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Front tooth pulled due to old rear end sandwich accident


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2 years ago... Ironically was on the way to the dentist for a cleaning, stopped in traffic when the not paying attention driver behind didn't stop and knocked the bike and I into the car in front then ran over the back of the bike and my foot.  Spent the day in the ER getting checked out. My only complaint besides the medics missing my vein and giving me a big bruise was a sore front tooth that knocked the front of my helmet  (already root canal-ed and crowned 20 years ago) The next day the dentist said my sore loose tooth hit in an accident looked fine on Xrays. 

Next dentist appointment a year later in another country the xray showed a gap fracture in my tooth and needs pulled to prevent infection.(how it's been connected all this time I don't know). Looking at the original xray there is a faint line where the current fracture is. 


Edited by motocat12
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I feel your pain.  My wisdom teeth needed pulled bad and I kept putting off until I got multiple cavities in them and the Dentist told me to man up and get them pulled.  I finally got it done a few years ago and in literally 10 minutes they had all 4 pulled and I was out the door.  I should have done it sooner! 

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1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

I was under general, it's actually been the least painful proceedure i've had. Just upset by the loss of a tooth/no replacement due to driver,insurance, original dentist screwups.

Might have a shot at the hospital that missed the original hairline.

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That sucks, it's not cheap fixing teeth. Can your insurance go back and charge the other driver for the replacement?


I had a wisdom tooth cut out and removed from the side of my jaw (it was stuck under the jaw bone). I felt everything, the novocain didn't take... Sucked.


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My wife had to have a molar root canal. Instead of going to a specialist she went to a regular dentist. That dentist couldn't hit the main nerve with the Novocain. She also couldn't read an x ray for dick and missed 2 accessory roots. Over the course of 5 visits my wife endured 12 hours of  root canals with no anesthesia. Then the tooth broke in half and she had to get it pulled and get a permanent bridge. 


Careful who you let fiddle around in your mouth.

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