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Cop Pulls Illegal U-Turn and Kills Experienced Motorcyclist - No charges


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20 minutes ago, JustinNck1 said:

I hate to see these things happen, but clearly we are not getting the whole story on either side. Too many factors that cannot/will not be answered. End of the day, a motorcyclist lost his life, which is sad.

That's fair. But if the situation was reversed the guy in the car that pulls out and kills a motorcycle cop is going away forever. 

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 LEO will always cover for each other. Even if the rider had no license, bike wasn't registered, the LEO has a responsibility to follow laws. Period

Hope he never gets another good night of sleep for the rest of his life. 

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IMO the cop is 100% in the wrong (from the information provided), but I did think it was odd that the speed the bike was traveling was not mentioned anywhere. Does it change your opinion of what happened if the bike was over 100 mph? or if it was on the back wheel? I don't think these were factors, but it clearly changes the view of the accident if they were. It's crazy how many bike accidents are caused by u-turns.

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The only reason five cop cars showed up was to

make sure witnesses were forced to leave the scene

so that cops could fabricate the story they wanted told

without some inconvenient facts tainting their version

of what really happened.  Cops are not here to protect

you.  They are only out to protect themselves and to be

third party information collectors at a scene.


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2 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

That's fair. But if the situation was reversed the guy in the car that pulls out and kills a motorcycle cop is going away forever. 

You're ignoring some information, and we don't have other pieces of information that are necessary to make a determination of who was (more) at fault.

1) the motorcycle cop wouldn't be riding without a license, or under suspension.

2) we don't know the rider's speed, or at what distance he was following. 


I'm not here to bash the dead.  It sucks that the guy died (even if he was at fault), and maybe he was obeying the law to-the-letter, but I question how "experienced" this rider was.  All I've seen is a bunch of pics of him with "N" stickers on his S1000R.  His skill level is irrelevant if he really had no part in causing or contributing to the collision, but we don't know if that's the case.  It also wouldn't be the firs time a track rider thought his new skills (real or imaginary) made him hot-shit on the streets, and gave him a false sense of security riding in an unsafe manner.

I nearly killed myself on a fucking EX500 after a few track days... Leaned way over on an entrance ramp, drifted wide, and got into the gravelly shit between the ramp and the highway.  I never left the pavement, but the rear stepped out on me.  It was pure luck that I didn't crash at 75+ with 65mph traffic approaching behind me. 


There are two sides to every story, and the truth usually lies somewhere between them. 

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8 minutes ago, redkow97 said:

You're ignoring some information, and we don't have other pieces of information that are necessary to make a determination of who was (more) at fault.

1) the motorcycle cop wouldn't be riding without a license, or under suspension.

2) we don't know the rider's speed, or at what distance he was following. 


I'm not here to bash the dead.  It sucks that the guy died (even if he was at fault), and maybe he was obeying the law to-the-letter, but I question how "experienced" this rider was.  All I've seen is a bunch of pics of him with "N" stickers on his S1000R.  His skill level is irrelevant if he really had no part in causing or contributing to the collision, but we don't know if that's the case.  It also wouldn't be the firs time a track rider thought his new skills (real or imaginary) made him hot-shit on the streets, and gave him a false sense of security riding in an unsafe manner.

I nearly killed myself on a fucking EX500 after a few track days... Leaned way over on an entrance ramp, drifted wide, and got into the gravelly shit between the ramp and the highway.  I never left the pavement, but the rear stepped out on me.  It was pure luck that I didn't crash at 75+ with 65mph traffic approaching behind me. 


There are two sides to every story, and the truth usually lies somewhere between them. 

I made a statement, I wasnt intentionally ignoring information, simply stating that if situation was reversed, and the cop ended up passing and the civilian lived, the civilian would almost certainly be living out their days in a prison cell. Has nothing to do with license suspensions, following distances, or rider speed. That stuff will only come into play to defend the officer in this case to try to put blame on the rider instead of the officer making a (most likely) illegal u-turn.

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Just now, Kritz said:

I see the OHP making these turns all the time here in Findlay at night.

I had a Metroparks Ranger flip a 3 point turn after I passed him. He went into the bike path and cut off some bicyclists and pedestrians to make it a quick turn around.

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10 minutes ago, Isaac's Papa said:

Stop lying. Get back into line, citizen. 

He pursued. He failed. I wont be riding in the metro parks anymore though. It just tempts me....and I rarely say no to my motorcycle. lol.

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4 hours ago, Al Z. Heimer said:


I wonder what kind of story the cop would have come up with if this would not have been recorded?  

I dunno, but at least the cop got the first aid kit and helped the guy after the fact instead of just shooting him again. His muscle has a really good memory, after all.


I remember seeing this video when it was first released. I've had my finger twitch involuntarily before so I figured this was a good old honest hot lead whoops you're dead mistake.

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