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Plz share some house buying tips


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Thank you. More than the bike it's my state of mind of new parenthood that's making me uncomfortable :(

Prolly won't buy any bike for some time until I am really ready to ride

Whenever you want to hit up a track day let me know, you can ride the gixxer. 


Also sounds like we are going to be living fairly close together. We live on 164 between Lisbon and Columbiana. 

Edited by Jester_
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Our buying progress is progressing nicely as well. 


Inspections were completed on Sunday.  there were minor issues with both houses (under $1,000), and since we're selling to the husband of the house we're buying (couple is divorcing.  crazy coincidence) we're proposing to just call the issues a wash, and then no one has to take less money or spend anything out of pocket.


The biggest hurdle in this process was getting approved for BOTH mortgages.  We close on our new house before we close on the sale of our current house.  They're only 10 days apart, but the bank wants to see a ton of money in savings to show we can afford BOTH mortgages in a worst-case scenario.  We qualify.  Barely.  


Our lender also locks us in at 3.87% interest if we open an account with them and set up auto-pay for 1 year.  We're just going to put my wife's paycheck in there on direct-deposit, and then forget that she works...  So with that in mind, we'll "accidentally" save $600+ every month in a separate account we just don't access or have a debit card to spend from.  That extra $600 can either go toward savings, or toward the mortgage some months - or if it accumulates to $5,000, maybe we take a vacation or I buy another bike, or whatever...  The trick is going to be truly acting like it doesn't exist.

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Offer in/ accepted/ now for inspection

Thx for all the suggestion every one. Agent was awesome, went with low ball and bought the price down a lot. By myself like my bike deals I would have paid way more than needed.

Ps: bike sold as well :( bike less for now


Congrats on the house purchase Doc!  Now the fun part, waiting on the buying/inspection process to complete and finally moving.  On another note, I am glad to hear you sold that beast!  I know you have always seemed to question why you bought it to begin with, which basically says you were not comfortable with the bike.  I wouldn't wait too long to get another one.  I know a few people who started a family, got rid of their bikes and later regretting it.  Riding is your passion just like the rest of us.  It will drive you nuts to go without a bike, especially when riding season starts again and everyone is out.  It started to drive me nuts to have a blank space in my garage after my wreck.  I have three young ones and it is hard to make time to ride, but I am still able to manage making time on a Sat. here and there to put down a 500 Mi run.  I am glad I did not get rid of mine.  If i cant ride, at least I can go into the garage, start her up, smell the exhaust and it keeps me going until i can make another day to get out and ride.  Anyway, enjoy your new house Doc and hope to see you on two wheels again!

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now that you are all in too deep


home ownership is overrated


aint that the truth. After 3 months in the new place I told my wife if I ever lose my mind and let her talking me in to moving again, we are renting

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Whenever you want to hit up a track day let me know, you can ride the gixxer. 


Also sounds like we are going to be living fairly close together. We live on 164 between Lisbon and Columbiana. 


I will def contact you if and when the track bug hits me :D Might just restrict myself to the track. only time will tell. 


Our buying progress is progressing nicely as well. 


Inspections were completed on Sunday.  there were minor issues with both houses (under $1,000), and since we're selling to the husband of the house we're buying (couple is divorcing.  crazy coincidence) we're proposing to just call the issues a wash, and then no one has to take less money or spend anything out of pocket.


The biggest hurdle in this process was getting approved for BOTH mortgages.  We close on our new house before we close on the sale of our current house.  They're only 10 days apart, but the bank wants to see a ton of money in savings to show we can afford BOTH mortgages in a worst-case scenario.  We qualify.  Barely.  


Our lender also locks us in at 3.87% interest if we open an account with them and set up auto-pay for 1 year.  We're just going to put my wife's paycheck in there on direct-deposit, and then forget that she works...  So with that in mind, we'll "accidentally" save $600+ every month in a separate account we just don't access or have a debit card to spend from.  That extra $600 can either go toward savings, or toward the mortgage some months - or if it accumulates to $5,000, maybe we take a vacation or I buy another bike, or whatever...  The trick is going to be truly acting like it doesn't exist.


Even reading these gives me a headache, i am so weak and lack understanding when it comes to these financial number crunching :(


now that you are all in too deep


home ownership is overrated


I wish i could go on without having another debt piled on, but isnt owning better than renting in the long run? At least its some sort of saving/investment

Congrats on the house purchase Doc!  Now the fun part, waiting on the buying/inspection process to complete and finally moving.  On another note, I am glad to hear you sold that beast!  I know you have always seemed to question why you bought it to begin with, which basically says you were not comfortable with the bike.  I wouldn't wait too long to get another one.  I know a few people who started a family, got rid of their bikes and later regretting it.  Riding is your passion just like the rest of us.  It will drive you nuts to go without a bike, especially when riding season starts again and everyone is out.  It started to drive me nuts to have a blank space in my garage after my wreck.  I have three young ones and it is hard to make time to ride, but I am still able to manage making time on a Sat. here and there to put down a 500 Mi run.  I am glad I did not get rid of mine.  If i cant ride, at least I can go into the garage, start her up, smell the exhaust and it keeps me going until i can make another day to get out and ride.  Anyway, enjoy your new house Doc and hope to see you on two wheels again!


I am already on CL, its a huge struggle to fight the temptation. and this time dont want to jump on to some random bucket list bike.

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