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It finally happened to me...


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Earlier tonight, I had my first motorcycle accident in almost 20 years of riding. I had fallen down once or twice, but never hit. Well suffice it to say, my cherry (and a couple other things) have been busted. What makes it frustrating was that I was hit by some rookie biker who had his little cruiser less than a week. Here are the basics:

I was riding on the 35 mph 2 lane road that my subdivision is connected to. I was on thr left side of my lane and went to make the right off of the road onto my SD side street and the guy behind me tried to pass me on the right as I slowed to make the turn. Mind you, the only way you can turn is right. Turn left, and you'll end up in a nursery's field. I had signaled, braked, and was leaning into the turn when he T-boned me. The bike lowsided, but it pitched me off in front of both bikes, of which mine caught up with me. At the scene, the guy said nothing, just stood around in disbelief. Thankfully, the folks who's yard I slid through the intersection into were in their driveway and called 911. And within moments, several witnesses were there all saying (or asking) the same thing..."Did this guy actually do that?!"

My right side took all the damage on both me and the RC, save for a sprained left thumb. My right knee is sprained, but not too bad really. The worst damage is a broken right hand and possible damage to my wrist. (And yes, I am right handed.) I go see the ortho surgeon later today, and I have my x-rays on CD. But thanks to being shod in my armored leather, brand F*CKING new Oxtars, lid and SP-1s, I am relatively okay. I will be good to ride again. I feel like I was hit by a bus, not a bike, but the vicodin helps with that.

The Mrs. stayed at the scene after the ambulance took me off, and her dad talked with the traffic CSI guys. The other rider (some greenhorn foreign guy) actually told the cops, "He hit me when I tried to pass him on the right!" He was cited, and apparently insured, but continued to argue with the cops that I turned into him. The cop eventually told him you don't get it, and quit arguing before they do more. I will know more when I get my copy of the PR this afternoon.

The Mrs. happened to have our digital camera with her (and unfortunately our kids) and took tons of pics of the bike and the scene. I will post them as soon as we get them downloaded.

Compared to a lot of guys, my accident is small time. I know I got off light for the most part. But were it not for my boots and CE armor in my sleeves, my right arem would have been shattered, along with my ankle. I am known to be the anal gear guy in my group...and thanks to being such, will continue to be once I get back on the bike. It was the difference between coming home from the hospital after a few hours and a few hours of emergency surgery.

Thanks for lending an ear, and I will update things as they progress.

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Glad you're OK dude! I know a couple acquaintances who T-boned each other a few years ago........and weren't so lucky. :( Glad you were!

Sounds like it's a good thing you had witnesses, since this guy obviously has no clue what he did

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Glad you're OK! What a freakin' sight that must've been - that dumbass coming right at you and nailing you...good lord.

Glad too that you had your gear - you can only do so much on your bike and there will always be things that can happen totally outside of the realm of the riders control. Gear helps to deal with that!

Get better quick!

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Glad you're OK. From having been there...I can say first hand that gear is a necessity. Without it, you would have been road rashed and banged up all to hell.

That 'hit by a bus' feeling will go away soon. You don't feel it at first (adrenaline) but when it kicks in...ouch.

Be sure to hire a lawyer and get what's coming to you. Also be aware that once your insurance company finds out you've been in an accident, or what they 'think' is an accident, they will want to go after the other rider. Annnnnd if you've already settled with the other rider, they will come after you to get reimbursed.

Good luck.

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Good to hear your none the worse for wear (all in all), glad it wasn't worse.

Where exactly did it happen? The only nursery around here that I can think of is off Rt 83 as you're heading towards Avon.

I live off of 83, just north of Ctr Ridge. (Mildred Dr.) I wa hit turning onto Mildred while on 83.

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Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. It sincerely means a lot, especially being a newb around here.

Update on the wrist: Broke two metacarpals and the bone that extends from the base of the ring finger to my right wrist. Nothing requires surgery, so 6-8 weeks and I am good!

The police report won't be available until tomorrow, but I am getting ducks in a row for a fight. If this guy did something this dumb on the street, he probably isn't any smarter about his insurance.

Will get the bike pics up as soon as I can 'shop them down to something small enough for the post.

Healing well and spirits are high. I am very lucky and things could have been much worse.:safemotorcycle:

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