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Hillary Just a Thought.


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Watched Hillary's departure speech. Repeatedly referred to the USA as a constitutional democracy. When it's actually a democratic republic. wondered why, so looked it up. It's an alternate way of describing the USA. But... it's technically not the same thing. Some differences in how the constitution is regarded. Easier to change a constitution in a constitutional democracy. Remember it for the future, this will come back to us again sometime. My opinion, is it's an attack on the Bill of Rights. Maybe it's the better way, in 100 to 200 years, but I don't know that now. I see it as a more strict society, with less freedoms, particularly for the minority opinions of citizens. The majority would rule on all issues.

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The thing is that UNITED STATES is a corporation that is in debt and is charging it's employees (tax slaves) too much for crappy insurance.  And the accounting department (Federal reserve) is printing out gift certificates like crazy which makes all the existing gift certificates buy less.  If anyone can turn it around, it's a business man with lots of experience leading companies.

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3 hours ago, Tonik said:

Relax, they can't do shit about gay rights without a constitutional amendment now. It's settled Supreme Court law so to speak.  The court doesn't overturn itself even if the balance of power shifts. Which it won't in this case, the conservative court affirmed gay rights.

Same thing with the people freaking out over the 2nd amendment. Had Hillary won nothing would have happened.

Abortion is safe too.

It's amazing how many people have zero clue how that works. Then again these are the same people that think gas prices are magically controlled by the President too

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i totally get why people are concerned with Pence. My gay cousin lives in Indianapolis and I learned a lot about the whole situation. I thought it was going to sink Trumps chance of having Pence on the ticket. But i truly believe Trump would never let Pence pull some shit. He's too much of a narcissist 

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2 hours ago, ReconRat said:

Watched Hillary's departure speech. Repeatedly referred to the USA as a constitutional democracy. When it's actually a democratic republic. wondered why, so looked it up. It's an alternate way of describing the USA. But... it's technically not the same thing. Some differences in how the constitution is regarded. Easier to change a constitution in a constitutional democracy. Remember it for the future, this will come back to us again sometime. My opinion, is it's an attack on the Bill of Rights. Maybe it's the better way, in 100 to 200 years, but I don't know that now. I see it as a more strict society, with less freedoms, particularly for the minority opinions of citizens. The majority would rule on all issues.

Close, but wrong.  We are a Representative Republic.  There are many differences to all three.

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6 hours ago, what said:

I firmly believe that we were more likely to be stuck in the same shitty war quagmire with Hillary as president than we are with Trump. But, at this point, who the hell knows what Trump's foreign policy is going to look like?

No, we will be stuck in a different/deeper/shittier quagmire with a "leader" who has no clue how to run the country, and is the furthest from a role model as any candidate of our lifetimes...

Don't you recall Trump being questioned about foreign policy many months ago where he clearly and blatantly undeniably lied about his "foreign policy advisor?" The man has no clue about foreign policy.

Good job 47% of the population and the electoral college, you have elected the most unfit president ever.

I'm not "butthurt" as one smart-ass commented, but rather immensely ashamed of sharing the same soil as 47% of these people that call themselves Americans.


At least the democratic candidate has nearly a 1 million vote lead forecasted in the popular vote. Trump couldn't beat the email server scandal candidate in the eyes of the public because luckily his idiocy and incompetence is far worse than the email scandal in the eyes of 1,000,000 voters. That still means that there are a whole lot of moron followers of this fool out there claiming the same nationality as the more sensible (less racist/sexist) half of the country.


What a shame. A president who has to be censored in front of children. How in the world did this happen?

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4 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

When it's 15 below in January, just remember there's a whole big country north of us that wishes it was "only" 15 below...

B.C.... totally different climate. Pacific Northwest.

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7 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

No, we will be stuck in a different/deeper/shittier quagmire with a "leader" who has no clue how to run the country, and is the furthest from a role model as any candidate of our lifetimes...

Don't you recall Trump being questioned about foreign policy many months ago where he clearly and blatantly undeniably lied about his "foreign policy advisor?" The man has no clue about foreign policy.

Good job 47% of the population and the electoral college, you have elected the most unfit president ever.

I'm not "butthurt" as one smart-ass commented, but rather immensely ashamed of sharing the same soil as 47% of these people that call themselves Americans.


At least the democratic candidate has nearly a 1 million vote lead forecasted in the popular vote. Trump couldn't beat the email server scandal candidate in the eyes of the public because luckily his idiocy and incompetence is far worse than the email scandal in the eyes of 1,000,000 voters. That still means that there are a whole lot of moron followers of this fool out there claiming the same nationality as the more sensible (less racist/sexist) half of the country.


What a shame. A president who has to be censored in front of children. How in the world did this happen?

I guess there's no other options for you. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

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4 hours ago, Tpoppa said:

I can respect your position, but I completely reject the notion that voting for Trump was a vote against Mexicans, Muslims, GLBT, women, Martians, etc.

It's called fear mongering...it works better on some people that others (see some of Chuck 78's posts in this thread for reference).

When Trump says he wants to send back every Mexican that he can, treat every Muslim as a potential terrorist and ir deport them, and talks very disrespectful about women, there is no argument left that a vote for Trump is a vote against those demographics.


Have you not been conscious for the past 8 or 10 months???? Trump accused the majority of Mexicans as being rapists, drug dealers, & other miscreants, & " there might be a few good ones after all of the bad ones..."  


Your statement is negated, sir.

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2 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

I guess there's no other options for you. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

The door will hit Trump's fat ass on his way out, thankfully. Too difficult to uproot my extended family and move the B.C., so unless he really sets our country on the road to ruin, the B.C. option is just a fallback plan...

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3 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

The door will hit Trump's fat ass on his way out, thankfully. Too difficult to uproot my extended family and move the B.C., so unless he really sets our country on the road to ruin, the B.C. option is just a fallback plan...

Well if you're that miserable with the current situation, you will find a way to leave this great country. No need to sit on your high horse to talk down on others.

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7 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

"Bigot" isn't on my forehead. You should have that removed. 

It's on every US citizen's forehead now, as nearly half the voting population has chosen this nitwit bigot to represent us all, & the electoral college placed Fuhrer Trump in office as the Prez-Elect.


We are ALL represented by a man who has no problem spewing out racist remarks & talking in a very degrading way about women. 

How on earth can you all support this guy, or at the very least, how can you not to take a stand against him? ALL of you Trump supporters must support sexism and racism then. If you voted for him or support him, then you are automatically saying that those facts are okay. Those are not okay with me. And those should not be okay with anyone calling themselves religious, unless they are okay picking and choosing what they want to believe out of the bible, & ignoring what Jesus would have stood for. In that case they are hypocrites...with poor morals.


Several of you are blind to the moral foundations of all of this as very clearly witnessed through your mockery. This is a damn shame such a douche is our figurehead now. Sexist racist president who has a hard time telling the truth when he gets fired up. Sociopath seems very fitting. At least Hillary's scandal was typical of what pretty much all presidents in recent decades were capable of. Hillary just got caught in the spotlight with hers...

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15 minutes ago, blue03636 said:

That must be some real common core math to get 1million more popular votes for Hillary considering all the poles say 200k with 99% reporting. This discussing on which one should have won is like discussing which turd taste better.

I just read an article less than an hour ago that said 200,000 votes in the lead currently, and mostly democratic leaning states left to report, with a predicted Hillary lead of nearly 1,000,000 votes ahead of Trump after all is tallied.


Very true on the which turd tastes better comment... but... have you ever been around dogs much? Cat turds taste like a heavenly treat to them! Different strokes...


I really don't hate those of you whom I may have offended, but am rather dismayed at people's lack of morals and compassion for humanity 

Edited by Chuck78
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19 minutes ago, Tonik said:

And that is a huge part of why Trump is President. Obama, Hillary and our very own Chuck think they are above us. That we are stupid hicks. That our issues are not worthy of their time. 


Sorry to break the news, but supporting a racist sexist nationalist candidate is pretty anti-human. Not to mention all of the b.s. he has pulled out if his ass when put on the spot, which that just goes to show he was not politician material. Unbelievable that he amassed so much support. 


AND I don't think that Trump lovers are a bunch of backwards hicks, as Trump yard signs are both prevalent in rural areas and rich suburbs...

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36 minutes ago, Chuck78 said:

When Trump says he wants to send back every Mexican that he can, treat every Muslim as a potential terrorist and ir deport them, and talks very disrespectful about women, there is no argument left that a vote for Trump is a vote against those demographics.


Have you not been conscious for the past 8 or 10 months???? Trump accused the majority of Mexicans as being rapists, drug dealers, & other miscreants, & " there might be a few good ones after all of the bad ones..."  


Your statement is negated, sir.

Your opinion vastly exceeds your grasp of the information you are attempting to quote.

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5 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

Your opinion vastly exceeds your grasp of the information you are attempting to quote.

Not so much. The very brief statement of Trump's which I am referencing speaks volumes on it's own. 


I'm going to the shop to rehab a very low mileage 1974 Rickman VR 250 motocross bike.... therapy for my dismay of what I suppose I already knew about the unsettling moral values held by 47% of the voting populous...I had my head in the clouds apparently, too optimistic for a peaceful non-prejudiced USA in our near future.


Anyhow...I freakin' love things with two wheels. Whatever happens is out of our control, the least we can do is do what we love and make the most of it. Learn from mistakes and blunders around us. Ride and forget about politics... G'night OR.

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I needs to find me some of those bible thumping, give me everything for nuthin' rose colored glasses. 

BTW, Pauly that wasn't rain, that was some higher power pissing on all of us for being morons for this entire election cycle. 

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