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Religion of Peace?


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As far as labels go, if you actually hate all Muslims because they are Muslim, then yeah, you're definitely a racist, bigot, islamaphobe, whatever. I think most of you arent quite there yet though... but with some of the rhetoric, you're starting down that slope. You're at the "hmm I mean... Jews kinda irk me, I wonder if life would be better in Germany without them around?" stage.

Honestly, if Modern day Islam was fundamentally violent, we would be seriously fucked. There are soooo many Muslims in the world, if they all upheld isis-y beliefs, all you pale skin round eyes would be burning in a cage or losing your heads.

I'm not going to sit here and play dumb to the clearly higher number of extremist Islamists involved in isis and other like groups. There are many. But for every 1 America/whitey hating Aladdin, there are 1000 perfectly nice neighborly down right Mormon-y peacefully devout Muslim. Do I think that overwhelming majority could do more to oust the extremist legions? Sure. Does modern day Islam prescribe to some of the more metal portions of the Quran you're quoting? No way, you filthy racist piece of human garbage. I mean, you reactionary simpleton. I mean, maybe you're just mistaken and taking the rhetoric a little far. Yeah... that last one.

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As far as labels go, if you actually hate all Muslims because they are Muslim, then yeah, you're definitely a racist, bigot, islamaphobe, whatever. I think most of you arent quite there yet though... but with some of the rhetoric, you're starting down that slope. You're at the "hmm I mean... Jews kinda irk me, I wonder if life would be better in Germany without them around?" stage.

Honestly, if Modern day Islam was fundamentally violent, we would be seriously fucked. There are soooo many Muslims in the world, if they all upheld isis-y beliefs, all you pale skin round eyes would be burning in a cage or losing your heads.

I'm not going to sit here and play dumb to the clearly higher number of extremist Islamists involved in isis and other like groups. There are many. But for every 1 America/whitey hating Aladdin, there are 1000 perfectly nice neighborly down right Mormon-y peacefully devout Muslim. Do I think that overwhelming majority could do more to oust the extremist legions? Sure. Does modern day Islam prescribe to some of the more metal portions of the Quran you're quoting? No way, you filthy racist piece of human garbage. I mean, you reactionary simpleton. I mean, maybe you're just mistaken and taking the rhetoric a little far. Yeah... that last one.



I am not going to dissect your whole post, but I am going to disagree with you.


I am not concerned with all Muslims.  At the moment I am concerned with ISIS.  They (not me) claim that they are following Muhammed.  The pieces I quoted are fundamental to ISIS' tactics (feel free to do your own research)  The path they are going down is a dangerous one.  They have been successful at recruiting moderate Muslims to join their cause.  


I disagree with their politics, which has the same goals as their religion.  Their ideology is not something that I will pretend to agree with for even a second.   

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I am not going to dissect your whole post, but I am going to disagree with you.

I am not concerned with all Muslims. At the moment I am concerned with ISIS. They (not me) claim that they are following Muhammed. The pieces I quoted are fundamental to ISIS' tactics (feel free to do your own research) The path they are going down is a dangerous one. They have been successful at recruiting moderate Muslims to join their cause.

I disagree with their politics, which has the same goals as their religion. Their ideology is not something that I will pretend to agree with for even a second.

As long as we're drawing the line between isis (and their ilk) and Muslims in general, we don't disagree at all. The rest of the details, I don't care. Some in this thread and others seem to portray all Muslims as adhering to the violent jihad requirements and that's just plainly stupidly clearly wrong. I hope I conveyed that. If you disagree with that, then we do disagree. Then we can have fun.

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 Do I think that overwhelming majority could do more to oust the extremist legions? 


This is an interesting point that shouldn't be glossed over.  There are more layers than just extremist vs non extremist.  Within non extremists they are  sympathizers.  How many?  It's impossible to know, they don't exactly advertise.  Consider this example...


Pakistan is over 95% Muslim.  Officially, the Pakastani gov't and military were opposed to Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.  Remember, they were even helping in the hunt for Bin Laden.  But fast forward and where was he found?  Abbottabad.  The military neighborhood where the upper echelon of Pakistani military officers live that borders the Pakistan Military Academy, their equivalent of West Point.


I don't consider the Pakastani military to be an extremist group, but I don't think they are strongly opposed to them either.  Why?  You are welcome to speculate.


How do you think Bin Laden came to have a safe house in the middle of the military brass that were looking for him?  There were several theories...


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Four of those are Japanese attacks. One was German. But one German sabotage by submarine drop was left out... so two.


edit: Found multiple German sabotage attempts. There were more than I though.

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Four of those are Japanese attacks. One was German. But one German sabotage by submarine drop was left out... so two.

The claim was the Germans NEVER attacked American soil. Did they attack American soil? Yes or no.

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The claim was the Germans NEVER attacked American soil. Did they attack American soil? Yes or no.

Correct. No, the sabotage teams were never able to mount an attack on anything, and I'm not finding any cases of German submarines shelling the shoreline like the Japanese did. And of course, no aircraft ever got over here.


And yes, the Japanese managed to attack US soil many times. The Germans lacked interest or method or both. They may have been under orders not to. For fear of bringing the US into the war.


Now that is only world war two. In world war one, German submarines did shell American towns from offshore. But it was very limited.

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I have a related follow up question. How many times has ISIS attacked US soil?

Only once, I guess. That thing down in Texas at the cartoon display. They didn't make it very far with their rifles, a security guard killed them both with his sidearm when they got out of the car. The gunmen were no longer able to speak for themselves, and ISIS claimed the attack. Subsequent investigation appeared to support.


edit: hrmmm, the recruiter station attack and the Boston marathon attack are possibles. Seems like info is hard to find in US sources, the British say a bit more about it. US government claims over 60 foiled ISIS attempts without explaination.


edit again: Among the more than 70 arrested in the US, the ones that were immigrants were from places like Bosnia, Kenya, Yemen, Somalia, Cuba. One US citizen was US National Guard, and one was US Air Force. Others are just stupid kids. ISIS was added to the US terrorist list in April 2014.

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You'll have to admit that the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post don't pull their punchs with the news:

Islamic State presence in the U.S. 'the new normal,' FBI director says
New York City Police Commissioner William J. Bratton says that more than 20 terrorist plots have been foiled in the city since the 2001 attacks and that the city is the nation's No. 1 terrorism target.


Comey has said that as many as 900 investigations are underway into suspected terrorist-related plots, and officials say the majority involve Islamic State.
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Found a 2006 Pew survey of British and French Muslims.



2006 Survey says:

15 percent of French and British Muslims agreed that violence against civilians was justified to protect Islam

Another 9 percent in the U.K. and 19 percent in France said that violence against civilians could be justified “rarely.”

About half of French and British Muslims denied that Arabs had carried out the 9/11 attacks


Another survey that same year:

a survey of British Muslims found that almost one-quarter believed the 7/7 terrorist attacks on the London transit system had been justified because of Britain’s participation in the war on terror


10 years later:

A decade later, a slightly larger proportion (27%) said they had sympathy for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks - Some believed the Jewish carried out the attacks.


what I get out of this is that roughly one out of four believe that combat against non-combatants (terror) is ok

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