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Cop pepper sprays large group of motorcyclists on highway in TX


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Lol, the bikers were driving like maniacs on the freeway endangering everyone around them and then complain when the cops put them in danger.

God I hate hypocrites.

Edited by Tonik
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4 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Lol, the bikers were driving like maniacs on the freeway endangering everyone around them and then complain when the cops put them in danger.

God I hate hypocrites.

Cops had reports of bikers misbehaving, but didn't witness anything. How many times do you think we've had cops called on us? I'd be pissed as hell if a cop pepper sprayed me while I was riding past down the highway. 

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6 minutes ago, Casper said:

Cops had reports of bikers misbehaving, but didn't witness anything. How many times do you think we've had cops called on us? I'd be pissed as hell if a cop pepper sprayed me while I was riding past down the highway. 

Cops had multiple 911 calls Casper. You would be entitled to be pissed, but you would still be a hypocrite if you drive like these clowns did and complained about being put in danger when you just sis that to dozens of people. And an asshat for driving like that. These large groups have been tearing up Fort Worth and Dallas freeeways for a couple of years. Their videos are all over the interwebs.

Fuck em, they get no sympathy from me. Cop should be fired but they should be in jail.

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I'm a DOD certified non-lethal weapons instructor, which includes certifying many folks on using OC spray.

I'm not condoning the asshat bikers at all.


That cop should be fired. There is a fine line with LTL's(less than lethals), and what he did crosses it. You can not employ LTL's to the point that they can be lethal. If you do, it follows the same protocol of using his sidearm. Spraying someone with OC while operating a motor vehicle can cause death. So unless the officer can prove that he feared for his life, he's in deep doo-doo.

Edited by wolfeman28
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You can not employ LTL's to the point that they can be lethal. If you do, it follows the same protocol of using his sidearm. Spraying someone with OC while operating a motor vehicle can cause death. So unless the officer can prove that he feared for his life, he's in deep doo-doo.

This. Also reminds me why pointing a laser at a driver or pilot is a major deal - teach your kids to never ever be even tempted.

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10 hours ago, Tonik said:

Cops had multiple 911 calls Casper. You would be entitled to be pissed, but you would still be a hypocrite if you drive like these clowns did and complained about being put in danger when you just sis that to dozens of people. And an asshat for driving like that. These large groups have been tearing up Fort Worth and Dallas freeeways for a couple of years. Their videos are all over the interwebs.

Fuck em, they get no sympathy from me. Cop should be fired but they should be in jail.

Doing wheelies on public roads does not in any way justify the use of OC spray here, man. I completely disagree with you.

People call 911 because they run out of chicken nuggets at the drive-through. Receiving multiple 911 calls is not an invitation to cause a life-threatening pileup; that cop should be in jail right now.

The right thing to do here doesn't involve stepping out into a mass ride on the freeway and trying to blind everyone you see just because they're on a motorcycle. Especially doesn't involve trying to OC spray INTO THE WIND, because he ended up fogging out the car that he had pulled over and macing a pregnant lady that hadn't done a thing wrong.

Officer W. Figueroa needs to catch charges over this. Ridiculous.

Edited by Ryan_c_F
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Just now, Ryan_c_F said:

Doing wheelies on public roads does not in any way justify the use of OC spray here, man. I completely disagree with you.


I clearly said in the part you quoted that the officer should be fired.  What part of that do you completely disagree with?

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" you would still be a hypocrite if you drive like these clowns did and complained about being put in danger when you just sis that to dozens of people"

Absolutely not. Doing a wheelie with traffic clear is not in any way analagous to using a weapon to blind people and send their lungs into coughing spasms.

"Fuck em, they get no sympathy from me. Cop should be fired but they should be in jail."

Last I checked, doing a wheelie doesn't nab you jail time. Thirty unjustified assault charges do, though. The cop should be in jail. The riders should catch a few tickets for reckless op, IF THAT. The pack was riding safely in the video; there's no one speeding or doing wheelies to the best of evidence's availability.


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8 minutes ago, Ryan_c_F said:

Doing wheelies on public roads does not in any way justify the use of OC spray here, man. I completely disagree with you.

I never justified what the cop did, you calling me on something I never even came close to saying is bullshit.

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How can that cop even be sure those are THE bikers the complaints were about?  Even if he knew for sure, his job is to protect, not endanger more.


Sorry to say but in my mind a cop gets paid to both obey and enforce the law.  The other parties in this matter don't.  There is NO excuse for what he did.  NONE.


Also...in regards to the "asshat" bikers....whose judgment of the bikers actions are you basing that on?  How many times have you been riding down the road and someone in a car thinks you are a trouble maker because you ride a bike?  I don't understand some of the "logic" in this thread.

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18 minutes ago, 330racing said:

How can that cop even be sure those are THE bikers the complaints were about?  Even if he knew for sure, his job is to protect, not endanger more.


Sorry to say but in my mind a cop gets paid to both obey and enforce the law.  The other parties in this matter don't.  There is NO excuse for what he did.  NONE.


Also...in regards to the "asshat" bikers....whose judgment of the bikers actions are you basing that on?  How many times have you been riding down the road and someone in a car thinks you are a trouble maker because you ride a bike?  I don't understand some of the "logic" in this thread.

He was sure because there were multiple reports of 200+ bikers on 287. So when he saw 200 bikers on 287 he was sure. But again as I have clearly said, he deserves to be fired.

They are asshat bikers, google the story and read the other news reports on them and what was in the 911 calls.  Then dig a little more and find out that these large groups crankin 100 mph whoolies all over Dallas and Ft. Worth with vehicles following them filming it are very common. It has become a sport down there, with the groups trying to out YouTube each other. Been lots of accidents, injuries of innocent peeps, and run in's with the law.

You can't assume any news report, or anything you see on the interwebs is the complete story.

I stand by my statement that he should be fired and they should be in jail.

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14 minutes ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Good thing you don't write the traffic laws. Going to jail for wheelies? That's bullshit.

Your response is the only bullshit here. I didn't say jail for whoolies.  I said jail for what they were doing.  I really though you were better than to twist words and make up shit. They are riding in huge packs, blocking the whole freeway and driving in an insane manner. We are not talking about your typical spirited riding and basic stunting. This is a whole new game. What they are doing is no different than when a cager tries to run us off the road. Assault with a vehicle is assault. Period.

And they have killed innocent people in cars. Yea, it is time to drop a legal hammer on them.


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Riding in large groups is not against the law.


Blocking traffic is a minor offense.


Wreckless op is not a jailable offense unless someone is injured or killed and then you need EVIDENCE in order to assign GUILT.


You cannot just jail 200 people for what might happen. That's simply not how the Justice system works. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

The only pertinant question in this entire fucking situation is whether or not it is department policy to use peper spray on people who are operating a moving vehicle at the time. Period. Everything else is conjecture and bullshit. If that's their policy, then the cop was doing his job. If it wasn't, he overstepped his authority.

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