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Why do new Volvos....


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Guest timmybgood
i know what you're talking about. i drive by that dealership nearly every day. the covers are just temporary, infact that look like paper. they were white, right?
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brake dust is a HUGE problem for Volvos though. Im going to move to another rotor and brake pad and see if it still does it... if it does, then the brakes are too small. Normaly id just say i lay into them too hard, but its a widespread issue.
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I just put EBC Red Stuff Ceramics on my STI and they are 10x better, I was at Road America this past weekend and made many 120+ to 30-50 quick slow downs and never had any fade. They dust way less than the OEM Metallic Pads plus the dust doesent rust into the paint on the back of the car, it washes right off. I used to have to wash my wheels once every couple of days and now after 1 week since my last wash, They barely have any dust on them. And what dust there is, is grey, not black, so it is not as noticable.


I'd say the only drawback to them is when you stomp on them a few times hard, they stink soooo bad!

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are you on stock rotors??? I was thinking of some of the EBC pads and rotors like this:








Which pads are the more aggresive ones... red or green???

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Here you go you can wait no longer


pretty pointless IMO, unless you like to eat pads twice as fast.


Another drawback is my rear pads squeal a bit under slow light braking, I had to brake hard thismorning from a high speed and cooked the stop squeal stuff I put on them to stop them from squealing. I guess I will have to do a second coat.

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Originally posted by Tulo:

I hear ceramic pads are supposed to be pretty clean. Does anybody have any experience with them?

I had a little experience with them on the ole' teg. They were relatively quiet and the dust factor was almost non-existent. The dust that settled on the wheels was almost like it was clear. But if you ran your finger across it, you knew that they were pretty dirty.


I liked them, but they had less initial bite than the metallic pads I had before. Metallic was just dirty and made crucial noises.

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