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Danielle's new photoshoot from this weekend.


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Originally posted by Republicant:

Negativistic?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You might have been looking for pessimistic, champ. graemlins/nonono.gif

Originally posted by doggunracing:

Main Entry: neg·a·tiv·ist·ic

Pronunciation: "neg-&t-iv-'is-tik

Function: adjective

: of, relating to, or characterized by negativism


Source: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Thanks, doggunracing, for making Republicant look like an ass. Saved me the trouble.
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Originally posted by drblake:

She needs to get into doing some pilates or something to tone up a bit. Then get some naked pics. Then sell them to me.

If you have to pay for pics of naked girls for satisfaction, then I think you are the one that needs to do the pilates....
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Originally posted by Venomss:

Hey, what goes around comes around.


He's a dick, and the comment stands.

Man, and to think I thought you were a cool guy. Now you've gone and hurt my feelings by calling me names. I never called you names. Meanie.



Oh yeah, and Sam, Danielle is fucking hot.

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Originally posted by The Vette:

You are a fag..Point made.

And you are sad. Point made, and proven time and time again.

You're trying to sell pictures of your ex girlfreind, did it occur to you she may have a problem with this? Yes, it did occur to you, yet you do it anyways, many would consider that a bit childish, and most legal professionals would call it stupid.

Best of luck, can I get her number from ya?

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Originally posted by Gurkha:

And you are sad. Point made, and proven time and time again.

You're trying to sell pictures of your ex girlfreind, did it occur to you she may have a problem with this? Yes, it did occur to you, yet you do it anyways, many would consider that a bit childish, and most legal professionals would call it stupid.

Best of luck, can I get her number from ya?

This is coming from a guy that drives a thunderbird. Seriously please tell me why I am a sad individual again. Oh I know, its because I dont spend every waking minute jerking off to rally race shows on TV and talk about how sweet it is to rally race. Did you seriously think that we would post pics of her without her knowing. I mean a retard could figure that out. We have made a good sum of money from this and the site has more hits then ever before. As for gettin her number, sorry her number doesnt start with a 1-900 like all the rest of your girlfriends numbers do. I know it sucks knowing that is the only way girls will talk to you... :(
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