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Sign this petition to keep racing on Long Island off the streets!!!!!


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Trying to close down the last drag strip on LI. Also one of the first is not the first strips ever in the US. Help these guys out and spread the word. You don't have to be a resident to sign it. Keeps their streets safe guys, this is serious stuff. Thanks fellas.




[ 06. May 2004, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: 007CRX ]

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well if people that live there don't care enough to save their own dragstrip maybe they really don't want it there, who am i to say that they shouldn't take it out just cause i would try to save my own dragstrip, don't know the situation so i am not going to try to keep a dragstrip that might be unwanted
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Guest nevarmore

Change Long Island to Ohio, and change dragstrip to National Trails or Norwalk.


This guy is trying to save a dragstrip, you know where people go RACING. He's not local, but damn. I'm sure you guys know someone who lives on Long Island and could pass on the link.


People will bend over and spew all sorts of cash to save a damned field where someone from the civil war took a shit, but don't seem to care about more modern history until its gone. This dragstrip is part of the origins of what we do today and its worth trying to save.



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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:


Pretty much. How many times do you go to Ethiopia and fight the price of a gallon of milk? When was the last time you were in any third world country fighting hunger? That there seems a little more important to me than a drag strip, yet I dont see you jumping up to run over there and solve the worlds problems.


Im sorry, but Superman is not a CR member.

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Originally posted by yenner:

Pretty much. How many times do you go to Ethiopia and fight the price of a gallon of milk? When was the last time you were in any third world country fighting hunger? That there seems a little more important to me than a drag strip, yet I dont see you jumping up to run over there and solve the worlds problems.


Im sorry, but Superman is not a CR member.

bad analogy.


guys, seriously, how hard can it possibly be to sign the facking form? shit, in the time youve spent hating on this whole thing, you could have signed it like 5 times. i swear, this board has so many haters.


anyways, signed. *thumbsup

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Originally posted by Orion:

bad analogy.


guys, seriously, how hard can it possibly be to sign the facking form? shit, in the time youve spent hating on this whole thing, you could have signed it like 5 times. i swear, this board has so many haters.


anyways, signed. *thumbsup

beh. drag racing is for mullet wearin' pussy car drivin wusses anyways. Give me a trail where I have to do more than push a pedal. :D
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Originally posted by yenner:

beh. drag racing is for mullet wearin' pussy car drivin wusses anyways. Give me a trail where I have to do more than push a pedal. :D

Anything's better than cruisin in a neon'd tercel!



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Originally posted by TurboDuo:

Anything's better than cruisin in a neon'd tercel!



bwahahahaaaaaaSHUDDUP! :D


For real people, quit taking what I say so damn seriously. Especially when I use a damn smiley damnit. Plus the "neon'd tercel" has been gone for a year now damnit. So everyone get offa your damn period, and lighten up damnit. I mean DAMN!

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Originally posted by yenner:

beh. drag racing is for mullet wearin' pussy car drivin wusses anyways. Give me a trail where I have to do more than push a pedal. :D

bogging through giant mudholes in jacked up trucks with confederate flags hanging off the back, with a horn that plays 7 different country tunes is way cooler and less redneck than drag racing :rolleyes: . Mudding is like the epitomy of hilljack neanderthalism (yes i made my own word up)


its ok your afraid to go over 65

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damnit! I said I was kidding! Sorry I struck a nerve. My bad. I have nothing against drag racing or any other kind of motorsport so everyone just calm down. Also I never said drag racing was "redneck". I still don't care about a dragstrip in NY though.


P.S. ~ I don't have a confederate flag so there!


EDIT: You also should know Im not afraid to go over 65. We've driven on the same cruise together before and I didn't do too bad. GO TERCEL!!! :D

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

Change Long Island to Ohio, and change dragstrip to National Trails or Norwalk.


This guy is trying to save a dragstrip, you know where people go RACING. He's not local, but damn. I'm sure you guys know someone who lives on Long Island and could pass on the link.


People will bend over and spew all sorts of cash to save a damned field where someone from the civil war took a shit, but don't seem to care about more modern history until its gone. This dragstrip is part of the origins of what we do today and its worth trying to save.



It's too bad most people can't see beyond their immediate surroundings, and that your typical American is so quick to dismiss what little cultural tradition and heritage we have in this country.


Fifty years from now someone is going to write a book about that drag strip and charge $200 for it and aging Gen-Xers are gonna weep nostalgically over it, the same way that today's old timers reminisce of the board-track racing of days gone by.


It is a shame that what comparatively little we have today in American culture that is interesting and has character is so undervalued by most people. Believe me, there are an equal number of people who don't care one spit about off-roading, its history, and its culture and wouldn't notice or care if it ceased to exist, either.


"My pretend-to-be-sophisticated television shows that cater to the lowest common denominator don't tout it, therefore, I don't care about it."




On the other hand, its easy to get people to sign a petition that they want to keep something, but not as easy to get them to put their money where there signature is.....




Rotary Jihad - I think its funny that you might think someone on CR might actually KNOW someone on Lawn-GEYE-land! :Dtongue.gif





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Agreed, but if a drag strip gets shut down, whether in NY or right here in central Ohio, is there anything we can really do about it? Signing a petition wont pay their bills for them. Also can our lives not go own without them? Will they really make "history"? Not in the books at least. I cant remember once while sitting through school for 15+ years hearing about any old races.


Im sorry guys, I dont mean to be a dick about it, but the way I see it is if its going to get shut down, a petition won't change that.

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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by yenner:

Signing a petition wont pay their bills for them. Also can our lives not go own without them? Will they really make "history"?

Good point. Rallies, petitioning, protesting, etc. are a good first step to get the issue out there. Now that the petition is getting around, start watching attendance. Maybe add on a little note to the petition, "You want to keep us around, come and show us how much you want to keep us on the 1320.".


This happens in Kent every time some mom-and-pop shop closes down. The fucking hippies come out and ahnd out flyers and wave signs and say how sad it is that we're losing this piece of history. They get real mad when you ask them how much they actually bought from that shop.


It may be better to go post like mad at all the NYC, NY, and LI racing forums and try to get the locals out to drag race there.


I know saving a dragstrip or mudding trail isn't going to be some huge morally redeeming event. There are more important things, but its the little things that help keep us focused enough to move on and deal with the big things.

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Originally posted by Orion:

bad analogy.


guys, seriously, how hard can it possibly be to sign the facking form? shit, in the time youve spent hating on this whole thing, you could have signed it like 5 times. i swear, this board has so many haters.


anyways, signed. *thumbsup

I agree with Jarrod, you're all a bunch of damn haters. I signed it, even though it's not a local strip.
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My family has a beautiful waterfront home on the east end of LI that my grandma's live in since my grandpa built it in the '50s. I've been out there every summer for the past 26 years. I also have a small real estate development company as a side business. I love Long Island AND I appreciate real estate as an investment, but...


Believe me, they are RAPING Long Island with their condo developments and multi-million dollar McMansions. They are destroying beautiful old landmarks and reminders of the lives people had there going back to fishing villages in the 1600's. If I could stop one developer AND save a historical racetrack, all the better.


Thanks for posting this. *signed* smile.gif

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