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Wake up call


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Normally at stop lights, I roll up between cars and make sure i'm the first one through the intersection. Especially on the one way streets around my house where no one is clear as to which way they're turning, and I just want to go straight...

So this morning, for whatever reason, I didn't pull up between any of the 3 cars stopped at the light on W41st and Lorain (W41 is one way, Lorain is not)

Light turns green, and all 3 cars attempt to go straight (idiots... this is why i try to be out front), and wonder of all wonders, the 3 morons going straight aren't the problem. An Accord with a North Carolina plate comes through the red light and skids to a stop about 4 inches from the center of the 3 cars going straight.

If it had been me through the intersection first, I may have accelerated quickly enough to be through before the car ran the light, but what a reminder not to trust cagers...

Everyone stay safe out there.

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Yeah, in my cage I will proceed through as soon as it turns green. On the bike I always wait. It may look like I'm slow or uncomforable but I always look to make sure there is people stopped and nobody flying up to an empty (for them) intersection. There is no point to racing from a light. Sometimes I will do it if I know all the traffic is stopped. I see people not paying attention to that leaving lights and it makes me shake my head. Along with all bikers that pull right up to someones bumper.

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