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Immigration Day


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What a fucking joke..... get back to work and do the job you get paid to do. You're here illegally. If you don't like it here, fucking go home.

The INS should round them all up and deport their asses.


Shoot em all, save the gas.:beating:

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I'd love to fight in a millennium civil war between these illegals and us legal citizens if it ever comes to it. I go ape shit when I see someone sporting another country's flag here. Let alone trying to seek help in changing the US into Mexico.

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I was surprised at the article. I expected it to be another nonsensical rant on how illegals should all get legal citizenship.

Marches like that should be considered an invasion. An organized movement of citizens of another country who have illegally obtained access to our soil and are making demands of our government. Imprisoning these illegals would be much better use for GITMO than what it's being used for now.

Props to the caller mentioned in the article who said Mexican illegals should be protesting the Mexican government and not the US.

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Right.... Lets shoot a bunch of people who are peacfully protesting. That idea sounds like it would solve our problems.

Well, legally they don't have the right to be protesting. They are not American citizens, therefore the Constitution gives them no right to assemble. Right?

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well wether anyone likes it or not the weath of the american people has been squandered away by our government and our friends south of the border that use government services and send all of their earnings to mexico. I am glad they get paid $2 hr if they got paid $10 an hour that would be even more money pulled from our ecomony.

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Well, legally they don't have the right to be protesting. They are not American citizens, therefore the Constitution gives them no right to assemble. Right?

That is a mostly correct assumption. Many of the constitutional provisions apply to American citizens only. There are some provisions, however, that apply to all persons. That is an historical debate that has been argued by many scholars. The deportation of those who are here illegal is perfectly legal and they are not protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. The execution of those people, however, not only would be against every international law and treaty that the U.S. has currently entered, it would likely lead to "war" that NinjaNick wishes to occur. BTW, for anyone who has any knowlege on international law, international politics, or history... we lose that war.

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That is a mostly correct assumption. Many of the constitutional provisions apply to American citizens only. There are some provisions, however, that apply to all persons. That is an historical debate that has been argued by many scholars. The deportation of those who are here illegal is perfectly legal and they are not protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. The execution of those people, however, not only would be against every international law and treaty that the U.S. has currently entered, it would likely lead to "war" that NinjaNick wishes to occur. BTW, for anyone who has any knowlege on international law, international politics, or history... we lose that war.

I wasn't talking about killing them... just that they don't have a right to assemble and protest, even if it is peaceful.

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I wasn't talking about killing them... just that they don't have a right to assemble and protest, even if it is peaceful.

I know you didn't. I was quoting Max Power. I agree with you that if they are illegals, they should have to go. If they want to protest U.S. policy, they need to go to the U.S. Assembly in Mexico and protest there. Or overthrow their own corrupt government to make things better over there.

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I know you didn't. I was quoting Max Power. I agree with you that if they are illegals, they should have to go. If they want to protest U.S. policy, they need to go to the U.S. Assembly in Mexico and protest there. Or overthrow their own corrupt government to make things better over there.

That's better. Oh and "cleaner" I didn't meantion anything about killing. If it came to a war I will fight against them if needed. You will probably fight for them if needed? :dunno: That was just my hypothetical statement. I know you being a lawyer you have all the answers, but sometimes what's written isn't always the right way/thing. ;)

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You will probably fight for them if needed? :dunno: That was just my hypothetical statement.

Easy there buddy. I am CURRENTLY protecting and serving my country everyday that I wake up, put my pants on and come to work. So instead of questioning my patriotism, I'd rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. So before you question what I would do to help my country in a "hypothetical" situtaion, you should ask YOURSELF what you're doing to help your country now. Besides make empty promises on forums.

BTW: I know it wasn't you that said you would kill protesters. It was Max Power. I quoted Max Power and no one else regarding that.

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I loved Jack Nickolson in that movie. His quotes from there are the greatest! "You're damn right I ordered that code red!"

Oh and Cleaner, no need to tell me "easy" man. I'm not being pissy with you. I think you took my comment the wrong way. My tone if I could've spoken it would've told you that. ;)

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a few good men is a good movie

Not exactly: "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. " Col. Jessup

Not exactly but you get my point.

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