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Michael Brown shooting


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But police are called when local punks are loitering in front of stores selling things illegally.

When they are selling illegal items. Cigs are not illegal. If it was marijuana or handguns to kids, that would be legit reason to arrest him. The only victim in this so called crime was the government.

Have you ever seen the Native Americans set tire fires on 90 outside of buffalo when ever the state brings up taxing smokes bought on the reservations? Most likely not because the news media keeps it hush hush.

Do you really think the government cares if people quit smoking? No because its a ton of tax revenue. Do you think tobacco will ever be illegal? No because its a ton of tax revenue? Why do you think the government wants to tax eliquid which is no tobacco? Because they are losing billions in tobacco taxes. And before you give me a smart ass remark about the nicotine being extracted from tobacco to make the ejuice.... Do you pay alcohol tax on nyquill? No you don't.

And what is the difference if I take a box of my own rolled cigs with me to a bar and someone offers me some cash for a few of them? I'm cheating the government do I deserve to be arrested by a Bath or Richfield or Akron cop? I dunno but when I was younger and the CIG vending machines started to disappear I'd take 2 packs worth of my own rolled smokes with me and it is pretty easy to sell a CIG to an ex smoker for $1.

Oh then how about when I quit drinking buy still went to the bars with friends and after the kitchen would close at midnight or if the bar didn't have a kitchen and I would take taco bell orders and make a couple bucks from drunks who would tell me to keep the change. Does that deserve me to be arrested?

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When they are selling illegal items. Cigs are not illegal. If it was marijuana or handguns to kids, that would be legit reason to arrest him. The only victim in this so called crime was the government.

Have you ever seen the Native Americans set tire fires on 90 outside of buffalo when ever the state brings up taxing smokes bought on the reservations? Most likely not because the news media keeps it hush hush.

Do you really think the government cares if people quit smoking? No because its a ton of tax revenue. Do you think tobacco will ever be illegal? No because its a ton of tax revenue? Why do you think the government wants to tax eliquid which is no tobacco? Because they are losing billions in tobacco taxes. And before you give me a smart ass remark about the nicotine being extracted from tobacco to make the ejuice.... Do you pay alcohol tax on nyquill? No you don't.

And what is the difference if I take a box of my own rolled cigs with me to a bar and someone offers me some cash for a few of them? I'm cheating the government do I deserve to be arrested by a Bath or Richfield or Akron cop? I dunno but when I was younger and the CIG vending machines started to disappear I'd take 2 packs worth of my own rolled smokes with me and it is pretty easy to sell a CIG to an ex smoker for $1.

Oh then how about when I quit drinking buy still went to the bars with friends and after the kitchen would close at midnight or if the bar didn't have a kitchen and I would take taco bell orders and make a couple bucks from drunks who would tell me to keep the change. Does that deserve me to be arrested?

So you wouldn't say the shop owner that called the cops wasn't a victim? People were buying the illegal cigarettes from Gamer instead of the store he's losing money. Laws are laws whether you ashe worth them or not. If he was out there selling moonshine it'd be the same. Loitering is also a crime that he was committing. Most places you need a permit to sell things on the street sick as a vendors license. All that then being uncooperative would lead to an arrest for pretty much anyone. If he was right and felt he was in the right he should have complied then fought it in court or worth a law suit. There are plenty of lawyers looking to make a name for them self by winning a law suit against law enforcement that would take the case for free and a cut off any money awarded. But instead he chose to resist and fight resulting in him dying due to his poor health.

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Not only arrested, but obviously if you protest your case to the officers, you deserve to be choked to death for it.

He was not choked to death as the autopsy showed it was heart failure. That has no relation to being choked bit it does come as a result of physical exertion while in poor health. Garner chose to resist and physically exert himself beyond what his body could handle. He brought on his own death. Also when being choked to the point of asphyxiation like you are alleging happened you cannot talk or breath. Garner was talking and saying he couldn't breath which contradicts his statement that he couldn't breath and proves he wasn't choked to death.

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He was not choked to death as the autopsy showed it was heart failure. That has no relation to being choked bit it does come as a result of physical exertion while in poor health. Garner chose to resist and physically exert himself beyond what his body could handle. He brought on his own death. Also when being choked to the point of asphyxiation like you are alleging happened you cannot talk or breath. Garner was talking and saying he couldn't breath which contradicts his statement that he couldn't breath and proves he wasn't choked to death.

NOT according to the autopsy: and I quote

"The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, CAUSED HIS DEATH.

Garner's acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were CONTRIBUTING FACTORS, the medical examiner determined."

Did you do an autopsy? Are you a medical examiner?

Edited by magley64
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NOT according to the autopsy: and I quote

"The medical examiner said compression of the neck and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, CAUSED HIS DEATH.

Garner's acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were CONTRIBUTING FACTORS, the medical examiner determined."

Did you do an autopsy? Are you a medical examiner?

You are ignoring 3/4 of your own quote.

"The medical examiner said compression of the neck

(Notice it does not say throat or trachea) and chest, along with Garner's positioning on the ground while being restrained by police (He was positioned on the ground because that is the position people are placed in when police are trying to control them during an arrest. By resisting Garner caused the cops to have to place him in said position in order to gain control of him. It's his fault he was placed in that position.) during the July 17 stop on Staten Island, CAUSED HIS DEATH.

>>>Garner's acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity and hypertensive cardiovascular disease were CONTRIBUTING FACTORS,<<<< (Look here. Had he died from being choked to death these would not have contributed. A healthy person would have survived the same situation as long as they didn't have these health issues that contributed to his death. ) the medical examiner determined."

choked chok·ing

transitive verb

1 :to check or block normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air

2 a :to check or hinder the growth, development, or activity of <the flowers were choked by the weeds>

b :to obstruct by filling up or clogging <leaves choked the drain>

c :to fill completely :jam <roads choked with traffic>

Had he died from being choked he would have died while being choked. Not minutes later after the cops had him in handcuffs and we're no longer touching him. He would not have been able to breath and talk the entire time. Had he died from cooking the medical examiner would have stated something along the lines of strangulation or asphyxiation. Yet neither strangulation or asphyxiation were listed as contributing factors.

What did the grand jury decide on this car?

Edited by cOoTeR
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You can spin it however you want. The facts remain that It was ruled a homicide, and the officers caused his death.

Ruled a homicide by who? You? There was no indictment for the officers so it wasn't ruled a homicide.

I'm not the one twisting anything you are. It's a fact Garner was able to talk the entire time proving he could breath and was not being choked. Are you really trying to say that it is possible to talk when you can't breath.

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Ruled a homicide by who? You?

No, that pesky coroner again with his medical facts...

Let's try this a different way. Let's say you're on blood thinners and I stab you in the leg. You die because you bleed out. Am I now clear from your death because most people wouldn't have bled out? Or did I still cause your death with my illegal action of stabbing you, and your blood thinners being a contributing factor?

Edited by magley64
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No, that pesky coroner again with his medical facts...

Let's try this a different way. Let's say you're on blood thinners and I stab you in the leg. You die because you bleed out. Am I now clear from your death because most people wouldn't have bled out? Or did I still cause your death with my illegal action of stabbing you, and your blood thinners being a contributing factor?

Where does it say it was ruled a homicide? There were more videos that the grand jury saw that detailed more details of the incident showing more to the story than what the media showed.

I love how you keep ignoring all the logical details magley64.

If you can talk you can breath. Are you denying that?

To go with your hypothetical bs let's make it more logical. If I was trespassing on your property and refused to leave so you threatened me with a knife to leave. Instead of leaving I decide to fight with you. In the process you take me down to the ground and I get cut by something I land on or hit my head on and bleed to death due to blood thinners. Do you think you would be guilty of homicide? Probably not because everything that happened was a result of my actions.

Garner was not choked. The medical examiner never said he was choked. He could talk the whole time. I'll ask you again. Do you think you can talk while being choked? Go ahead and continue to ignore facts and logic and prove that you are only continuing to be a troll.

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Here's an excerpt from a nice article about the Garner incident. That I still don't see the relevance for you to keep arguing that Garner was a saint in this thread.

"Officer Pantaleo explained that he did not apply a “chokehold” to Garner. Rather, he applied a move that he learned in the police academy, a move designed to “tip the person [being arrested or restrained] so that they lose their balance and go to the ground.” Though he heard Garner say that he couldn’t breathe, Pantaleo testified that given the former’s ability to speak, he didn’t think that that was actually the case. Nevertheless, he immediately released him and called the EMTs.

Pantaleo also added that he was fully aware that he was being videoed—but he didn’t mind. And he didn’t mind because he “knew” that he wasn’t “committing” any “misconduct.”

The grand jurors were in a position to evaluate Pantaleo’s account. They found that it was truthful."

Read the whole thing here,


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About this time, a good left wing radical would be saying...."What are you trying to do? Confuse me with the facts! I know what I know I believe and you can't sway me with your facts! "

And the good right wing radical would be saying...."See, The cops were right and were just doing their job and the grand jury always knows what right and wrong!"

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The first article the medical examiner is never quoted as saying he was choked. It was the reporter that decided that so that article can be ruled out.

From the second article.

“One of the things you did not hear today, which will be important, is asphyxiation,” said Lynch, noting that the compressions could have been caused by emergency workers trying to resuscitate the dying man."

The third link is Wikipedia that's a good source. But also from your link.

" However, the police have argued that before Garner passed out, there was no reason to believe that he was in serious condition, since they assumed that if Garner was unable to breathe, he would also have been unable to speak.[17][18][19] The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones.[20] After Garner was handcuffed and had passed out, the police did no CPR on Garner because they claim he was still breathing, and that it would be improper to do CPR on someone who was breathing on their own.[21] Garner was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital.[22][23]"

I'll copy this again from your own link so you can't ignore it,

"The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones."

Once again are you able to talk without breathing? For the thousandth time.

You're trolling skills are failing you.

Edited by cOoTeR
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The first article the medical examiner is never quoted as saying he was choked. It was the reporter that decided that so that article can be ruled out.

From the second article.

“One of the things you did not hear today, which will be important, is asphyxiation,” said Lynch, noting that the compressions could have been caused by emergency workers trying to resuscitate the dying man."

The third link is Wikipedia that's a good source. But also from your link.

" However, the police have argued that before Garner passed out, there was no reason to believe that he was in serious condition, since they assumed that if Garner was unable to breathe, he would also have been unable to speak.[17][18][19] The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones.[20] After Garner was handcuffed and had passed out, the police did no CPR on Garner because they claim he was still breathing, and that it would be improper to do CPR on someone who was breathing on their own.[21] Garner was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital.[22][23]"

I'll copy this again from your own link so you can't ignore it,

"The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones."

Once again are you able to talk without breathing? For the thousandth time.

You're trolling skills are failing you.

Go ahead, keep ignoring the coroner's determination that it was a homicide.

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Not gonna get into the middle of this argument, but the coroner can rule a death homicide without it being an indictable offense.  Homicide is the legal definition of "death of a human caused by another human"….


Completely different from murder or criminal or negligent homicide (which would be legal charges brought by the prosecutor in a death ruled homicide by the coroner).  Technically, an inmate put to death by the state is a homicide, albeit a legal one.


EDIT:  Rats!  You beat me to it.

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Now that we've established that, what specific injuries did the coroner cite as cause of death? "Compression of the neck and chest."

How did his neck get compressed? Chokehold featured in the video.

A chokehold that is expressly against regulations.

Edited by magley64
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