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Hillary Just a Thought.


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9 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:


I just realized that Hillary actually had 51% of the popular vote, yet the electoral college totally f'd this one up. What the hell?!?! Government...nit run by the choices of the citizens, only run by the rich predominantly white men in power.  Undeniable. 


Not all states are called MI, AZ (leaning trump)points haven't been added I'm not sure if their popular votes have been tabulated up.

Anyway the electoral college makes sure the best president for the state gets its support instead of bolstering the state's loser up to 49%.

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39 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

A friend just told me this:

"The Canadian immigration site crashed last night because so many Americans were looking at it"


Wife told me Mexican currency dropped drastically in value simultaneously as well...


Congratulations to the 49% of voters who elected this sexist racist jester/bufoon. 

I just realized that Hillary actually had 51% of the popular vote, yet the electoral college totally f'd this one up. What the hell?!?! Government...nit run by the choices of the citizens, only run by the rich predominantly white men in power.  Undeniable. 


Trump is now our poster boy figure head spokes-idiot (spokesperson). Good job USA, you screwed up big time. The Bern should have been opposing the Bufoon. I had hoped I would never see the day come where it was shameful and/or embarrassing to be recognized as a USA citizen. This is truly an embarassment.

The butthurt is strong in this one.

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I'm going to run to the hills on my bikes a lot more this next year... Fuck American politics. This moron in power is going to further the anti-US sentiments that countries in opposition to us already have, which poses a greater risk of another 9/11 happening. Good just Shit-Raker Trump. You just posted the word "bigot" across all of our foreheads...

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6 hours ago, Chuck78 said:


Sit back and let our reputation get further tarnished, I suppose.  The U.S.A. as we know it will never be the great place it was in the early 2000's. We are fucked. The right wing voters have no clue what they have done. Grave mistakes....

Really, what has he done as president that you dislike?

You blame "right wing voters," but the truth is hard line reps and dems tend to stick to party lines and that doesn't change much from election to election.  This difference in this election is that Hillary was not able to carry moderate voters and independents like Obama was able to in 2008 & 2012.  Hillary was not able to capture critical electoral votes that tend to lean toward the democrats.  A stronger democratic candidate should have had no problem carrying WI, PA, IA, or MI for example.  

And really, you look at the early 2000's as the glory days...you mean during George W's presidency?!?!

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2 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

Really, what has he done as president that you dislike?

Well, so far all he has done is drive the market up close to 200 points and gotten Putin to call and say he wants to try and restore normal relations.  Not sure why Chuck doesn't like that but I guess he is entitled to his opinion.

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8 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Well, so far all he has done is drive the market up close to 200 points and gotten Putin to call and say he wants to try and restore normal relations.  Not sure why Chuck doesn't like that but I guess he is entitled to his opinion.

Granted, Russia wants to be besties again because that was the plan all along. Create a new mini-cold war during the final run of the elections in a bid to help whichever candidate is more favorable towards Russia using impending nuclear war as collateral. Putin also hates Hillary for what she did as secretary of state, but I'm sure he sees Trump as the weaker, more easily manipulated option who's being elected helps Russia and their interests in the long run. A more isolationist America means Russia is free to expand its influence over old Soviet Bloc regions/etc. 


I firmly believe that we were more likely to be stuck in the same shitty war quagmire with Hillary as president than we are with Trump. But, at this point, who the hell knows what Trump's foreign policy is going to look like? It all depends on who he appoints as Secretary of State/Secretary of Defense. I don't have high hopes, but hey.

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1 hour ago, Chuck78 said:

A friend just told me this:

"The Canadian immigration site crashed last night because so many Americans were looking at it"


Wife told me Mexican currency dropped drastically in value simultaneously as well...


Congratulations to the 49% of voters who elected this sexist racist jester/bufoon. 

I just realized that Hillary actually had 51% of the popular vote, yet the electoral college totally f'd this one up. What the hell?!?! Government...nit run by the choices of the citizens, only run by the rich predominantly white men in power.  Undeniable. 


Trump is now our poster boy figure head spokes-idiot (spokesperson). Good job USA, you screwed up big time. The Bern should have been opposing the Bufoon. I had hoped I would never see the day come where it was shameful and/or embarrassing to be recognized as a USA citizen. This is truly an embarassment.

You are in full tard mode.

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8 hours ago, Chuck78 said:

Ooohhhhh FUUUCCKKK.... We're doomed. Please let this imbecile get a blow job so we can impeach him before the U.S.A becomes the most hated and most bigoted nation in the world. And before the U.S.A. becomes Hiroshima pt. 2.


I might just have to look into relocation to Vancouver B.C... A country with a bat shit crazy bigoted rich greedy capitalist sexist president is going to go seriously downhill fast... How ebarassing to be a U.S. citizen in this day in history. What a shame. Land of the Free, "Give us your poor, your tired, your weak" is all thrown out the window. Now it's "If you's aint white, get the hell out and don't you dare try in tunnel under are $300,000,000,000,000 wall on the border..."



Sit back and let our reputation get further tarnished, I suppose.  The U.S.A. as we know it will never be the great place it was in the early 2000's. We are fucked. The right wing voters have no clue what they have done. Grave mistakes....

lol,  worst president ever?The guy won't even be in office for two more months. Are you off your meds or something?


Moving to Canada? 


Edited by max power
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I may have to run to Canada.  Not by choice. I spent a good chunk of my morning convincing the stepson that the trucks are not coming tonight to take me and his mum to gay rehab.  In the back of my mind I add, the first we might see them is Feb.  I get the WASPs were feeling marginalized, I been marginalized most my life.  The Baby Boomers want life to go back to being like it was on leave it to beaver, but the fact is, it never was like that.  They forgot that.  And although Trump has waffled on GLBT issues, some.  His butt buddy Pence has a long track record of trying to get rid of the gays.  He has said a few times he will make it his goal to void my marriage, and take my rights away.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hillary either, but she didn't want to lock me up and zap me over and over.  And before you laugh at that.  Look it up, that is what they call "gay conversion".  And Pence tried to use tax dollars to pay for that shit.  

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1 minute ago, Tpoppa said:

When it's 15 below in January, just remember there's a whole big country north of us that wishes it was "only" 15 below...

Yeah but with the F to C to uK conversion rate, 15 below for them is like 60 degrees for us. Pretty much tropics. Also their money has funny names. 

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2 minutes ago, Sapphy said:

I may have to run to Canada.  Not by choice. I spent a good chunk of my morning convincing the stepson that the trucks are not coming tonight to take me and his mum to gay rehab.  In the back of my mind I add, the first we might see them is Feb.  I get the WASPs were feeling marginalized, I been marginalized most my life.  The Baby Boomers want life to go back to being like it was on leave it to beaver, but the fact is, it never was like that.  They forgot that.  And although Trump has waffled on GLBT issues, some.  His butt buddy Pence has a long track record of trying to get rid of the gays.  He has said a few times he will make it his goal to void my marriage, and take my rights away.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hillary either, but she didn't want to lock me up and zap me over and over.  And before you laugh at that.  Look it up, that is what they call "gay conversion".  And Pence tried to use tax dollars to pay for that shit.  

I can respect your position, but I completely reject the notion that voting for Trump was a vote against Mexicans, Muslims, GLBT, women, Martians, etc.

The Clinton campaign tried very hard to make that point.  They were wrong.  They lost.  It's called fear mongering...it works better on some people that others (see some of Chuck 78's posts in this thread for reference).

btw, I didn't support Trump or Clinton, but I do reject that notion.

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1 minute ago, Tpoppa said:

I can respect your position, but I completely reject the notion that voting for Trump was a vote against Mexicans, Muslims, GLBT, women, Martians, etc.

The Clinton campaign tried very hard to make that point.  They were wrong.  They lost.  It's called fear mongering...it works better on some people that others (see some of Chuck 78's posts in this thread for reference).

btw, I didn't support Trump or Clinton, but I do reject that notion.

I hear what you are saying.  To be honest Pence scares me more than Trump in this matter.  And I am not repeating shit the DNC said, as you are right they fear monger as much as the RNC.  What I base my fear on it What Pence has said and his track record.  He has shown lack of backbone.  He caved in after Indiana passed the anti-lgbt law 2 years ago.  I hope I am wrong, but I shall keep my AR close. 

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2 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

I'll have to get a new bumper sticker for church...My president says grab 'em by the pussy.

Is your church to FoxHole on the south end?


Wow I feel old because I remember when that was a church. 

Edited by Sapphy
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3 minutes ago, Sapphy said:

I hear what you are saying.  To be honest Pence scares me more than Trump in this matter.  And I am not repeating shit the DNC said, as you are right they fear monger as much as the RNC.  What I base my fear on it What Pence has said and his track record.  He has shown lack of backbone.  He caved in after Indiana passed the anti-lgbt law 2 years ago.  I hope I am wrong, but I shall keep my AR close. 

Relax, they can't do shit about gay rights without a constitutional amendment now. It's settled Supreme Court law so to speak.  The court doesn't overturn itself even if the balance of power shifts. Which it won't in this case, the conservative court affirmed gay rights.

Same thing with the people freaking out over the 2nd amendment. Had Hillary won nothing would have happened.

Abortion is safe too.

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