back in case it cut out on the start (thanks, smart thing to do to keep everyone safe) and I don't think he made it much past turn 1 before he pulled off.

I was just reading over at another forum ppl having problems with the Bazzaz units.

Ron had issues with his when he bought his bike,I believe.

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Had a decent Saturday, dropped a half second off my best time and had an oh crap moment coming out of turn 11. Spun up the rear then rolled on a little to much throttle, I had the bars at full left and the bike started to low side but I somehow didn't chop the throttle and rode it out for a second or two which really felt like an eternity then it snapped back and tossed me off the seat. But stayed on and kept going. Probably a long shot but if anyone has any video or pictures of that I'd like to see it.

Left around 3 to go home and pack and was on the beach by 3pm yesterday!

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On Matt's bike, we removed the Bazzaz inline connections for the injectors and ignition and it still acted up....that suggests to me that it doesn't have to do with the Bazzaz; however, Matt did say it seemed different.


Ron, hope staying at the track didn't get you in too much trouble at home, but in the end it was the right choice.


Dan, know you are a little disappointed in only knocking off a half second....but in the end it is still faster.  Like I said, diminishing returns. 


Kev.....damn, didn't know you had contact with Lockett.  Was surpriesed when I lapped you since I don't remember seeing you in the first 600 race.

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I had an oops moment mid-late race 1.  Was heading into T1 and down shifted in 2nd gear but bumped the shifter again accientally and went into neutral.  I grabbed the clutch popped it back into 2nd and failed to bring the RPMs back up.  Thing hopped side to side several times barking the rear tire so I let off the brakes just a tad and it came back in line just before I ran out of room to turn in.  I was puckered up a little bit I'll say.

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Kev.....damn, didn't know you had contact with Lockett.  Was surpriesed when I lapped you since I don't remember seeing you in the first 600 race.


Yea...he was making good progress learning the track this weekend and knocking down his times.  I pulled into the pits immediately after hit me on my left rear setting up for T10.  I just wanted to make sure nothing was hanging off, broken, etc. before I came back on track to at least finish the race but my head was not in it before I started the race and the incident just finished me off.  I was just riding around doing :15's I think and staying out of everyone's way.

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I had a good time Saturday. Never really

came to terms with the track. I tried taking some compression out and ending up bottoming out the front braking for 10. After that I couldn't get myself up to push any harder. Ended up running 1:06s and 07s for most of the day. I want to go back and get my suspension dialed in better and see what I can turn.

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I had a good time Saturday. Never really

came to terms with the track. I tried taking some compression out and ending up bottoming out the front braking for 10. After that I couldn't get myself up to push any harder. Ended up running 1:06s and 07s for most of the day. I want to go back and get my suspension dialed in better and see what I can turn.


Sorry about fucking up the tow every session.  Even if I didn't screw it up, my lines probably wouldn't have helped you much....felt like I was all over the place on Saturday.  I was mentally exhausted from lack of sleep and called it quits 2 sessions early....something I never do.

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