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PC issues question


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Sometime in the last couple of weeks a bunch of files on my PC changed a little, the wording of the file turned blue BUT not all files in the folders changed, only some changed to blue other stayed black, there does not seem to be any reason or pattern, there are old files, new files, files saved on the same day, all kinds of file types, doc's pics etc some black & some blue.

It does not seem to have any effect on the files but thats not the point, I dont know why some changed & some did not.

Anyone have any idea's?


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Why does Explorer display some files in blue color and some in green?

Windows supports file/folder color coding for easy identification for the user. The encrypted are displayed in green color and the compressed NTFS files are displayed in blue. To turn on/off this feature, use the following steps:


To display compressed files in color:

  • Double-click Folder Options in Control Panel.
  • Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  • Click Appearance and Themes, and then click Folder Options.
  • On the View tab, click to select the Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color check box.

To disable the option, uncheck Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color check box.

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