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Al Z. Heimer

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Because the only drunk college students are fraternity members?

I will give you that an overwhelming amount are douchebags but saying this only happened because they were frat bros is like saying crime in urban areas only happens because the perpetrators are X race.

Give me a break

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Hell yea I'm a drunk asshole, most everyone knows that :lol:

What I'm not is a disrespectful asshole. Also much like racist stereotypes bother others, these stereotypes at times bother me.

Granted my house were classified as the Animal House which is about as anti stereotypical fraternity as it gets. So I'm not sure why sometimes it pisses me off like it does

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Frat has everything to do with it. It's a closed off little microsociety that is purposefully insular against the outside world as well as being exclusionary. Guess what type of mindset this breeds? "We're all that matters, everyone else can go get fucked."

Are all frats like this? No. A good portion of them are though and it's a societal problem that needs addressing.

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I have no problem fucking with fraternities, or anyone else for that matter.  But frats aren't problem here.


The problems here are youth and stupidity.  Frats certainly have that, but they don't have a monopoly.  Mix that with the attitudes at any liberal college campus and you get groups of students who like to complain about things like war, but are too young and stupid to understand the real issues. 


Members of the military don't start wars.  Politicians start wars.  If you don't like war....here's an idea...VOTE!


Now, if these idiots have a problem with members of our military, don't bother blaming some old veterans.  Instead go to any bar near any military base (I highly recommend a Marine base) and loudly voice your opinions.  Let me know how it turns out :)


Then UP will no longer feel confused :)


This world confuses me.


For the life of me I can't understand why this wasn't a report about it raining college kids onto the parking lot & who was going to be responsible for the clean up costs.

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Any news story detailing outrageous behavior by white fraternities calls for immediate scepticism. They are the type of target those in the media love to gleefully bring down a notch. Witness Duke LaCrosse or UVA Jackie or dozens of lower profile trumped up stories.

The fact is fraternities have evolved into pretty well behaved bunches, because of the scrutiny they are subject to and because their reputation is their brand. Fats have a good deal more rules in place and controls on member behavior than the typical college organization.

Also,In my experience, Southern fraternities about the least like group to ever intentionally harass our military.

Not saying the antics described in this article didn't occur, but the idea that a frat went out of their way to harass wounded warriors stretches credulity.

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Coming home on leave during the late 60s and early 70s was no picnic we were told not to wear our uniform at any of the airports. But this stuff happened every were back then. Times have really changed since then.

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