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Motorcyclist killed in Marysville


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When will drivers start to pay attention?  I am glad to see the driver will be charged.  Hopefully, she is charged with vehicular homicide although I doubt she is even charged with vehicular manslaughter.



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Wow. Exactly why I obsessively watch cars in my vicinity, never know when they'll just swerve right over into you or your lane.

Have had multiple people cut me off while riding in the lane next to them. Hope this lady is taught some kind of lesson about actually paying attention while driving. As for your question, I think there is a trend of drivers becoming less and less aware in general. That's why all the car manufacturers are pushing so many electronic safety features. Until all cars have the ability to steer away from collision with other objects completely, we've got to watch our backs, sides, front.

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I have no doubt that she was on her phone or texting. Where this accident happened is a straight road with no buildings, trees or other onstructions any where close to the road. From the video in was in front of the Marysville Bowling Alley.

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It does work.  But you keep on thinking it doesn't and do your thing and I'll do mine.


Let me rephrase that.  I does work because it's better than nothing but feel free to continue doing nothing if you like.

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Alrighty then, might as well go ahead and throw on some hi viz and even have some modulators running......they will still run you over and or merge into your lane. You have loud exhaust too I hope, my understanding is that loud pipes saves lives. Read up on the SMIDSY maneuver and watch this video, that is the issue with motorcycles and cages when the cage drivers are not distracted by their cell phones. ;)



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Then don't wear gear because it won't save you every time either. Or you can wear gear, run high beams with a modulator (I do) AND drive defensively because you want to do everything you can to stay alive.

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Anything that makes the bike/rider stick out more helps, but your never going to be 100% safe. I was in a bright orange lowered truck with HIDS and a car still turned in front of me and totaled the truck. Lady said she didn't see me. People must first look before they can see.

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Gentleman I am not totally disagreeing, although I can assure you that running high beams and actually believing it is helping is indeed a false sense of security. I guess potentially blinding oncoming traffic is a real smart thing to do, and then lets also modulate " and I loathe modulators" the high beams as well. I will not be convinced that it gives any real advantage, but by all means ride your own ride. Riding defensively as possible and avoiding people in cages are about the best things we can do, but even then many still don't see us or give a shit about a guy/gal on a motorcycle.

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We're not saying that doing it is the end all be all to providing a "sense of security" as you put it.  It doesn't give me any sense of security whatsoever, it's merely another means to add to my ability to be seen.  You cannot assure me of anything just because you believe it doesn't help and that doesn't give credence to it not doing anything at all.  And if people don't want to get blinded then don't look directly into someone's headlights.  Most people don't go around looking directly at the sun do they?  People can deal with it just like we all do.


You can certainly stay convinced of your belief and not do all that you can to be seen.  I and many others will do a little more.


Regardless, Tonik's last few words says it all even with our difference of opinion though...."do everything you can to stay alive."   :cheers:



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Whereas I don't usually ride with the highbeam on, I do have these nifty LED lights that seem to get attention of other drivers.     I believe they are 10 watt.  



Still, I choose to ride like I'm invisible and never trust that another driver/rider/pedestrian/whatever, is going to do what I expect.

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Not many head on collision guys and gals, the ole left turn and t-bone is the biggest problem.........and SMIDSY explains it well. Yes....... the blinding high mounted lights will further make it more difficult to judge how far away you are "and hell yeah bright lights can momentarily blind you in the day", plenty of facts and common sense to back that up. I would love for any of you to look into my lights on high PLUS my high intensity LED driving lights, you will be seeing spots no doubt. What good is all of the high viz and bright lights, if they still cannot judge how far away you are? Invest in a proper horn too, that for sure gets the attention of the distracted soccer Mom in an SUV and mini van who is starting to merge into your lane in traffic. Yes lights and high viz no doubt helps you be seen, but being seen is not what still causes the cage drivers to pull out. I am more worried about getting rear ended at a stop, to me that is where I hear about a lot of serious injuries and fatalities. SMIDSY works.....I have had numerous drivers over the years look right at me and still start to pull out, but then totally freeze when I started to do the weave.

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Most often heard quote from driver who just turned left/pulled put in front of a bike or car: 'I didn't see him'.

That seems to be the main problem. I've looked at my brights in the daytime and I wasn't blinded. Fuck, there's a huge ball of nuclear fuck fire in the sky but I have somehow not burned out my retinas despite my glancing at it almost daily.

I also do the safety dance or wtf ever you call it.. mimsy or some shit but the best way TO BE SEEN is to stand out from your surroundings and if your surroundings consist of BLACK ASPHALT then bright lights is about as much contrast as you can hope for.

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I did not switch sides, some of you need to look a bit into what background camouflage is........motorcycles suffer from that severely. There just is not much size to them when compared to cars and other vehicles, and that is what makes the background break up behind them extremely small and hard to judge how far away they are. All the lights in the world will not help with that, which is the point I am trying to make. Oh and modulators should be banned, they have no business being on any vehicle other than fire and police, and yes I realize they are not true modulators.

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I think you could have just said that in the very beginning Pokey instead of just saying lights don't matter (and later kind of agree they do).  I agree with what you're saying and the thought behind it.  


Now will you just please start using you brights like the rest of us also.  :D


PS - Should I just be swerving around all the time since that also helps?

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Bummer. I had visions of us rolling down the road 2 abreast with our modulators modulating in unison while singing kumbaya.

Singing while riding doesn't help either. Unless you sing "SMIDSY" together over and over.

RIP rider. Best of wishes out to the son (I think) that is graduating this weekend. That's really tragic for that kid to lose his dad now.

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