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Adding another to the stables

Gixxus Christ!

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If you end up flipping it. What kind of money would you expect from a 1982 magna? Just asking because I know guys have asked me in the past what an older bike is worth and I have no clue. I don't know that market like I do sportbikes.

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When I'm done with it mechanically it will perform like new minus mileage. Cosmetically I'll do what I can within reason...if the paint is fucked I'll get it painted. Will it be Honda factory paint? No, but pretty close. It's not worth doing a frame off, nut and bolt restoration but if I flip it  I'd ask between $1500 and $2000 depending on what it needs and what I put into it. In late may/early June it should sell fairly quick at that price. 


Unless I decide I NEED a year one classic 80's muscle cruiser.... Then I'll just keep it...for my collection of overpowered bikes for their time.

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Piece of shit backed out if the deal at the very last minute. Was supposed to trade even up for a pistol. He decided that he needed cash with the deal. This was after I had my father in law arrange to borrow a trailer from his buddy, buy an adaptor for the lights so he could haul it with his  truck etc...


Told the seller not to waste any more of my fucking time.

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I hear horror stories like this from guys at work that use CL a lot.  Douche sellers galore on there.    Seems to be a lot of good deals, just rare to get sellers that are good to deal with.

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12 minutes ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Awesome. A few of my fb friends are also trolling him. While I'm disappointed that the deal fell through I love that I have a circle of friends that are complete dickheads. 

Works out perfect. I'm bored, watching basketball and drinking. I become even more of an asshole the drunker I get!

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"Bike sat for awhile, I have no clue why it doesn't start."

this should have been your first clue you were dealing with a douche bag moron. Should have told him to air up the tires and it would start. Or maybe check the blinker fluid. I'm going to offer him over ask price for that jem! 

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I'm pretty sure that he's had more offers on his bike in the last 12 hours than he's had in the past 12 weeks, and none of them will pan out. I thank everyone who took their time to waste this assholes time like he wasted mine. 


Y'all are the real MVP. Extra beer and gay sex to those who make it to my meat and greet in 2 weeks. Bonus points for bringing this dude's bike.

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LOL I love a happy ending :lol:

I cringe every time I need to deal with CL buyers and sellers.  There ARE some amazing deals to be had, but it's a cracker jack box full of stupid getting to one.

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I don't like dealing with CL idiots either. And if your giving away somthing its even worse. Was giving away a washer dryer last year and couldn't believe the BS I encountered to give somone something for nothing. I ended up posting my adress and sticking it at the road and just said "don't contact me for any reason and I will delete this post when it's gone."

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I enjoy Craigslist as well, bought and sold my fair share of items on there. The bike I currently came from there via a trade for a Raptor quad. I have had my dealings with douche bags, but I also have run into some decent honest people as well. You can usually tell what you're dealing with, but I have been fooled a time or 2. All in all I've had good luck with it.

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