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bar vibration solutions


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is there anything to try before stupid-heavy bar-ends?


The bars on Tubby the Tuna were bent when I got her, so I bought $16 vortex clip-ons to replace them. I'm thrilled with the result, except the old (stock) bars are heavy steel.  The Vortex set is light aluminum.  My hand falls asleep within 20 minutes at highway speeds. 


Am I crazy to think that maybe popping off the end-cap and filling the bars with sand would help keep my hand from going numb?


Or would a throttle-rocker solve this issue just as effectively without adding weight, and creating the potential for sand to dump all over the ground if I ever lay the bike down and pop off the end cap?

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Cut open a box worth of small game loads, fill bars with lead shot.


this actually occurred to me.  I was thinking the sand would dampen vibrations better, because it would pack more tightly. 

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I've heard of people using the expanding spray foam, but I don't know any personally that have tried it


Hmmm...  But if it doesn't work, then what?   At least the sand/lead shot can be removed again.

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If they are hollow fill with silicone from lowes. Just pump that shit in there. Was just told about this last night, So don't know how well it works.


I like this idea, and I guess if it doesn't work, I am no worse off than I was...  Plus the bar itself was only $16, so it's not like i'm "ruining" an expensive part.  I have more time/effort into drilling the hole for the controls, and grinding down the groove to accommodate the pinch-bolt that keeps the bar from twisting.

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