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I once stopped in the middle on Tuttle Crossing blvd. to let a momma duck and her ducklings across the road. I was just hoping that the people next to me would do the same. Sure enough they did and all the little ducklings made it safely across.

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by The Vette:

That shit pisses me off, Why in the fuck didnt the person who took the pics do anything. Fucking idiots.

Yea duck tastes good and they shit everywhere. The mother and her ducklings should have been fried and baked not photographed.


By and large waterfowl in urban and suburban environments are varmints. The geese by my apartment are just racoons with wings. They're mean, loud, dirty, and will eat anything they can get thier beak around.

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Guest visualpoet
I think the last pic is out of context. Loko at the size of the ducklings, you'd have to poke them through the holes in that grate. I would guess someone saw an opportunity and either PS'ed it or just got lucky on the mother turning around.
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If the baby duckling did fall down the grate, who is to say the guy taking the pic didn't simply pull off the grate and take the babies out??


I do agree w/ geese being nothing more than a flying racoon. They love to hiss and crap everywhere. Ducks on the other hand seem much friendlier, less intrusive, and easier on their surroundings.

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I eat burgers, have a leather interior and wear steel-toe leather boots. I also enjoy blasting the crap out of the damned rabbits that keep eating my Mom's plants.

On the other hand, RATIONAL, ethical treatment of animals is not too much to ask.

And yeah the fucker with the camera had better've TRIED to help, at least.

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by The Vette:

So whenever you have kids and I see that they are about to fall down a well I'll make sure to take a pic of it so that you can remeber them by.

"I love physical comedy so much that I would willingly sacrifice my family for it!" - Peter Griffin


Originally posted by Mensan:

Yeah, fuck birds.

Whatever you do on your own time is your buisness.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

So whenever you have kids and I see that they are about to fall down a well I'll make sure to take a pic of it so that you can remeber them by.

The ducks got saved, relax. Saw the story on the news a while back.


It's nice that Team-vette Commander can take a minute from his busy schedule of Tapping strippers and showing them the door like only team-vette can do to show his sensitive side :D

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by The Ogrish:

The ducks got saved, relax. Saw the story on the news a while back.


It's nice that Team-vette Commander can take a minute from his busy schedule of Tapping strippers and showing them the door like only team-vette can do to show his sensitive side :D

LOL!! Ah, but his seeming altruism is but a thin veil - everyone knows that liking animals = more pussy. :Dtongue.gif
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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:


Whatever you do on your own time is your buisness.

ROFLMAO, that's great.


That's good to hear the ducks are ok, when i first say that I couldn't stop laughing. I still would've helped em though, as long as the mother didn't peck the shit out of me.

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