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READ! CR member suggestions!


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Guest FuelforFire
I believe this is all my fault. I sense that no matter how hard I tried, I really just couldn't get to be friends with some of you. I believe that it was my last post which did this site in. So, don't blame Anthony or the other mods, blame me. Sorry everyone.
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Anthony, I really dont think you should close the board. I have met many people that are now close friends through this board (you and Tina included) that I would hate to lose because we would stop hanging out as much.


As said before, I dont know what spurred this, if it was anything recent or just all the shit combined. My only solution is this:


Restart ColumbusRacing. Delete everyone, and make it so you have to re-register. Make the guidlines more strict, include new rules that will be enforced which will lead to less assholes on the board.


Or, keep everyone that is in the Senior Members section, and make everyone else that hasnt had a contribution to the board (not that I have had that much of one) re-register. That will again get rid of a lot of the problem, and will hopefully allow the board to continue on as a really cool thing.


Thik about it...where else can a car guy go to get his local fix of everything car related, and a lot of other shit that isnt related?


I thought that was the point of the board, to have a place for everyone, not biased on what you drive to hang out and have a good time.


I for one have had a great time on this board. Of course, we have all had out problems at one point or another, but for the most part I think everyone has enjoyed it and would hate to see it go.


Anthony, if you feel that you are having too much shit on your plate, get some more admins. That way, you are relieved of some of the bullshit daily problems, and the stress can get passed on to other people.


Anthony, I will back you with your decision, whatever it may be, but I hope that you keep it around. If you need any help, you know how to reach me.


Hope to see you all on the board again soon,


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You know what it is? Some of you guys don't pay attention. We tell people not to do something, whether it's an inappropriate sig pic or whatever, then we have to debate it with you in three different threads, over AIM and over PMs. Then the next clown comes along and does the EXACT same thing you did, and we have to hear from you whining that he's not being treated the way you were, along with the whining from the other guy that he didn't know it was a rule.


Then there are all of the people who don't think that anything should be moderated at all, and hate on us for doing so. Guess what? It's Anthony's board. He picked a group of us to help him set rules and guidelines. If 1500 people don't want to follow them, then we don't have a lot of choices.


Maybe over the next few weeks, the biggest troublemakers will either clean up their act, migrate to Off-Topic.net, or find a social life outside of their computers. Maybe some of the long term members will realize that if they don't get on board with the program and support this site instead of tearing it down, that it will not be here.


We considered wholesale banning of large numbers of members, but felt that it was better to give people an opportunity to look at themselves and make changes, or simply to get the hint and leave.


BTW, no single one of you should flatter yourselves into thinking that you alone were responsible. That's some ego right there. Literally, there are dozens and dozens of members whose attitudes got old. Some are newbies, some are old timers. Some recently got banned, some got strikes, some got threads locked, some got posts edited or deleted, and some haven't broken a single rule, yet still manage to work hard at making this place unpleasant.


Whether you guys like it or not, we ARE going to moderate this board. We ARE going to enforce rules at meet spots. If you don't like that, here is the door. Do not allow it to contact your ass on the way out. I can't speak for the rest of the mods, but I personally don't care who stays or goes, so long as things get straightened up.

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Guest turbojc
WOW! I shure missed out on something. :( I'm not going to comment sence I don't know what the full story is. I hope what ever the out come of this is for the CR and it's friends. smile.gif
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well I think this is a little extreme.... I think there have been pleanty of answers to the problems CR has had. Moving spots and not staying in the same spot EVERY week has been mentioned.. good idea. Oh and there have been stupid people on here since cr started and stupid people usually get ignored. I dont think this should be taken out people who actually use this board to communicate with friends and such. I think this is overoard however much it is trying to help I think it is gay, but the moderartors do what you feel is right.. I JUST THINK you should have put a warning on here before you just shut it down, a lof of people have friends on here who they communicate with and you just shut it down out of no where..ok then ....hope it works out
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I must have missed a post or two to see why this is necessary. If you're having problems with people arguing with mods, then change it to a 1 strike poilcy. 1 warning, then banned. But on the other hand, the mods are people just like I am, they can make errors too. I haven't noticed any trash talking that is out of the ordinary. The keyboard warriors will always be around, whether it's this board on another. As for the leg humpers, yeah that gets old.
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Originally posted by AmysBAD98GT:

well I think this is a little extreme.... I think there have been pleanty of answers to the problems CR has had. Moving spots and not staying in the same spot EVERY week has been mentioned.. good idea. Oh and there have been stupid people on here since cr started and stupid people usually get ignored. I dont think this should be taken out people who actually use this board to communicate with friends and such. I think this is overoard however much it is trying to help I think it is gay, but the moderartors do what you feel is right.. I JUST THINK you should have put a warning on here before you just shut it down, a lof of people have friends on here who they communicate with and you just shut it down out of no where..ok then ....hope it works out

Stupid people are easy to ignore in small numbers.
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I feel that part of the problem could be solved by giving admins banning power. Once enough of the people not following the rules were banned then people will learn to respect the rules or just leave and never come back. I also feel that there should be less emphases on post counts being so important. I have very few post, but i have been a member for a few years now and i cant get into certain things due to that. Just because i dont post much doesnt mean that i dont read topics and talk to people at CR meets. i think that the only post whore issue should be trash talkn and post that do nothing but waste peoples time by being ignorant. Thats just my 2 cents and its proably not worth even that.

+ 1 for taking some sort of action to get this problem solved though

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Guest nevarmore

Since I know tone doesn't travel well in text, I'm just making observations and speaking from experience of 'being in charge' elsewhere. I know I've screwed up just like everyone else, I know I may not be liked, but I know that we all like CR otherwise the board would just die instead of being saved.


Originally posted by AmysBAD98GT:

well I think this is a little extreme.... I think there have been pleanty of answers to the problems CR has had.

The problem isn't that there aren't ideas and proposed solutions. The problem is that its hard for one person to get an idea off the ground. The worst case is someone suggests something and expects one of the mods to implement it. The lesser case is when someone proposes a damn good idea and offers/tries to get it going, but a lot of people shoot it down as being lame or gay. The most recent was the Adopt-A-Higway idea.


From what I see, the mods don't want to have totalitarian control. It ruins the fun and its a lot of work. The caveat is getting even a few Senior Members to come to a collective decision and back the mods up to enforce it. Committee's are just as bad as dictators. Somewhere the balance got fucked up.


The mods and admins do a bang up job around here, but they do it for free and for fun. If it stops being fun, then it becomes a chore. No one likes doing chores for free.

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wow i really dont know what to say. i would have to agree with alot that has been said here so far. i guess that i would fall into the noob section i dont have many posts but i have only got to meet up twice with you all and last fri was great, i met alot of great people. i cant say that our paths would have crossed if not for cr. its a real shame. hope that this can be resolved. hope that the mods and admin read these posts and take the sugestions into concederation. and not to step on any toes but the mods should be more strict on the rules. and i know the mods have lives outside of cr and cant be here all the time. but that is where we should self regulate the posts and not feed into the bs. that is what the intranet thugs want. hopefully this can be resolved. looking forward to seeing those that show up fri.



p.s. anothy sorry that i didnt get back with you about the venders area but im looking at another building and i didnt want to wast your time with the info just yet.

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I think this board needs this. Hopefully when it's back up you would have already found a way and improved the boards to end the drama and rid the "flagrant morons". Honestly, this is the worst board I've ever been to, but, I know there's good people here also and they're from this area and into cars. I think it's cool that I can see what everyone else is into.
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Banning someone doesn't really seem to me like it owuld be an effective deterrent for the everyday forum assclown. unless you are talking IP banning, then that would work. but since I don't know what kind you mean........ just banning someone is not enough, because the person can always just create another account, and be an assclown all over again. I have seen all kinds of this shit happen on numerous forums, and I think what Anthony did was perfectly understandable. This will be sure to grab EVERYONE'S attention, and besides, there is a point when enough is enough. Even if the stupidity has not escalated at all for a while, it doesn't matter, because it has continued. Maintaining this board costs time and money, and as far as I know, not a whole lot of money is being generated to help support it. SO, the money has to be coming out of somebody's pocket. My assumption would be Anthony's. Why should he continue to pay for a bunch of immature assholes to argue about pointless topics, and insult people seeking help, and/or a group of friends. Something has to be done about it.
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Guest 1_slow_600
I think that it would be kinda stupid to shut it down, Because it seems like all the admin's and mod's work there ass's off to make the forum nice and to have new stuff on here. Just to trash it all, But hopefully everything works out. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Eh, guess no one new will be attending your "invite only" meeting spot. Someone make a new non-highschool buddies type board. Be really strict and crap, don't talk about meeting up places to race etc.
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