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Top Gear episode on the V


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Love that show.



Best part: Stig in an Audi S4 vs Jeremy in a V - the quote: "An American saloon that outhandles european cars? Ha ha ha ha, no way, we'll see..." *later* "Oh. My. God. How in the $%^@* is this possible?". But even so, Top Gear wouldn't be Top Gear talking about an American car, any American car, without a dig on the interior: "I can't put my finger on it *pause* but the interior feels cheap."


You can't put your finger on it because its not you limey bastard, you're just prejudiced. But since its in your contract that you have to make a comment on each and every american car interior on your show regardless or you'll get fired, I forgive you, thats ok I love you anyway Jeremy. Enjoy the car alarm in your GT.


The Stig losing to a 'merikan caw.

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Actually, I really like the V, but it has the same quality interior pieces as the new Grand Prix. That stupid nerf-ball foam and brale-like plastic. It's not terrible, but I do agree that it could be way better. That's my only gripe about the car. ;)
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The "dongs" part cracked me up. Love that show. My car doesn't dong at all those things.


The shifter does suck. Loads better than other cars with the T56 *cough* Cobra *cough*, but its no Acura thats for sure. Nothing a UCC shifter won't cure.


The interior of the V is way better than a Grand Prix. Ugh. Thats insulting. Put down the crack pipe.


And remember, on their "cheap comment", to keep things in perspective - with the exchange rate, that Caddy costs $81,000 to the Brits. Its all relative.


Too bad they didn't get to do a dry weather run on the track, I'm sure its time would have been higher up the board. Even so, it placed, not too shabby. Notice how close it was (wet) to the Noble's (dry) time? I would have laughed out loud had it beat it on a dry run.


And Stig - I'm sure your opinion was formed the moment you ran off the side of the track trying to stick with the V. smile.gif


Nice choice of tunes for the solo run though. graemlins/thumb.gif


Anyway - I love that show. I feel special having gotten the Top Gear bashing.


[ 23. June 2005, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

And Stig - I'm sure your opinion was formed the moment you ran off the side of the track trying to stick with the V. smile.gif

I was trying to make use of Audi's rally proven prowice. graemlins/thumb.gif

In all honnesty, that was probably the funniest Top Gear segment to date. I have a sense of humor about myself and my surroundings, so hearing them go off about American cars and culture is hilarious (Watch the Ford GT segment in Detroit).

For a $45k-50k car, the CTS-V fuckin rocks, end of story. For $81k, its a collosal rip off, of course they'll be hard on it over there. Plus, in their critisizing of it's many perceived flaws, just remember what else they drive on that show. a caddy getting any sort of aclaim from people who've driven what they have driven is means for celebration. Find the segemnt on the new mustang, they absolutely ripped on it, but gave it a good reveiw at the end. Making fun of americans is good laughs overthere,just like making fun of limeys is good laughs over here. Deal with it, and find an atlas. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

The interior of the V is way better than a Grand Prix. Ugh. Thats insulting. Put down the crack pipe.

I'm not trying to be insulting. Most of the materials are the exact same as the 2004+ Grand Prix. Go check one out. Nerf-ball foam door pannels and all. :(
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

I just did - they're not. Pulled up beside one on the lot. Felt its stuff, felt mine. Mmm. Felt mine some more. Yes. Moaned softly. Felt some more. Closed eyes. Felt some more. Got kicked off lot... what?

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