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Moving to Strongsville


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the only problems i definitely noticed about the house were:


- will need a new roof sooner than i'd like

- fence needs a couple of new posts sunk

- kitchen floor is mildly warped, preventing basement door from fully opening.  If that's cosmetic, I shave the bottom fo the door and ignore it.  If that's structural, we have a problem.

- paneling on the basement walls are warped.  Initially, I assumed they had severe flooding - but the backs of the panels are exposed on un-finished side of the basement, and there are no water marks.  I believe it's a combination of humidity, cheap paneling, and poor installation...  So hopefully that's not much of an issue at all.  The basement is purely storage for now.  We won't have furniture to fill the house for years...

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Agreed. Nothing is better as a kid than growing up in a neighborhood with a ton of kids


That's why I live in a my HOA neighborhood.  There are dozens of kids in the same age group as mine.  I like this house, but I bought it for the kids, not for me.  

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Lol unless your kids don't get along with the other yuppis kids like mine. I should have moved to the country an not a Mcneighborhood. Hope you fit in better then I do in your new home. Congrats


My neighborhood was a little boring when we moved in, but it's better now.  I kinda took over our lame block party and turned it into a drunkfest.  I even got neighbors on board with my chili cookoff.  I may have pissed off a few of the more uppity ones, but that's their problem. 


Now, front yard beer drinking is regular occurrence in my neighborhood. 

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I need to learn to make friends with my neighbors. I'm pretty much a I'll wave hello and be friendly but I don't know a single on of their names. I also think the youngest ones are in their 40's so they probably think I'm some young punk kid who was gifted a nice house in a nice neighborhood

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We looked at a slightly smaller house 2 miles away in a HOA neighborhood.  It was a nicer area with a community pool, and I still was definitively in the "no" column.  HOA's are miserable IMHO.  I would have had to jump through so many hoops just to put up a fence to keep my dogs in the yard...


The google street-view of my house shows a Cozy Coup on the tree lawn of our neighbor's house, and while we were driving through, I saw plenty of kids riding bikes around.  I can be friendly toward almost anyone.  I can actually be friends with people who are annoyed by the same shit as me!


with any luck, we'll have kids old enough to babysit around too...

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Home inspection went well.  None of the things i was concerned about seemed to make the inspector nervous.


That said, he didn't like several things in the electrical system:


- need circuit interrupting outlets near sinks and in bathrooms.   No big deal.  I can do that.

- our breaker box has an extra item (i'm guessing garbage disposal) wired into the breaker for the dish washer. Not something I'm worried about.

- the breaker box itself is full.  Can't add a hot-tub without buying a larger (completely new) box.  I'll live.  I'm aware.  It's an expense i can plan for if we want to add something

- There is a 10 gauge wire going into a 20 amp breaker.  The inspector (who is not an electrician) says that wire is too small.

- There is an extension cord running from an outlet in the basement, over the wall of the foundation to the exterior of the home, under the deck.  Basically it appears that someone is using an extension cord as a permanent source of power, which is not recommended.  I am speculating that this powers the 4 outlets in the 3-season room on the deck.  None of those outlets work...

- also, the ceiling fan in the family room is wired with lamp wire, and not properly done.  the wiring itself is exposed (although well hidden), and probably not completely safe with a 19 month old walking around.


So does anyone know an electrician in Strongsville, or around that area?  We may make it the seller's problem to fix this stuff, or try to get a grand or so knocked off the purchase price.

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I can give you the name/number of a guy I know who did my home repair if you want.


I'm not sure if he does electrical or not, TBH, but if he doesn't, I bet he knows someone that does.  


His name is Steve Scherl.  I'll just send a pic of his card.  He was a REALLY nice guy, and was VERY prompt about estimates, communication, etc.  Did a great job and was on-time.  




I had water get behind the tiles in my bathroom and it eventually found its way downstairs to the condo below me.  The owner of the unit was renting it, and has known Steve for years and used him for lots of things on lots of properties.  So Steve got called for downstairs, and ended up doing my repair, too.  I mean, everyone needs "a guy," right?  So now I got a guy.  Like I said, very nice, easy to work with, clearly very skilled.  But not sure if he does electrical.  Text him or give him a call, can't hurt.


Pic of business card attached.


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  • 1 month later...

Got the keys last night.  Moved a load of stuff into the garage.  Neighbor was out back drinking beers by a fire and stopped to introduce himself.  Ed is probably in his 70's.  Told me any time the fire is going, we're welcome to come hang out with him and his wife.   Then he went back inside and came back to my dad and me with home brew. 


I like Ed.


Actually my verbatim response to him was, "Home brew?  Do you have a motorcycle in the garage too?"  He said "not anymore."  :(  But at least he's friendly and social.  Gave me the scoop on the neighborhood and the neighbors.  I live between Ed (and wife) and a bachelor with a 2600 square foot house.  Hoping he's got some toys.   Then on the other side of Ed is a home that's essentially vacant.  Widow who lives with her boyfriend, but hasn't sold her house.  Other side of the bachelor is a couple with a 16 yr old daughter and a 12 yr old son.  Local babysitter.  jackpot.


I'll let that simmer and just sit back and wait for the inappropriate comments about the 16 yr old... 

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Too soon?

Also, if I've got the right house in mind, MrDemjanjuk's home backed up against a K-Mart parking lot in seven hills.

Kmart faces Broadview, backside is the park on Orchardview. No houses border Kmart.I live on the southside of Orchardview. He lived on the northside of Meadowlane, next street south.

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Behind the Wendy's that's now a Mexican joint, right? There is or was a car wash there I think. Between McCreary and Broadview?

I didn't know there was another street behind there, or that you were so close by. Small world.

Edited by redkow97
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Behind the Wendy's that's now a Mexican joint, right? There is or was a car wash there I think. Between McCreary and Broadview?

I didn't know there was another street behind there, or that you were so close by. Small world.


Yep, that light by Wendy's/Mexican place is Orchardview....that is my street and yes between McCeary and BV.  Next street south down BV by PNC is his.

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I was pretty young when people were protesting and picketing in front of his house, but i remember him having snow fencing up around the boarder of his lawn.  My teenage memories of eating at the Wendy's are much more vivid than any notion of the Nazi...  I confess I have not eaten at the Mexican joint, but a friend of mine lives near there, and he ends up there pretty much every Sunday evening in the Summer.   Decent margarita deal, from what I hear.

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I was pretty young when people were protesting and picketing in front of his house, but i remember him having snow fencing up around the boarder of his lawn.  My teenage memories of eating at the Wendy's are much more vivid than any notion of the Nazi...  I confess I have not eaten at the Mexican joint, but a friend of mine lives near there, and he ends up there pretty much every Sunday evening in the Summer.   Decent margarita deal, from what I hear.

I've been there twice and its pretty much exactly the same as Cozumel except the menu is like twice as big

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Well, we are moved.   Not unpacked, but moved.  To make this mildly MC related, I nearly lost the Suzuki transporting it to the new house.  My sign-post "outrigger" started to flex waaaaaaaaaaay more than I ever anticipated, and the first left turn caused it to lean over to the point that the bar nearly touched the tank on the Honda next to it.


I think I just need to secure the sign-post closer to the edge/corner of the trailer, rather than relying on the inward-mounted eye-bolts to carry that full load.  It's never been an issue with lighter bikes, and I have always had the Suzuki centered-up on the trailer, eliminating the need to use the 'outriggers.'


Anyway, all our stuff made it to the 'new' house on Saturday before 6:00.  I returned the truck an hour early.   Sunday was spent fixing all the shit the previous owners completely ignored.  It's quite clear that they were lazy.  It's also clear that they had a lawn service that they paid to mow, edge, and do literally nothing else.  There were large downed branches stacked in the flowerbeds (which are not mulched, and completely overgrown), and there was a portion of the fence that needed repair.  I spent about 3 hours just cutting down small trees that may as well have been weeds, and fixing things that would never have been left broken in the first place if it were my house...


So the fence is mended. It's a little rough-looking, because my heroic fix involved scrap wood and leftover lag bolts, but it's solid.  Only casualty was my right index finger.  I stupidly grabbed a nail that I had just cut through with the dremel and burned the shit out of my finger.

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