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change meeting times for weekend stuff


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I'm thinkin maybe we should start meeting at 830 or 9pm on fridays instead of 10 the whole point in meeting that late was , well we all know why anyway with most of that being cutout why not meet a little earlier so people who maybe have to work on saturday can hang out a little longer plus its still kinda light out that early
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Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

I'm thinkin maybe we should start meeting at 830 or 9pm on fridays instead of 10 the whole point in meeting that late was , well we all know why anyway with most of that being cutout why not meet a little earlier so people who maybe have to work on saturday can hang out a little longer plus its still kinda light out that early

Edited: (this one was a little more tough)


I'm thinking maybe we should start meeting at 8:30 or 9:00pm, on Fridays, instead of 10. The whole point in meeting that late was, well, we all know why anyway (with most of that being cutout). Why not meet a little earlier so people, who maybe have to work on Saturday, can hang out a little longer plus it's still kind of light out that early.


[ 30. August 2004, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: C5Doctor ]

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Guest domestic_disturbance
Originally posted by C5Doctor:

Thanks, got it. I can't believe I missed one. So many errors by one person, WOW!

its alright, i think i was the only one that noticed
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