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To the convention in Cleveland? Talking heads on Sunday morning said that they expect instigators to show up. My plan is to mingle till I find them. I don't care which side. You may see me on the news, I'll be the one in the middle of the park the cops are kicking the shit out of.

Let's start a riot!

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Not sure if you're being sarcastic. If you are ignore this, if you're not then please take this advice:

stay the fuck out. people like you are on of the major reasons why the political climate in this country sucks.

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What is the point of inciting bullshit and protesting? Seriously, what good has ever come from a group of protesters. I just don't see the point. Get a fucking job and do something to be part of the solution instead of perpetuating the problem

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15 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

What is the point of inciting bullshit and protesting? Seriously, what good has ever come from a group of protesters.

Off the top of my head....the founding of America,stopping the war in Viet Nam earlier,freeing India from British rule,a giant leap forward in equal rights in for blacks in America....just a few.

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31 minutes ago, Lawrence1 said:

To the convention in Cleveland? Talking heads on Sunday morning said that they expect instigators to show up. My plan is to mingle till I find them. I don't care which side. You may see me on the news, I'll be the one in the middle of the park the cops are kicking the shit out of.

Let's start a riot!

Be sure to wear an Ohio Riders t-shirt.Have fun.

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26 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

Off the top of my head....the founding of America,stopping the war in Viet Nam earlier,freeing India from British rule,a giant leap forward in equal rights in for blacks in America....just a few.

although I disagree, fair enough.

I suppose just the protests I've seen in my lifetime haven't done jack shit but caused even more issues


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would any of you fine gentlemen/women attendees like to rent my beautiful concord home for the week for $50K?  plz let me know, slots are going fast, k thx

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23 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

although I disagree, fair enough.

I suppose just the protests I've seen in my lifetime haven't done jack shit but caused even more issues


I think the "occupy" movement has succeded,at least in part,to bring the issue of income disparity to the national political stage.I would say that movement was a big factor in Bernie Sanders campaign run and still might cause some change.It's still early.  

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9 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

I think the "occupy" movement has succeded,at least in part,to bring the issue of income disparity to the national political stage.I would say that movement was a big factor in Bernie Sanders campaign run and still might cause some change.It's still early.  

In my opinion all that "movement" did was pin point the whiny bitches that need to get a real job and work harder.

But that's just me

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1 minute ago, Bad324 said:

In my opinion all that "movement" did was pin point the whiny bitches that need to get a real job and work harder.

But that's just me

Time will tell.I think that movement,through Sanders influence,might bring some change in the democratic party and to the nation through them.

Enjoy your real job.

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2 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

Time will tell.I think that movement,through Sanders influence,might bring some change in the democratic party and to the nation through them.

Enjoy your real job.

Oh FFS, if you think Hillary is going to be any different than Barry or W you are on crack.

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6 minutes ago, drc32-0 said:

Time will tell.I think that movement,through Sanders influence,might bring some change in the democratic party and to the nation through them.

Enjoy your real job.

Sanders is a joke based on recent events and to me proved his whole gimmick was a sham in my opinion

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5 minutes ago, Tonik said:

Oh FFS, if you think Hillary is going to be any different than Barry or W you are on crack.

I didn't say anything about Hillary and I don't do crack before 6 pm...meth is my morning drug of choice.


4 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

Sanders is a joke based on recent events and to me proved his whole gimmick was a sham in my opinion

You're definitely entitled to your opinion.

Edited by drc32-0
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Sanders was the best of the worst, and that's not saying much. He tends to promise the moon to get what he wants and then only gives you a photo he got from some guy for cheap. 


I voted for him in the primary, if that says anything about what I think of the other two shit heads. 

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1 hour ago, drc32-0 said:

I didn't say anything about Hillary and I don't do crack before 6 pm...meth is my morning drug of choice.

Ok, lets ignore the fact that she will be the leader of the Dem party for at least the next 4 years.

Who in the Dem party do you Hope to bring about this Change?

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I really don't have any individual in mind.Like I said in my previous post it's more of a hope in a movement,not an individual.And it is just a hope.But I do think these protest groups like BLM and Occupy are at least trying to get something done on important matters.It might not work,but at least it's an effort.Issues have gotten a larger audiance because of these groups.Maybe something good will come from it.If we don't address the issues that these people are protesting     good luck solving the problems the media is reporting.

With that said,we probably have too many core problems to overcome.We're doomed!Have a nice day.

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Cleveland is a shit hole to begin with. Throw a bunch of asshat politicians and want to be politicians into the mix and you have all the reason needed to burn it to the ground and wash the ashes into Lake Erie. Maybe the ashes would counteract the algae and make it a nice lake again. 

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14 minutes ago, cmh_sprint said:

Cleveland is a shit hole to begin with. Throw a bunch of asshat politicians and want to be politicians into the mix and you have all the reason needed to burn it to the ground and wash the ashes into Lake Erie. Maybe the ashes would counteract the algae and make it a nice lake again. 

Compared to Columbus that is full of asshat politicians 24/365 a week of them here will be a walk in the park.

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1 hour ago, cmh_sprint said:

Yes, but Columbus has other qualities that overcome those asshats where Cleveland, not so much.. It's the Detroit of Ohio..

Oh now you did it. If @Bad324 see's this his going to school you, like he has multiple times already.

But I wont tell @Bad324. Your slip is secret with me.

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BLM or Occupy's concerns, or any one elses, are not going to be addressed until we riot with them. In the meantime the Dems will use BLM as a wedge issue to get elected. And the R's will use their wedge issues.

And anyone that votes for either party for whatever reason is really the core of the problem.

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Here's where I say again... 240 years ago, half the populations of the colonies, did not want an American constitution, preferring to remain under British rule. Now 240 years later, not much has changed. Half the people are still not happy.

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Sorry cbus couldn't cut it for an event of actual importance. Don't be so salty, baby. OSU football will be on soon enough, you'll get your binky back then. 

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