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Cruise 3/30


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It's supposed to be nice as hell tomorrow and it just BEGS for a cruise. Unfortunately, I work until 7:00, but would anyone be up for some sort of cruise tomorrow evening/night? I really don't care where to, but combining the fact that it's nice out with the fact that my buddy Brodi (silver 350z) is only in town till Saturday, this would be awesome. Any ideas?
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I'm game.


How about meeting at Hooters at, say, 7:30ish? Then we could cruise to Polaris, and then maybe Sawmill. Or, meet at Polaris, like the Quaker Steak and Lube, and cruise to Hooters. Just thinking of fairly major spots with nice spaces inbetween.

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Anything works for me as long as I'm a part of it. Pizza sounds good, so we might have to cruise that way (which pizza hut?). Doesn't matter where we meat, I just wanna be a part of the weather. If I'm out crusing for 2 or 3 hours, all the better. But a day like tomorrow has been an extremely devastating 4 months in the making.
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I'm down, I'm off at 5:30 and I'm glad the guy with the corolla will be there so I'm not the slowest guy there in my VR, lol. I'll check the post tomorrow night to see where you guys are meeting. count me in for +3
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Something's come up - I probably won't be able to meet you at Hooters, but I would be able to probably meet up with you guys at Polaris, if you cruise up that way.


I'll keep a look out for you around 8ish at Polaris, unless you guys decide to change plans.

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Although, normally, I'd say meet at QS&L, it's a Wednesday, which is Bike Night there, and I noticed that there are bikes amassing there right now. So, there may not be any space at QS&L come 8:00.


In lieu of that, then I'd vote to meet on the side of Target. It's near QS&L, just off Polaris Parkway (off of Lyra Drive), and has plenty of space and lighting.

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Okay, just got in. If you haven't left yet, know that, for some reason, they turned OFF the lights on the side of Target, which are normally on. Obviously, there's a mole on CR that's leaked this very vital information to the management of Target.


EDIT: What I just typed means just about nothing. I guess it's something of an apology for suggesting that we meet at Target.

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