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I need a developer


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I'm looking for a developer.

First off, this isn't a paycheck earning gig.

Still here? Sweet. It would be a profit sharing gig. Specifics are negotiable. I need someone good. Really good. I have an idea for a product. I have potential customers. I have the infrastructure architected. I just can't program to save my life. I'm leaning towards Java or Ruby, but am open. Consider this the poorest of startups to ever exist. No outside funding. Not yet anyways. Hours would be whenever you have time, but I do need someone dedicated. If it goes anywhere, I promise we'll have a kegerator in the office. Interested? PM me.

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I went to school for VB & .NET stuff but it's been 6 years or so since I've done anything with it unfortunately. I don't do Java or Ruby but know several here at work that are very good Java devs. Not sure if they'd be interested or not and all are located in Cinci/NKY. Is this a web form based or standalone application and does the app need to hook into a database or other web API's?

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I went to school for VB & .NET stuff but it's been 6 years or so since I've done anything with it unfortunately. I don't do Java or Ruby but know several here at work that are very good Java devs. Not sure if they'd be interested or not and all are located in Cinci/NKY. Is this a web form based or standalone application and does the app need to hook into a database or other web API's?


It's a web app. 

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Hey Ben.  I have a co-worker that just might be willing to lend a hand.  He's done some freelance work with another co-worker on projects and such.  Let me ping him and see what he says and then I'll get you two love birds together if he's game.

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 I have the infrastructure architected. I just can't program to save my life. I'm leaning towards Java or Ruby, but am open.


Remember  you said this when people propose solutions that don't fit what you envisioned.


I'm no developer, but I used to work in software sales.  Our biggest time/money wasters always seemed to result from the client telling us what to do, rather than simply telling us what they wanted to accomplish, and allowing us to decide the most effective way to program it.


That's the kind of thing that really shouldn't need to be said in a professional environment, but I found it happening shockingly often when other people spec'd out custom reports for clients I had sold to.


Best of luck!

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