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Semi-Budget Helmet Recommendation


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Looking for some advice on a new helmet.  I've been using a very budget S&S Helmet that is long overdue for replacement.


I'd love a Shoei RF-1200, but it's just out of the budget, and will be for the foreseeable future (new kid coming soon.)


Budget is $350 (give or take a few bucks, but definitely can't go over $375)


Also needs to work well in upright riding position.


I know fit is subjective, but one of my big concerns is noise.  Current helmet is insanely loud on the road.  Loud to the point I can't hear anything out of my bluetooth speakers at highways speed, even on max volume.  I ride with earplugs, so it doesn't have to be silent but I really want it to be comfortable at highway speeds since I commute on the bike.  Also, a transitions shield or drop down sun visor would be nice (stop me from carrying a spare shield to work and I hate wearing sunglasses under a clear visor.)  Also would like pockets for bluetooth since I use a SENA 3s-W for turn by turn directions and occasionally music.


I've tried on the Shoei Qwest, but wasn't very comfortable with the fit.  Seamed a little too round for my head.


Tried on an Airmada and it seamed to fit comfortably, but I'm not sure about the noise level of the helmets, and it doesn't have the drop down visor or ear cutouts for speakers unless I was seeing things wrong.  Plus from what I understand the visor change isn't easy on it.  Plus the graphics are insanely cool on them.


I've heard good things about the Scorpion T1200, but the noise level of the helmet varies so much from review to review.


Does anyone have experience with these helmets, or any advice on others I should look at.  Planning on making a run down to State 8 to try on a bunch and see what I like.

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I'm trying to find the name of the eBay store where I got my rf-1000 and a dark smoke visor for $350 shipped years ago. It was brand new but a year old model or something. Still wear it to this day

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Sadly not Columbus, I'm in Cleveland.  Best selection I've seen is State 8 in Cuyahoga Falls.  I'd love to make a trip down to Iron Pony, but I won't have time to in the next couple months unless I can squeeze a stop into my work schedule.  I'm really looking for some advice on where to look.  Plus, trying on doesn't really help tell me the noise level of the helmets.  Fit only goes so far.

Edited by MasterOfPupets
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Make sure you get the right size, most people get one to big then bitch that they are loud. 

I'm really going to focus on this, trust me.  I bought the first helmet in a bit of a rush, and while it fit fine initially, it broke in at about 200 miles and became way too loose (and continues to get looser.)  It's a big part of why I'm replacing it right now.

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You may be able to get the next size down padding for your current lid. A lot of manufacturers only have 2 or 3 shell sizes and use different thickness of cheek pads and roof liners to make a large a medium or a small an extra small.

Worth looking into.

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Thanks Crazy. I looked into that, but the cost would be $40 for the pads when the helmet only cost $80 new. It was always my intention to upgrade helmets relatively quickly, but life got in the way. This is probably going to be my best opportunity for a while.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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Jordan at Kennedy's Cycles gives good deals on RF1200's. I dont think you'd pay much more over 400 for a basic RF1200. Honestly that extra 50 bucks you'd spend would be worth it, I love mine and my friend's loves theirs. Tell him Tim the Azn sent you ;). (I get no kick backs.)

Edited by TimTheAzn
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Talk to Mike at Riders Discout. You'll be pleasantly surprised on what you can afford.

I bought my RF-1100 new in 2012 and spent about your budget.

I second this. Mike at Rider's Discount should be able to get you one heck of a deal on a RF1200.

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Could the wind noise be due to the screen on the bike? When riding, can you deflect the wind with your hand and make the helmet quieter? Take your hand and put it against your neck, like you're choking yourself. A big bit of wind noise is caused by turbulent air from the fairing and screen. You may get away with just installing a skirt to your helmet.

He makes a very good point. My rf1000 was loud as shit on my vfr but quiet as could be on the 600rr and 636
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What worked for me was making a trip to the Iron Pony and trying on everything they had and then slimming down the choices based on my purchasing criteria, price, fit, ratings, etc. Once you figure out what you are looking for, you can look it up online for the best price. That way you have your size and fit figured out already. I ended up with a Shoei GT Air. I know most HJC helmets will be in your price range as well as some others. I owned a few HJCs and never had any complaints.

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Could the wind noise be due to the screen on the bike? When riding, can you deflect the wind with your hand and make the helmet quieter? Take your hand and put it against your neck, like you're choking yourself. A big bit of wind noise is caused by turbulent air from the fairing and screen. You may get away with just installing a skirt to your helmet.


I'll do some more troubleshooting on the windscreen on the way home today.  I know there are alot of issues with the FZ6 windscreen.  I've tried a couple of different configurations on the screen though, and nothing really helps.  I've also rode a few other bikes with the same issues of noise (ZX6, FZ09, V-Rod, C50) so I'm leaning heavily towards the helmet.


I did contact RD and they do have  ahell of a price on the RF1200.  I've got to head into a store so I can try it on and confirm my size.  By the sizing charts I should be a large, but I still want to check.

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Get the rf1200... It's so worth it. I have one with transitions shield and love it.

It's pretty quiet and cools well. The vents don't get as much airflow due to my bike setup.. You may have similar issue... I think it's designed for a Supersport because if I tilt my head forward I get more airflow... Not enough to bother me, and I ride in 115+ degrees... The best part of the rf1200 for me being on a naked bike is the aerodynamics... I can go up to 90 or so before I even notice any kind of wind resistance with my helmet... Although I start getting pummeled by wind on my body a little sooner lol

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Just wanted to post a quick update. Unfortunately my wife decided to fail miserably at driving and cost us a couple thousand dollars in repairs, so no new helmet for me. I'm looking at alternatives now. The neck skirt mentioned looks like a possibility. I do notice a decrease in noise when covering my neck with my hand.

Thanks for all the help though

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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