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Modded Xbox For sale


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I have my modded xbox up for sale. It is modded with an xecuter mod chip. And also has a 160 gig hdd upgrade mod in it. If you are unfamiliar with what a modded xbox can do here it is:


It allows you to "back up" games on your hdd. So that if your game gets broken you can still play it right off your hdd with out the disk. with a 160 gig hdd there is no need to worry about running out of space put as many as you want on there. It also allows you to play dvds with out the dvd dongle kit. and with the emulater i have on there you can play any of the 700 Original nintendo games on it as well.


The mods are not all just interior though. I have replaced the casing with a clear orange casing. With LED mods every where. The inside of the controler ports light up blue. The jewel on time of the xbox lights up blue. and the eject button area also lights up blue.


I am looking for around 250 firm comes with four contollers and all hook ups.



AIM=J Zig 06

or just drop me a pm with any question or concerns. Give me your email address for pics

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Originally posted by NoRodStang:

The code which is required to make a Modded xbox boot nonstandard apps is ilelgal but its not a big deal i was just to point out there was busts in Columbus ohio.

I read somewhere that it's not illegal to mod your xbox or run any 3rd party software on a modded xbox. What IS illegal is using burnt games that you don't own the orignal of and Microsoft gets a little upset when someone uses XBox Live with a modded machine. If MS catches you playing with a modded xbox on Live they will ban that machine forever. So you would never be able to get back onto XBox Live with that particular box.
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The code required for the bios is Copyrighted by microsoft unless you run the cromwell bios. Which will only run linux and not unsigned code. Again Executor and the other all use hacked microsoft rom code.
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