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my new pup


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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

does it pee a lot, a friend of mine has one and he pisses all the time, is it common for the breed?


jallen is that like a dog fighting boxer rescue thing?

She rescues all kinds of dogs. And yeah she rescues some that were used for fighting. If they are messed up mentally from fighting though she has them put down. Most of the dogs she gets are abused in some way or abandoned. She has rescued like 5,500 boxers so far.
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Guest RJ1074
Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

cute dog. funny your use one 4 letter name to be short for another 4 letter name

When you say another name is for short, it usually means it has less sylables (not necissarily less letters) therefore it doesnt take as long to say, graemlins/slap.gif


such a cute pup! teach it some manners and dont lose it tongue.gif


she can play with my pup!



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Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

does it pee a lot, a friend of mine has one and he pisses all the time, is it common for the breed?


jallen is that like a dog fighting boxer rescue thing?

Do you really think people use Boxers to fight?? Yeah they where given there name due to the way they use their front legs in a fight but there has NEVER been a Boxer that has done anything worth talking about in the ring.
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i have 2 55 pounders...one male (picasso, 3yr) and one female (dali, 1yr)...they are the best dogs ever. they are hyper in the young age but they settle out about 3yr old. i will prolly never own another kind of dog. i had a brendle at one time till my ex took her...both the dogs i have now are sable and identicle in size and markings. gentle with kids and love to play with other dogs...kinda skittish towards some big dogs but 99% of the time that are cool. good choice on the doggie.
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Originally posted by nismo:

Do you really think people use Boxers to fight?? Yeah they where given there name due to the way they use their front legs in a fight but there has NEVER been a Boxer that has done anything worth talking about in the ring.

bullshit i have seen some bad mother fuckers...you must not get around much dude. i dont like dogfights but kids i worked with from cleveland had 2 prize fighters one really really really badass pit named knuckles and one male boxer named rocky both made LOTS of money. if you read a little bit on boxers they were originally bred in germany to hunt bears. they were inbred and inbred till they produced to huge under bite to attack and lock on animals they were hunting. they are very mild mannered...but like any dog its how you raise them.
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Guest crankwalk

i dunno about being the best on the earth, i guess thats a matter of opinion -- my rot is the most loyal, loving, yet protective dog on this earth to me, dont wanna get on her bad side either, but i will probably own rots for the rest of my life because of this dog -- but i do not disagree on them being good dogs


cute pup by the way

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