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Iphone 5s vs 6 whos had both


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I went with the 6 (not 6+) and think it's an ok phone, but I hate the side-mounted power button because you end up squeezing the volume buttons when trying to operate it. The fingerprint scanner sucks too, so I don't use it. The camera is good quality. The size is a little big for my medium-sized hands to completely hold - my 5 was definitely a better fit.

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Don't waste time with 5S, 6 has better and bigger screen, but is not obnoxious.

6 is what the 5 should have been.

6+ is borderline tablet and too big for pocket use.

I carry the 6+ in my front pocket every day. Took a day or two to get used to it, but now when I use someone's 6 it feels too small and dainty.

As for the original question, I upgraded from a 5s to the 6+. Much better.

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Did you need help replacing the screen?

I replaced it, thats why I now need a new one lol.

broke the ribbon cable on the home button so it no workie and the screen does whatever the hell it wants now as well so I clearly screwed that up too.

So buy another screen and home button and hope thats all I messed up and find someone else to do it or take to a shop and have done, both options probably at least $100 and waiting.

Or just upgrade now. 5s is $99 so prob same price as fixing mine and 6 is $199 so just seems like the smarter option.

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Don't buy apple products. At least their phones. Way to limiting. I got a Motorola droid maxx. 2 day battery life with heavy use. And... Because Motorola is owned by google you get lots of cool shit Samsung phones don't get and you get OS updates weeks ahead of anyone else.

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Don't buy apple products. At least their phones. Way to limiting. I got a Motorola droid maxx. 2 day battery life with heavy use. And... Because Motorola is owned by google you get lots of cool shit Samsung phones don't get and you get OS updates weeks ahead of anyone else.

Because Iphone is more business friendly and my phone is used for work. I had droid for years and years, will not be going back hence why this said 5s or 6, there was not a droid option. Iphone is a better work place phone, droid is a better kids phone.

But alas this wasnt a droid vs Iphone debate.

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Go with the 6+ if for nothing else but the battery life. It is not fragile, I keep it in my pockets all the time (not rear pocket, I could crush a lead bar) and my wife, who really didn't want a 6+ now wants it even though she thinks it's a little big for her simply for the battery. As Ben said, once you spend a week with the 6+ you'll wonder how you ever functioned with the smaller phones. The final selling point for you would be - porn looks great on the bigger screen :)

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I've had both.  I like the 6 the only gripe is the side mounted power button, makes it a bit tricky when taking photos in landscape with the volume button (your thumb happens to be right on the power button)


The fingerprint scanner works just fine on mine even better than the 5S, perhaps the poster above just needs to reprogram? 


The 6 (4.7) screen takes a bit getting used to, for instance it's just a bit more of a stretch to get to the other side of the screen with my thumb now if i'm browsing one handed.  You won't reach the top without moving your hand, so just double tap the fingerprint ring and the screen will drop down. 


-- Nathan

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My concern with the 5 was updates. Since it's already 2 years old. S model a touch newer.

Say that because I kept my 4s when I got my 5 so I'd have a back up for this exact reason. Well I switched back to my 4s last night only to find my cloud backup won't work because the 5 was ios8 and the 4 will only go to iOS7. So I have a blank phone.

There's already 2 models newer than the 5s and I'll have 2 years till upgrade again. Chances of the 5 being unsupported before my upgrade??

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I had a 4 and went with a 5S a few months back, it is much better all around than what I had. My Nephew manages several Verizon retailers, he pushed the 5S for me instead of the 6. Heck I think I darn near got it for free, he said support for the 5S will not be a problem. My Wifey however just got a 6 over the weekend, she really likes it and has no regrets. Yeah I don't get the iphone bashers, I have had several droids and just never liked them. The iphone just works, has a great camera, support is good, they are easy to use, and work flawlessly with bluetooth systems unlike connectivity issues I had with Droids.

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I have an iPhone 4 still.  It has to be close to 4 years old.  I can't download the latest operating system, but it hasn't given me much of an issue (yet?).


What I'm driving at is that I wouldn't be too concerned about a 5s having support issues soon.  That said, I do not ask a lot from my phone.  I just send emails, play games, play on the internet, and make an occasional call.

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I carry the 6+ in my front pocket every day. Took a day or two to get used to it, but now when I use someone's 6 it feels too small and dainty.

As for the original question, I upgraded from a 5s to the 6+. Much better.


I use the otterbox with a clip though and have no issues.

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Agree about the power button being in the wrong place. Otherwise 6 is great phone. I wouldn't want a 6+ as I drag around my 12" laptop. The 6 works as advertised. I did bend mine but just bent it back. It's mostly straight now.

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It's my work phone so all I use it for is calls, texts and emails. To me it's absolutely the same as my 5s which is my personal. Which seems hardly different at all than my wife's 6 othe than the physical size

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