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2015 weight loss/fitness/New Years resolution we lie to ourselves about


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Tough Mudder was a great thing to train for.  I did two in 2013, and was really happy with its effect on my fitness.


I haven't done another since then because my experiences at the events got worse each time.  The first one was its own experiment.  Our goal was just to complete all the obstacles (on our own) and finish.   We did, and our time was pretty respectable.  We started in the 8:40 heat (third of the day) and made excellent time.  My "I pulled this out of my ass" goal was to finish in under 2.5 hours.  We ended up finishing in about 2.75 hours. 


For the second TM, we were in better shape and had done a ton more hill training.  I was thinking we'd shave 30+ minutes from our prior time, just by knowing how to tackle most of the obstacles more quickly, and we were dead-set on not walking at all.  Jog or quit.  We also planned meetings w/ the wives so we could change into clean socks at certain obstacles.  Our plan was really good.


...but we started in the 10:40 heat, and the crowds were ridiculous.  With better training, it took us a full hour longer than our previous time.  We literally spend 45 minutes standing in line for "Everest."  I ran up and caught the edge on my first try, wanting to complete the obstacle myself, and someone insisted upon pulling me up, damn near dislocating my shoulder in the process.


another tough mudder would be hard on my knees. I really think training for the first two screwed them up pretty badly...  But I would insist upon starting at 8:00 or 8:20 if I did it again.  Any later and the wait at the obstacles is just intolerable.



by way of update, I did okay on my 2015 goals for a while, then fell off the wagon and gained 7+ lbs. of fast-food and beer.  I've been running 3 times this week though, and between nicer weather and owning a jogging stroller, I think I'll be back in a good routine this summer.  Nora enjoys being pushed around and watching me do pullups in the park, so no excuses.

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