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Late model Cobra - "LEETHAL"?


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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Anyone know about this car or what's done to it? It seems pretty evil. Four reasons:


1. $1000 fine and 12 months suspension. No thanks.


2. Several accidents, including a prominent local shop owner/partner who totaled his 300ZX, along with a drunken asshole who nearly ran several people over. No thanks again.


3. 1 race between fast cars for every 10 between Kias.


4. Conversations with cops on way too regular of a basis.


5. Legal motorsports is more fun and not very expensive. The Fast and Furious shit is cooler in movies.


Seriously, this site is evolving into a general automotive and LEGAL motorsports site, and it's about time.


People who want to pose as hard core street racers can go join race-club.org and complain about how CR used to be cool.


That's my take. Hate on me all you want, it won't change the fact that I'm right.


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Originally posted by Venomss:

Yup, that was me. Your car is very sharp, and fast. That was a nice run - too bad we ran out of real estate. smile.gif

Wait a second...does this mean that Marks car may be as fast as his mouth?? :eek:


Oh, and Mark, care to make another wager seeing as the season is starting in a few hours?


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Originally posted by Venomss:

Yup, that was me. Your car is very sharp, and fast. That was a nice run - too bad we ran out of real estate. smile.gif

You'll love this -- my passengers were Eli (Mensan) and DJ (Orion). :D We were actually talking at dinner that we should have invited you out with us. lol


We were definitely impressed. You've done a nice job with that car. :cool:

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Originally posted by SupraGlue:

You'll love this -- my passengers were Eli (Mensan) and DJ (Orion). :D We were actually talking at dinner that we should have invited you out with us. lol

LOL - so you guys want to start thrashing me in person rather in cyberspace, huh? Seriously, I'd like to meet up with you guys. I even live right up there where I first spotted you; it'd be nothing for me to just hustle across the street to meet up.


After our encounter, I met up with some other guys and they IDed your car. When I first saw it, I thought, "Okay, it's sans wing, and there's only one guy I know of running around without a wing on a white Supra." The commentary from my g/f, who was my passenger, was also kind of funny. She's like, "Oh, wow, what is that? Is that a Supra? Uh oh, honey. They are, like, fast, right? Wow - what's that sound? A turbo? Man that thing was, like, whoosh!" :cool:

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On a side note.. Not to steal this thread or anything. On my way to my girlfriends house last night I was sitting at a stop light right by the Lennox shopping center when I noticed a 'Cobra' (Didn't get a close enough look to verify) drive by covered in Yellow stickers down the side. It had a double stack spolier on the back and Euro's it appeared to be like a 99 or so it was black and disgusting. If your on this board. I hope you crash your car and it goes to a person who will make it much better off. =)
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Originally posted by 2000silvergtp:

I would like to here more about the race? Details please!! :D

Not much to tell, really. Went from probably around 65. He took the go, and got out around a car on me and maintained that until we shut it down a few gears later. He then went one way, and I went another. The end. smile.gif
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Sounds like a close run. I am new here so still trying to match cars with names for the guys without sig pics. Is this the black cobra with the IPS stickers? And is this the white supra with the big turbo? Just curious... smile.gif
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Originally posted by Sammy9:

Is this the black cobra with the IPS stickers?



Also, I think it's worth mentioning that the Supra had the driver plus two other guys as passengers, whereas I had as a passenger a girl that weighs 100 pounds, maybe, if really wet. I left those details out previously.

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Guest Ponyfreak

Eli told me about this race.


I asked him what hte blower sounded like. From the way they described it, sounds like you have an autorotor (Blowzilla) on it. If so, how are you liking it? Any problems with it yet?


Mad malibo: mark can't even beat a mark VIII. He will probably get owned by a second mark VIII soon. Followed by a third in 6 month.

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Originally posted by Ponyfreak.:

Eli told me about this race.


I asked him what hte blower sounded like. From the way they described it, sounds like you have an autorotor (Blowzilla) on it. If so, how are you liking it? Any problems with it yet?

Nope, it's the stock Eaton w/ a 2.93 pulley.


However, I can tell you that the word is that the Kenne Bell blowers (i.e., the Blowzillas) have a lot of problems spraying oil.

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Originally posted by Venomss:

LOL - so you guys want to start thrashing me in person rather in cyberspace, huh? Seriously, I'd like to meet up with you guys. I even live right up there where I first spotted you; it'd be nothing for me to just hustle across the street to meet up.


After our encounter, I met up with some other guys and they IDed your car. When I first saw it, I thought, "Okay, it's sans wing, and there's only one guy I know of running around without a wing on a white Supra." The commentary from my g/f, who was my passenger, was also kind of funny. She's like, "Oh, wow, what is that? Is that a Supra? Uh oh, honey. They are, like, fast, right? Wow - what's that sound? A turbo? Man that thing was, like, whoosh!" :cool:

haha Thank her for the nice words. I can't imagine how she heard the turbo -- all we heard was your blower screaming. :eek:


Eli and I live fairly close by, and DJ is up here a lot, so we'll have to hook up sometime. We'll send you a PM or something the next time we go to Claddagh's. We mostly make fun of each other, so it should be okay. ;)


Nice summary, btw. That pretty much covers it. If anything, you were creeping up a bit at the end. BTW, if you know what speed we got up to, feel free to PM me that information. ;) None of us managed to see the speedometer.

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