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Hillary 2016

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  On 4/17/2015 at 7:17 PM, whaler said:

Unless you fell for the pipers hope and change song.


It wasn't that hard to fall for after 8 years of go-it-alone cynicism, torture, lack of strategic progress in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, the financial crisis, multiple environmental disasters and an incompetent governmental response, a rapidly increased deficit, devaluation of the dollar...


Honestly I think that's what the GOP could be critically missing in this next election.  Sure, many people want safety and tradition, but so many also want hope and a change from cynical business-as-usual.


I think the front-runners will be those who bravely come out with fresh ideas that have broader bi-partisan appeal.


Or maybe I'm just deluding myself.  It's more likely to be a mud-raking cluster F.

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  On 4/17/2015 at 7:54 PM, smccrory said:

It wasn't that hard to fall for after 8 years of go-it-alone cynicism, torture, lack of strategic progress in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, the financial crisis, multiple environmental disasters and an incompetent governmental response, a rapidly increased deficit, devaluation of the dollar...


Honestly I think that's what the GOP could be critically missing in this next election.  Sure, many people want safety and tradition, but so many also want hope and a change from cynical business-as-usual.


I think the front-runners will be those who bravely come out with fresh ideas that have broader bi-partisan appeal.


Or maybe I'm just deluding myself.  It's more likely to be a mud-raking cluster F.


Not a fan of Bush myself, but I actually miss him over this treasonous anti American prick in office currently.

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I'm not a fan of any politician.I can't believe people even listen to their champaign rehtoric.They just say whatever the latest poll result tells them that the people want to hear.If you're over about 25 and still believe what a politician says your naive at best.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 1:18 AM, drc32-0 said:

I am a fan of a president that keeps our casualties as low as possible.


BHO is/has caused plenty of casualties in multiple ways, it does not always have to involve a war. You do realize that Bush did not go to war on executive action right? Hey I have a son who is active Army, and the last thing I ever want is for him to go to war, but things are not real well in the world right now......and it is not all the fault of Bush. ;) Barry is allowing many innocent people to die right now, how is that any better? I too am not a fan of politicians, but since we do not have a King/Queen/Prime Minister, that is how things roll here. So how do you recommend we change things for the better, would perhaps people not voting like an ignorant idiot make a difference?

Edited by Pokey
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My friends.

Imagine Hillary, Obama or Bush are members of OR. Imagine how stupid they would sound debating how to ride a bike.

Now think about how you sound debating politics in comparison.

Jesus, that was my best post ever.

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  On 4/18/2015 at 3:33 PM, Pokey said:

BHO is/has caused plenty of casualties in multiple ways, it does not always have to involve a war. You do realize that Bush did not go to war on executive action right? Hey I have a son who is active Army, and the last thing I ever want is for him to go to war, but things are not real well in the world right now......and it is not all the fault of Bush. ;) Barry is allowing many innocent people to die right now, how is that any better? I too am not a fan of politicians, but since we do not have a King/Queen/Prime Minister, that is how things roll here. So how do you recommend we change things for the better, would perhaps people not voting like an ignorant idiot make a difference?

Who are these innocent people that President Obama are allowing to die?And who are the other casualties that he caused?If you're talking about foreign conflicts that he choose to stay out of,I applaud him,it's long past time that we quit playing international policeman and moral judge.We are broke!Both financially and morally.Let someone else pick up the tab and supply the young men for these conflicts.It'sir country,let them fix it.From past experiences,when we get involved we just fuck it up worse.Before all of you conservatives get your panties in a twist thinking...but if we don't do it the mean old socialist will take over.News flash...the mean old socialist are already taking over and we gave them their strenght by sending our manufacturing base over there.

Yes, I do know that Bush didn't go into Iraq by executive order.I also know that congressman Obama voted against the war...one the few that knew that it was a bad idea.Another reason I voted for him.

Of course people not voting like an ignorant idiot would help.If your old enough to have a son in the Army you've seen a few elections.From the elections you've seen how many people that got elected did what they said they would do?I'm betting real close to none.So,if you vote for someone based on what they say during a campaign,and past experience has repeatedly shown that campaign rehtoric is just lies,aren't you voting like an ignorant idiot by basing your vote on campaigns that are a bunch of lies?

How would I make it better if I was in a position to do so?The whole election process would be 90 days long,one member from each party up to 10 parties would get say $30 million dollars from the government to run their campaign ...NO outside money .

And there would be a 2 week open season on lobbyist and political talk show hosts.

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  On 4/19/2015 at 4:51 PM, CrazySkullCrusher said:

How is marriage equality anti-straight white male?

Funny things, equal rights - they "hurt" previously privileged classes. Poor, poor straight white males. What will we ever do once we can't exclusively hold the keys to social, legal, racial, sexual and political legitimacy?

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  On 4/19/2015 at 5:00 PM, smccrory said:

Funny things, equal rights - they "hurt" previously privileged classes. Poor, poor straight white males. What will we ever do once we can't exclusively hold the keys to social, legal, racial, sexual and political legitimacy?

Vote Democrate maybe.HeHeHe

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  On 4/14/2015 at 1:30 AM, HeavyDuty said:

Well Sorry. If you have a couple of hours to spare just ask me how I really feel about the Clintons

We can start with Bills NAFTA program and how it really screwed the working class and 100 of thousands of manufacturing jobs in America.

Never happen for a vast amount of reasons

Clinton only signed the bill into law when he became Prez for the first time.  It was one of those deals where he had no choice as it was sitting on his desk when he took office.  


The whole thing was begun by Reagan but had no reference to the acronym NAFTA.  HW Bush and others took it the rest of the way and left the bill on the Prez's desk for signing.  I'm pretty sure HW thought he was going to beat Bill and that he would be the one to sign it into law.


Anytime I hear about this I think of ol big ears Perot and how he predicted it would be a failure for the US.

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  On 4/20/2015 at 12:58 AM, ohiomike said:

Clinton only signed the bill into law when he became Prez for the first time.  It was one of those deals where he had no choice as it was sitting on his desk when he took office.  



While Bush I certainly set the whole thing up and negotiated most of it Clinton pushed it through the House and Senate, they didn't pass it until November after Clinton took office.

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  On 4/12/2015 at 1:18 PM, smccrory said:

Yep. I think Benghazi was a mistake without the smoking gun the GOP desperately wanted. But I'm feeling like she intentionally spun up her own server to establish culpable deniability for anything that might be unseemly and that's a reflection on how she must operate. I don't buy the "convenience" excuse.

It's simple. Work emails on your work devices, and personal business on your personal devices. What professional doesn't understand that these days???

benghazi was a mistake? Are you shitting me?

"I miss America"

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  On 4/12/2015 at 12:58 PM, Tonik said:

Until emailgate this old white conservative asshat was committed to voting for her. She intentionally destroyed the server after she got a subpoena from Congress. Now I am not too sure.

Conservative and voting for Hilary don't belong in the same sentence. Just now after email gate you're not too sure?

"I miss America"

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  • 4 months later...

oops.... so Hillary was in Columbus today, speaking on Women's Rights. News that I see quotes 8000 attendees with overflow on CC TV. But twitter is showing an empty room. No more than maybe 30-50 people... whoyagonnabelieve...


edit: ok, Columbus Dispatch says 500. Most news sources are avoiding the subject of attendance. The video of the speech shows maybe 100. Unfortunately, it appears that many of those were press and staff. Sorry, but somebody is lying about the attendance. Probably everyone.


edit: and I missed this one from 10TV: "On Thursday, the modest-sized ballroom in downtown Columbus was half empty, with Clinton supporters herded into a cordoned-off area to give the impression of a packed crowd."

Edited by ReconRat
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