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Double bulbing is annoying


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#1 - Double Bulbing. I hate when in a bracket race I'm double bulbed by my opponent. Its not nice, and I'll back you out.


Double bulbing is when you do your burnout, pull up and light both staging lights before your opponent hasn't even prestaged. On an Autostart tree, as soon as the second guy is staged the tree starts. Doesnt give much time to get the transbrake/rpm ect where they need to be. Don't be that guy!!!


Also, the track i was at had people staged and cars 10 feet behind them ready to run. Sure, it makes for a fast round, but when a transbrake fails it would be ugly.



enough ranting

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Better hurry your ass and get to the beams before the other guy. If you are a slow stager you deserve to be disadvantaged.


I still hate bracket racing though, it's gay.

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Top bulb is sometimes referred to as the courtesy stage bulb.


Proper way to stage is to set your top bulb and wait for your opponent to set his top bulb.


Then whomever sets the bottom bulb last, wins (stage war).

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Courtesy staging says one guy/gal in, then the other in on Pre Stage, then the first one that pre-staged goes in, followed by the second.


No one enforces it and it is hard to police, what if you have a big block blown car with a weak converter? you will endup rolling both beams if you aren't watching what you are doing.


I always pull up to about 2 feet from the beams and wait for the guy/gal burning out (me = slow in my honda). Then pull into pre and wait.

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i've known some places that got sick of people doing it and it was turned into and automatic lose. if you did it you still ran the race, but the guy that did it still lost. i kinda liked it, but i thought it was a cheap way to win
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Who cares if the guy double bulbs or not??


If he pre-staged, then let you pre-stage, he could still stage the 2nd bulb first. Let him double bulb, you prestage, and then stage the second light when you are ready.

Good point. This affords you the opportunity to fuck with the other guy because you now control when the lights drop. Trip the prestage beam and wait....and wait....and wait. Basicaly wait as long as the the staff will let you. this is to fuck with your opponent. While waiting, get ready to launch, do whatever you need to do to get ready, but do it while pre staged. When you're good and ready to go, creep forward into the 2nd beam. By this time, the double bubbler should be sufficiently bored, and hopefully distracted, frustrated, etc, etc.
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Yes, auto start trees have that feature.


Hopefully you are in an automatic, and have double bulbed me. I am gonna let you stand on that converter as long as possible before I get into the beams. Converter = Heat, Heat = burnt trans.

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Originally posted by Nick GT:

Yes, auto start trees have that feature.


Hopefully you are in an automatic, and have double bulbed me. I am gonna let you stand on that converter as long as possible before I get into the beams. Converter = Heat, Heat = burnt trans.

Your theory may work on an in-experienced driver. Most people, if they know what they are doing, do not get on the converter until their first yellow comes on. If you are a delay box car, you mash the gas when you see the first yellow, wait one second, and hold on.


I run Pro/bracket II, most cars are faster than I. I do not need much as far as burnout or prepare time before I stage. Therefore, I usually will let the other driver start his burnout then rollout of it before I begin mine. This prevents him from feeling rushed. Since I am being chased, I do not like to wait long before the tree activates. I will allow the other to prestage first. I want to be the last to stage, this means my tree activates sooner than his (the longer one waits on the tree, the longer you have to watch the bulbs). For some opponents, this would never work, but it could mean the difference in a .505 and a .565 light for my competitor, just enough for my .530 average. My sequence- react, launch, dump.

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