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Fat chick too big for cab *VID*


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Originally posted by 04636Ninja:

ive always wondered this, why come a lot of the people who drive jeeps r like in a damn cult, and they have this illusion that thier jeeps r fast, i just dont get it....

You seem about as bright as your buddy w/ the Silverado. This thread isn't about Jeeps, no one mentioned Jeeps, so either behave or you can be graemlins/banned.gif Either way works for me, but it WILL be one or the other.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

You seem about as bright as your buddy w/ the Silverado. This thread isn't about Jeeps, no one mentioned Jeeps, so either behave or you can be graemlins/banned.gif Either way works for me, but it WILL be one or the other.

thank you Joe.


Get to know me. Meet me in person. Realize my sense of humor (Im fat too). Then read my posts. Thanks.

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Originally posted by yenner:

Get to know me. Meet me in person. Realize my sense of humor (Im fat too). Then read my posts. Thanks.

That's one of the most ridiculous posts I've ever read. But I haven't had time to meet you and understand who you are. Course maybe it's an offroad thing and I'll never understand.
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Wow. I think she's suing for Ho-Ho Money.


It's a good thing there are lawsuits, because you could do ANYTHING to that immobile woman and get away with it. What's she gonna do, CHASE you down?!?


I just hate the victimization mentality of America. She doesn't want to suffer the same fate as her 700lb. father??? She needs to watch her diet and take a few more walks. Go swimming. Lie on the floor and move around. DO SOMETHING. redface.gif

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by zeitgeist57:

I just hate the victimization mentality of America. She doesn't want to suffer the same fate as her 700lb. father??? She needs to watch her diet and take a few more walks. Go swimming. Lie on the floor and move around. DO SOMETHING. redface.gif

why do anything? its all mcdonalds fault anyways because you KNOW she is addicted to big macs and is suing due to them taking away the "biggie size" fries.




do you think hometown buffay(sp) cries when they see her walk in the door or just charge her for 4 people?

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