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Epic Ride Logo suggestions


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100% agreement / due to reasons already mentioned earlier and many others over the years keep this ride as an independent thing approachable to many other forums and lucid organization so no one can point fingers at any one.


With that here is another one with traditional rider and ohio flag




At first glance, I read "50th EPIC OHIO RIDE" due to the relative positions of the 5 and the "O" on the flag  :dunno: 

Still, it looks good even though my brain fart tried to confuse things.

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They're Illustrator files (.Ai) NinjaDoc. I'd be glad to share them if you can use them.

I like Derek's comment about a common logo, with annual changes or flavor. But I think that relies on naming the ride, then coming up with the ride logo, then coming up with both a Spring and Autumn design each year.

Personally I think it's been called Epic Ride from the start, it should stay Epic Ride. Just my opinion. I think having a Spring Epic Ride and a Fall Epic Ride each year makes sense. Many things are Epic. Just cause it happens twice a year, doesn't make it any less Epic.

Just my $.02.

Edited by Blitz
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Agree on the ride to have a logo. But for t shirts Rather than just a logo I was trying to come up with a theme or a story and my opinion is keep the designs very very variable each ride so you have different types of t shirts with variable flavors to form a collection. And some prefer certain types of design other prefer some other type, so with variations many people get to have a favorite among there collection.

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At first glance, I read "50th EPIC OHIO RIDE" due to the relative positions of the 5 and the "O" on the flag  :dunno:

Still, it looks good even though my brain fart tried to confuse things.


Thats a good point, i will try to tweak it a bit and may be change the May to spring  2015 as Jack mentioned.  

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  • Should the logo "promote" this and future rides?
  • Should it appeal to all types of riders?
  • Should it be viewed as "family friendly"?
  • Should the image be inviting to all motorcyclist in and around Ohio?



I just like to create stuff, i will leave rest upto you guys :D



here is another one :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, that never works well. I've seen that kind of thing devolve into a group of internet strangers bad mouth each other into becoming complete enemies (no joke). Not that that would happen here....  The thing is, everyone has an opinion and nobody can meet every single requirement/ idea tossed out.


Best way to solve this is to have any logos or designs submitted by a certain date, and then everyone votes on the logo they like. There should be a quick brief of what the logo must contain, and in my opinion, since NinjaDoc started and typically pushes this ride he should decide the name and logo requirements. And I'm sorry JackFlash.....not trying to offend, but I think your logo questions take the whole thing a bit too seriously. It should just be a fun design we can put on a T-shirt and say that we enjoyed a ride with friends. No need to appeal to everyone or worry about family friendliness. Obviously no designs with dicks or crack pipes, and that should be family friendly enough.

Just throwing it out there. Seems like the thread stalled into, like "what" said, Design by Committee. It's hard to ever come up with something pleasing to everyone that way.


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And I'm sorry JackFlash.....not trying to offend, but I think your logo questions take the whole thing a bit too seriously. It should just be a fun design we can put on a T-shirt and say that we enjoyed a ride with friends.





Haha!  No worries.  It was a place to present ideas and that's all I did.

I like the one that was chosen.  It's pretty cool.



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