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friend living his dream

Chad is Dead

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Well I was talkin to my buddy today who was always into drifting. I remember him at lunch during high school using his empty water bottle as a shifter. Well I learned he is now fully sponsored and moving to Cali in mid April just to drive his car. I"m so happy for him cuz he made his fuckin dreams come true and he inspired me to try my hardest to do what i love for a living. So check out his sponsors and I'll try to get some pics of him up soon.





p.s he's competing up near dayton April 3rd if anyone wants to check him out. He drives a black 240sx silvia


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Originally posted by buckeye:

I can't wait till that fad dies. Drifting is not a sport nor a compition, Yes it is fun but so is burnouts and no one calls that a sport

You can wait for quite a lonnnnnnnnnng time then. It's going to be around for a while. It's just starting to pick up. It'll be huge soon.
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Can't speak for buckeye, but I wouldn't consider it a sport the same way I don't consider ice skating, gymnastics, diving, or any other "judged" event a sport. I'd include boxing in that too, if not for the win by KO.


But thats me.

Damn you killed my reply..i was gonna say"how to people consier gymnastics and ice skating a sport..damn you! :D
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becouse the whole thing is judged by personal option not by points scored nor a person in first. I have nothing againest the "sport" but I drift (snow) too but to me it is just called learning and gaining car control.



But Hell I guess what ever gets the former honda now 240 guys the hot chicks.

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chad- is this peter chhoum (sp) or keith singer? im guessing peter since keith was a couple years younger, but i dont know what peter is driving now...ive seen ketih around a few times in a 240...someone also said somethin about peter movin out to cali to compete in the d-1 series
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Originally posted by buckeye:

I can't wait till that fad dies. Drifting is not a sport nor a compition, Yes it is fun but so is burnouts and no one calls that a sport

I normally don't agree with you, but I do 100% on this. Another rice-boy trend....mad drifting, yo!
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i think it was jason dahlman who told me he was movin out there...jeff (240sx, black) said somethin about it too...the said somethin about peter having an rx-7. idk...i havent seem him in a while...maybe ill see him in the magazines or tv sometime soon
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To many people think drifting is easy cuz they can drift in the snow. I've been w/ peter in his car when he drifts around a corner and it is fuckin insane. But now he only has his seat in there so I can't be in there anymore. BONER KILLER!
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Can't speak for buckeye, but I wouldn't consider it a sport the same way I don't consider ice skating, gymnastics, diving, or any other "judged" event a sport. I'd include boxing in that too, if not for the win by KO.


But thats me.

I think this same way, let me know if this more clarifies your point of view.


Any competition that is judged and points are give/taken for style, is not a sport.

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Would you guys consider motorcyle stunting as a sport? Thers no possible way you can judge it beside skill and style. It is harder to stunt then road race. Go ahead and flame way but I know a bunch of pro stunters that could out stunt you and out race you.
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Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

Would you guys consider motorcyle stunting as a sport? Thers no possible way you can judge it beside skill and style. It is harder to stunt then road race. Go ahead and flame way but I know a bunch of pro stunters that could out stunt you and out race you.

Completely irrelevent.


What I said was that I and actually alot of other people don't consider judged events "sports". Thats all.


Pretty straightforward really. And its an old old continuing argument. Not all competitions are sports. When you're "competing" to impress someone else (or a panel of someone elses) its not a sport in my book.


Been argued for decades. Going to go on being argued.


BTW - I never said any of that stuff wasn't *hard*. I didn't say it wasn't entertaining. Alot of things are *hard*. Ice skating is hard. Doesn't make it a sport. And being good at one thing making you better equipped to be good at another also doesn't make it a sport. And being better at something than someone else also doesn't make it a sport. I mean I can rattle off a list of things I can do that you and/or your pro stunter buddies wouldn't be able to do without years of practice/training, some of them very physically/mentally challenging too (wanna go do some aggressive flying with me sometime and see if you can stay conscious?) - doesn't prove a thing. Doesn't make em sports.


You were mixing up your arguements.


So now you tell me why that demeans these things in any way.


It doesn't.


[ 22. March 2005, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]

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In my opinion it's not a sport. I don't think racing is a sport either. Anything that doesn't have to do with physical activity in my opinion isn't a sport.



sport (spôrt, sprt)



Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.

A particular form of this activity.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

I wouldn't consider it a sport the same way I don't consider ice skating, gymnastics, diving, or any other "judged" event a sport. I'd include boxing in that too, if not for the win by KO.

I agree completely, couldn't have said it better myself... graemlins/nod.gif
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