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Nelson Ledges


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Just heard from a pretty reliable source that the infamous Nelson Ledges Road Course has been sold to a Ferrari dealership. Rumor also has it that they're planning to repave it. But also that it might not be open to the public anymore. 


Not sure if I should be happy that a deal finally went through and someone might save the place, or sad that they might make it a "members only" car track for those with expensive exotics?


Right now it's just a rumor, but sure we'll hear more in the coming months. 

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Wouldn't be surprised if it sold considering the owner died a few weeks ago. I hope they don't make it members only though.


That would seem to make sense then. From what I heard his kids wanted nothing to do with the place so they probably sold it at a reasonable price instead of the millions he wanted. 

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Just heard from a pretty reliable source that the infamous Nelson Ledges Road Course has been sold to a Ferrari dealership. Rumor also has it that they're planning to repave it. But also that it might not be open to the public anymore. 


Not sure if I should be happy that a deal finally went through and someone might save the place, or sad that they might make it a "members only" car track for those with expensive exotics?


Right now it's just a rumor, but sure we'll hear more in the coming months. 


I'm hesitant to run with this rumor, but assuming it's accurate, I would still find it hard to believe that a Ferrari dealership has the juice to purchase and repave the track.  I would imagine their primary use for it would be for test drives and then use it as a playground for people who actually make a purchase.  "1 year of free membership to our exclusive track club."


It would probably be a good way to sell some cars, but it doesn't seem like a cost-effective measure unless the track is generating some income beyond just boosting sales.  


So do i see it going "private?"  Not completely.  Will a car dealership/club jack up prices and book all the weekend dates?  That's more likely.  I would still expect to be able to work something out for weekday track days, but yeah, Todd might be left out in the cold for weekend dates - unless the car guys are cool and find bikes amusing. 

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Maybe they can create a kart track inside for the kids of Ferrari owners!   :)


that would be amazing.  And it might actually make some money. 


I am not going to pretend that I know all the costs associated with insurance, etc., but a kart track is really just a scaled-down race track with lower speeds, and less maintenance...  I think you have to maintain a rental fleet to make money, but if you aren't insistent upon making them all look like miniature Ferraris, they wouldn't be oppressively expensive.

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I'm hesitant to run with this rumor, but assuming it's accurate, I would still find it hard to believe that a Ferrari dealership has the juice to purchase and repave the track.


I'm hesitant to believe it too. The only reason I posted was hoping to see if someone knew any more than I did. 


My boss text me about this last night, said he heard it from a few car people he was with. Doesn't make it any more or less true, still just a rumor. But it's winter and I'm bored, so why not talk about rumors about race tracks?

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I told Darryl Lane(the family that ran the track since the 60's)about the passing of Mr. Drucker.

He said that he'd be surprised if the family sells the track.


any particular reason why? 


I have always been led to believe that it has been for sale for a decade now, they're just asking more than it's worth, OR their price is reasonable, but the new owners were going to get piped by the EPA due to all the tires, which make the otherwise reasonable asking price completely impractical.


I don't know what the land market is like in Garrettsville, but they may be sitting on it to sell it for development at some point.

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I don't think there is a development market in Garrettsville. 


I've also always heard the price/EPA rumors which makes me think that it would be worthless even as a development property. Who's going to buy land that the first thing you need to do is tear out a few million tires, a bunch of crappy old buildings, and a 2 mile road? Estimate at least $1/tire to remove those, and you see why it quickly becomes unrealistic. 

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Step up to the plate and give Todd a call.  If he wont give you a straight answer, offer him a ZJ from Kevin.  I'm sure Kevin will at least be able to get "Something out of him" :)

Edited by RonStopable
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