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Need help with alarm


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When my car got broken into, the wires to my siren were cut. I tried to just splice the wires back together(red to red, black to black) but as soon as I connect the second wire the siren instantly and constantly sounds, like it would normally if the alarm were going off, except it's very, very quiet. I figured the siren was broken so I got a new one, but the new one is doing the exact same thing. I assumed this would be a pretty simple fix of just putting the wires back together, but now I don't know what the hell is going on. Is there something I'm missing? Any help/tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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its supposed to. It should stop after like 10 seconds.


Also, if it has a looped wire coming off the siren(comes out and goes back in, maybe an inch long) if you clip that, your chirps will be louder.


Also, you obviously have the siren mounted in the wrong place. Who hooked it up for you?

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Originally posted by Petey Wheatstraw:

its supposed to. It should stop after like 10 seconds.

It doesn't stop, it just keeps going and going. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this happening?


Originally posted by Petey Wheatstraw:

Also, you obviously have the siren mounted in the wrong place. Who hooked it up for you?

Mobile Electronics graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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yea i had that happen with an alarm i bought from jegs looked liek a good alarm but as soon as i hooked it up it would do that exact same thing i dont know what was wrong i think it had something to do with a fuse or a crossed wire when they cut it out the prolly made a connection with there tool and poped something just my 50 cent though

ps i ended up giving up on the alarm and took it back

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I went into Mobile Electronics two Wednesdays ago (the 6th) to get it checked out. Turns out the brain is fried. They were going to just pull mine out and put one of theirs in, but they didn't have any in stock. They said they were going to order one that day and it would be in on Monday (the 11th). I called in Monday and got hung up on after being on hold for 15 minutes. I called back the next morning (Tuesday) and was told that it still hadn't come in yet, it should come in tomorow (Wednesday) and I should call on Thursday. Well here it is Thursday, and it's the day off for the guy that I have been dealing with. After being put on hold for another 15 minutes and getting hung up on, I talked to a girl in shipping and receiving who said that it was probably going to take 3 weeks! I'm really starting to get fed up...



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This is suprising, I use to do the computer work for them WAY back in the day. The owner was on eof the most straight forward guys I have ever met and would take the money out of his own pocket to fix something like this to make a customer happy.


I amnot suprized thought that that bairn is fried, a common practice when killing an alarm by car theives is to short the siren wires, that will fry any alarm.

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