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Hillary Just a Thought.


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10 hours ago, drc32-0 said:

Lol.I spent four years in the military,two years in college and twenty years in construction,there's very little  I haven't heard when it comes to crude b.s.I just expect a little more out of my president than being the lowest life form in a construction trailer.He was in his fifties at the time...pretty pathetic.

Every time I hear Trump talk I am even more proud of voting for Barack Obama twice.Obama is a mental giant compared to any of the silver spooners the republicans have been nominating for the last twenty years.

Sorry man, I disagree, every time that shithead gives a speach he divides the nation even more.

Edited by Gump
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  • 2 weeks later...

There have been many mentions in the news as of recently if republicans supporting Hillary... not very difficult to beat a buffoon like what Trump makes of himself...

They're all politicians in the end. Although Obama is clearly the more intelligent of recent presidents, his military spending topped George W.'s military spending even though Obama wasn't making it a publicized focal point of his time in office. Same wolves, different costume. The one in the sheep's clothing isn't all that he appears but not half bad in many respects. The only difference with Obama is that he did pull off a socialized Healthcare act...the left leaning and right leaning actions don't cancell each other out however, they just add to the confused looks...


Trump on the other hand... wow. I predict USA will be Hiroshima in no time if Trump were elected. He'd have every other nation of the world turning against us if he continues as he has on the election path...

I noticed on my rides through the Hocking area, an immense amount of Trump yard signs. Only ONE sole hillary sign, & it was in front of a school (at least teachers are somewhat sensible and won't elect someone who has to be censored in front of children). 


Deep into SE OH yesterday? Not very many Trump signs, a few Hillary signs. Goes to show the demographic of the Hocking area real estate... rich people are all that can afford it down there anymore. Deeper into SE OH isn't as sought after or high priced of real estate, & maybe people down that way are more morally conscious? Anyhow I found it odd the extreme number of Trump signs around the Klankaster/Hocking area, but general lack of election signs deeper Southeast of there.

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Hillary…Trump…we screwed no matter what.  Used to be kids could settle their differences without guns, social media bullying and all the other crap.  Banks didn’t falsify accounts, everything wasn’t outsourced, and if you were growing up poor you either didn’t know it or did the best you could.

These social and economic problems do not start down on our level.  They’re brought on by those in political power making decisions to benefit themselves and their Party buddies.   They’re all about taking care of their international concerns, controlling us down here (in the real day-to-day world), and doing as they damned well please.  They’re supposed to do what we down here want.

Hillary is a hard-core, political self-serving, nosey me first bigot.  Trump is a greedy businessman.  By his bumbling comments and ideas, he’s proved to me he isn’t much of a politician like we’ve had (Bushes, Clintons, take your pick).  I’m done supporting traditional ass-raping politics.  I want a change that breaks the bureaucrats’ hold, even if I have to suffer.

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I don't agree with anyone 100%. Giving more control back to the states(abortion) at least gives people some notion of having a say or moving.

Being steadfast enough to publicly condemn the ongoing mexico cartels saga(el chappos judge was murdered on the street in the middle of the day this week)( being able to name mexico's leader...), the ease at which any hobo can be a felon deported 4 times and still living among us, and the chicago war isn't a bad thing.

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15 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Self-serving greed? You meant to say, "the most charitable nation in world history", right? 

Right.I'm sure the native Americans,slaves,indentured servents, Chinese,Irish might have different view of our charitable nature.

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Hillary impeached, hmmm. That would be a first, both husband and wife impeached. Remember Bill was impeached for lying to congress. Hillary did the same thing but no charges yet. However it seems she will get a pass on everything unless Trump wins and appoints a special prosecutor or some such thing. Of course the news gets weirder every day so who knows....

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30 minutes ago, Tonik said:

None of us were alive when all that shit happened, so if you want to guilt trip the people responsible for that you need to visit a graveyard. This is the people we are today:


The ripple effects of those massive blunders drc32-0 brought up are still affecting lives to this day... they aren't negated by the amount of charitable giving that Americans do, either.

We're humans, we are erroneous in nature. The world is not likely to be a perfect place anytime soon...

Unfortunately US elections ALWAYS come down to choosing between the lesser of two evils. The third party and underdog candidates may be better, but maybe they just aren't in the spotlight enough to have the muck raked up on them... 

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37 minutes ago, Tonik said:

None of us were alive when all that shit happened, so if you want to guilt trip the people responsible for that you need to visit a graveyard. This is the people we are today:


We are all profiting from their sacrifices.If it helps you by wearing rose colored glasses,by all means enjoy.

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We can either accept the facts, or live blissfully by ignoring them and only facing what is very blatantly clear to one's own eyes without thinking any deeper about the rest of society, & how things came to be the way they are. 

What was that old cliche, "knowing is half the battle?" I can't recall exactly what that pertains to, but it pertains to this fairly well. Those reaping the benefits of the privilege that they are living with, without considering anyone lower than them on the social or economic ladder, and the situations that cause that, are the ones choosing to live in blissful ignorance. Often while pointing the fingers at others calling out their apparent ignorance, which is far too inappropriately blamed on the individuals, but instead, the real cause was far too often brought about by generations oppression, economic hardships, social inequality,  etc.... understanding how and why things are the way they are in this society is very important, but those that have it easy choose to ignore it for the most part. They also far too often are quick to point the finger and shout the L word, accusing people of being a liberal when they are just really looking out for the betterment of humankind as a whole...


I definitely don't typically side with Republicans, NEVER with that fool Trump, but I don't really side with Democrats very much either. They are the lesser of the two evils in my book. I'm not terribly religious either, I do my own thing which I believe to be *usually* the most appropriate way to live a morally just life (hey, we all make mistakes and we're all sinners to some extent or another). I did however find this very amusing:



Edited by Chuck78
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And now we have a straw man argument. No one denied there are problems and inequalities. I only denied I was responsible for what my ancestors did. In fact mine were not even here, they were busy gassing Jews in Europe prior to comming here.

That was pretty fucked up, but that wasn't my fault either.

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2 hours ago, Chuck78 said:

We can either accept the facts, or live blissfully by ignoring them and only facing what is very blatantly clear to one's own eyes without thinking any deeper about the rest of society, & how things came to be the way they are. 

What was that old cliche, "knowing is half the battle?" I can't recall exactly what that pertains to, but it pertains to this fairly well. Those reaping the benefits of the privilege that they are living with, without considering anyone lower than them on the social or economic ladder, and the situations that cause that, are the ones choosing to live in blissful ignorance. Often while pointing the fingers at others calling out their apparent ignorance, which is far too inappropriately blamed on the individuals, but instead, the real cause was far too often brought about by generations oppression, economic hardships, social inequality,  etc.... understanding how and why things are the way they are in this society is very important, but those that have it easy choose to ignore it for the most part. They also far too often are quick to point the finger and shout the L word, accusing people of being a liberal when they are just really looking out for the betterment of humankind as a whole...


I definitely don't typically side with Republicans, NEVER with that fool Trump, but I don't really side with Democrats very much either. They are the lesser of the two evils in my book. I'm not terribly religious either, I do my own thing which I believe to be *usually* the most appropriate way to live a morally just life (hey, we all make mistakes and we're all sinners to some extent or another). I did however find this very amusing:



Outstanding post!Sorry I could only give you 1 positive rep.

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You do know that most governments seem to function for about 200-250 years and then there's change.  Real change.  Sometimes peaceful. Sometimes bloody.  Kings get beheaded or flee to another monarchy, prime ministers resign along with their parliaments, and in our case we overthrew rule by a distant English king (bloody) and established what our forefathers thought would be an enduring government.  Until the industrial age hit, we were isolated from a lot of the bullshit Europe went through.  Which brings us to today where Angela Merkel farts over there and we get a whiff.

How long has the U.S. been around?  We may be due for a shake-up.  Will it be peaceful, or bloody?  Stay tuned...

Edited by Wandering Soul
Can't spell for shit.
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We have mostly Trump/Pence signs in yards around here.  Then you'll see the occasional Hillary sign.........................Hillary for Prison.

So will the inner city uninformed win, or the country fuck uninformed win.....either way, we're screwed.  By the way, I'm a country fuck, but i sure as hell ain't voting for Trump, or Hillary for that matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/7/2016 at 10:50 AM, drc32-0 said:

...and then you will be wishing the Congress would have done their job and gave Obama's Supreme Court nominee a vote.

Don't worry, Congress will do it's job right after Trump is sworn in. At that point you will wish the Dem's had done their job, and nominated a decent candidate.  Seriously, you couldn't even beat a batshit insane guy.

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