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In 1964 a bunch of hippies...


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...protested on the Berkeley Campus to end the Universities ban on political speech and activities on Campus.  They kept it up for almost a year, peacefully doing sit in's, smoking weed, you know the usual hippie stuff....and they pulled it off.  They won that right for themselves and every other student across America.

Last night a bunch of fucktard millennials rioted to stop that political free speech on campus.


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1 hour ago, motocat12 said:

In the peaceful way you try to violate other people's civil liberty to free speech



Well, protest is protected speech as well so... If it's peaceful it's not violating anyone's right to speak their mind. 

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I don't consider myself a millennial but I am told I was born right in the middle of that group so on behalf of millennials I would like to formally apologize for my fucktarded generation.  The closest thing to a defense I can summon is blame the baby boomers and gen Xers, they raised us.  

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4 hours ago, Vulcan_Rider said:

I don't consider myself a millennial but I am told I was born right in the middle of that group so on behalf of millennials I would like to formally apologize for my fucktarded generation.  The closest thing to a defense I can summon is blame the baby boomers and gen Xers, they raised us. 

I was born in 84, so there is some debate over which generation I actually belong to...

I experienced the world before the Internet was widely used, I was around before cell phones were common... But these were certainly common after I reached my teenage years.

But you're absolutely right about who is to blame. If gen x or boomers are pissed, then Millennials should've had better parents.

Also, this happens every generation. "Kids these days" is a phrase uttered by every generation about the next.

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6 hours ago, Vulcan_Rider said:

I don't consider myself a millennial but I am told I was born right in the middle of that group so on behalf of millennials I would like to formally apologize for my fucktarded generation.  The closest thing to a defense I can summon is blame the baby boomers and gen Xers, they raised us.  

This. I am 28 years old and am embarrassed to be considered a part of the millennial generation.

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21 minutes ago, magley64 said:

You want better kids, you should've raised better kids. 

He employees a 100 people, is a leader in his industry and is rich as hell, living in LeBrons neighborhood in a paid for 1.2 million house. Pool is almost done, paid cash for that too. The Tesla and Navigator are also paid for 

And he has a heart of gold and will help anyone anytime.He votes and does not riot. And did three tours in the sandbox.

I did a great job.

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I call absolute bullshit on blaming parents. My mom was just alright and my dad was absolutely terrible. They got divorced when I was 9 years old and I turned out just fine and don't think the world owes me shit. I work for what I have

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25 minutes ago, Bad324 said:

I call absolute bullshit on blaming parents. My mom was just alright and my dad was absolutely terrible. They got divorced when I was 9 years old and I turned out just fine and don't think the world owes me shit. I work for what I have

I'll grant you anomalies, great parents can raise a shitty kid, shitty parents can raise a good one, but if your position is that a whole generation is shit, it's the generation raising them that didn't do their job.

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54 minutes ago, magley64 said:

I'll grant you anomalies, great parents can raise a shitty kid, shitty parents can raise a good one, but if your position is that a whole generation is shit, it's the generation raising them that didn't do their job.

Herein lies the problem I have with Millenial being classified as a generation. To me Millenial is more of a group think mindset than an age range.

KONY 2012!!!!!!!!

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47 minutes ago, whaler said:

It's our education system... the left have destroyed a generation.  Participation trophies, not keeping score, everyone is special... the list goes on.

ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, magley64 said:

Well then you're using the term wrong...

or maybe other people are using it wrong...

I don't get offended by much if someone were to ever refer to me as a Millennial then that is a hate crime and punishable by foot in the ass

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Colleges and social media/social justice culture are the main reason for the current state of the millennial generation. They were a small group back between 2006 and 2010 when I went through school (and an art school to boot), but I did notice that there were more and more people involved each year. These are the people that believe in the abolition of the first amendment because nobody should have the right to say things that may offend or hurt another individual. These people want jail time for people that say "offensive" things. They've been asked directly "who defines offensive?" and their response was "we do". 


I did not vote for trump. I am legitimately worried about the next 2 years for this country as one party has almost complete control (which will be complete control once the supreme court is filled) of all branches of government. Checks and balances... might be reinstated after the 2018 midterm elections.




The people out protesting and stirring shit up are by and large not democrats who lost the election, they are the marginalized social organizations who see this as an opportunity to rock the boat. They want to get the two big kids in the yard to fight each other then step over them and take their lunch money. They want this country divided to polar opposites because that's the easiest way for them to further their own goals and get their people into power. "Don't like your 2 options? Well how about 'Social Justice For All And Totally Not Communist Tom' over here, he will save us all."


That's when we'll really have to be worried about a tyrant. 


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