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I fixed the original problem, and have run into another... when I hook the subs up to the amp, I can only get one of them to play at a time. If I switch the RCA's then the other sub plays and the one that was playing before does not work. Any ideas here? The only thing I could think of was if my CD player was on mono instead of stereo or if only 1 of the 2 channels in the amp were working. Any other ideas?


[ 07. January 2005, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: American Badass ]

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1 have you checked the system power (usally a blue cable) off of the radio if its bad the amp wiil not turn on


2 make sure thta said wire is on the raido if its an el cheepo (older jvc or the like) it may not have one)


3 if nothing else hook up a rocker switch

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ok here's what happened... i switched out the RCA's and both subs worked for a minute. then i turned the car off and back on again and only one sub worked again. what's goin on here? is something frying my RCA's? let me know what you think.
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You have a ground loop problem, and its' eating your RCA cables I am thinking. Try to get a better ground on the amp. That would be my first guess, beyond that, I am gonna lean to the idea that the female RCA's on the head unit are loosing connection somehow. Are the RCA's on the head unit a pigtail or are they soild mount in the head unit???? Also, is the radio by chance a pullout type, I realize that you might not even know what that is depending on your age, but you will know it is if that's the case. The connector on pullout chassises is known for doing wierd shit like this too.
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Originally posted by desperado:

Also, is the radio by chance a pullout type, I realize that you might not even know what that is depending on your age...



Damn, realizing people on the board who are 18 or younger probably don't know what those are makes me feel old.

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I'm a bit out of it, but here is what it sounds like.


You say when you switch the RCA's around, the other sub will work. Try this:


- Only hook one of the RCA connections up at a time; leave the other one unconnected. If each sub works on one of the RCA's (trying it on each input), but not the other, then it is definately either that RCA cable or the output on the headunit. You can verify by doing this same test again but switch the RCA's around on the head unit.


- If the above proved it to be the output on the head unit (which would be my guess from the description I read), I'd suggest just bridging the amp, running mono, and running off the good RCA output on the head unit. That's the free fix and should sound fine. Of course, check your grounds for the amp, battery, and head unit, but I doubt that's the problem. Why did it work for a minute after swapping cables?? Could be a bad solder joint inside the head unit, and moving it around made a temporary contact until it heated up.


Again, this is all a guess, but would defiantely be what I would look for. For the RCA to burn up, it would literally have to cause significant physical damage to the wires (aka causing it to not pass electrical current though them). I'm betting that's not the case.

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