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I'll go there and ski with whoever. I don't care if they board or ski, as long as they don't use those faggoty ass ski skates. graemlins/gay.gifgraemlins/finger.gif


Getting my MRM pass again this year.


Originally posted by 2.8GLX:

Im down as well, either place is cool, but I've already got my season pass to MRM so i'd prefer MRM.

Only other place close is Snow Trails, broke my toe there last year, fuck that place. graemlins/lol.gif Plus most everyone on here goes to MRM that I know of.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

i tried snowboarding there once, i did alright but i was hurting


should i continue to try to learn to snowboard or is skiing easier?

Yes, skiing is 'easier' at first. The issue is that you can be a horrible skier and get away with it. If you snowboard completely wrong, you will fall on your face, and it will hurt. If you ski completely wrong, you just look like a dumb ass. Granted, you will probably fall more, but just not as much as if you snowboard wrong. That's probably what you experienced the first time. I've talked to alot of people that get turned off to snowboarding because they fell eleventybillion times the first time they went and were sore for three or four days. It's not so much that one is easier than the other, it's just that the learning curve at first is very step and forced with snowboarding. Whereas with skiing, it's easier to go at your own pace at first. Once you get past the initial learning phase, how do I turn, how do I stop, how do I not fall, the crap you learn being cautious on the bunny hill, they are pretty much the same. Just different physical mechanics to make the plank(s) do what you want it to do.


My second time I snowboarded was much easier, granted, I did pick it up by then end of my first time I boarded. It was three or four years between the two though. My second night boarding felt like a good, hard, night of skiing for me. So, once you get the hang of it, it's not nearly as bad.

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Yeah Neo is kinda of right. Snowboarding is frustrating, b/c you fall alot more than if you just started skiing. Pretty much all you need to figure out is how to heel stop, swing you back foot so you are perpendicular with the mountain and lean on you heel. Then pretty much when going down the hill make sure you are not riding on the board flat. You need to be on an edge almost all the time, b/c if you ride flat on the board you can catch a pile of snow and you'll be hurting. Pretty much just learn to stop and learn not to catch edges.
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Originally posted by Jon:

Yeah Neo is kinda of right. Snowboarding is frustrating, b/c you fall alot more than if you just started skiing. Pretty much all you need to figure out is how to heel stop, swing you back foot so you are perpendicular with the mountain and lean on you heel. Then pretty much when going down the hill make sure you are not riding on the board flat. You need to be on an edge almost all the time, b/c if you ride flat on the board you can catch a pile of snow and you'll be hurting. Pretty much just learn to stop and learn not to catch edges.

the whole not riding flat, i learned that pretty hard. the heel stops, i dig in too hard and fly forward. i'm pretty good at the toe side turns and stops. heelside whoops me.
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