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Front tag's

High Octane

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I've got plenty of tickets for no front plates. Like speeding tickets, I simply consider them a type of fee to have the right to keep doing it. So, every so often, I have to pay a little money to keep speeding and to keep not have a front plate. Suits me fine. ;)
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

I've got plenty of tickets for no front plates. Like speeding tickets, I simply consider them a type of fee to have the right to keep doing it. So, every so often, I have to pay a little money to keep speeding and to keep not have a front plate. Suits me fine. ;)

Thats a good way of looking at it. I couldnt agree more. My theory is that speed limits should change as cars progress. Driving 80-90 in any new car should feel safe. Brake technology, aerodynamics, and safety have all dramatically changed in the last 20+ years --- why havent the speed limits changed accordingly????
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Originally posted by RX-7 Addict:

Thats a good way of looking at it. I couldnt agree more. My theory is that speed

limits should change as cars progress. Driving 80-90 in any new car should feel safe. Brake technology, aerodynamics, and safety have all dramatically changed in the last 20+ years --- why havent the speed limits changed accordingly????

Roads. You can't just change a 65 MPH speed limit to 80 or 90. You would have to tear down the roads, make the turns wider, slightly more banked, so on so forth. And lets not forget, not every one drives a new car.
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OMG let this subject die....this is brought up at least 2 times a year. It is common knowledge that no one on here likes front license plates. SO leave it at that and STOP brining it back up.

Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

and not everyone has proper driving skills. some ppl i know shouldn't be able to drive over 55mph

like old people, when i drive down sunbury which is a 45 mph speed zone still people go 35. WTF people need to press the gas a little more often. And watch the signs that say the proper speed to be going. I dont care if they arent going 60 mph just go the fucking speed limit!
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Originally posted by Venom:

OMG let this subject die....this is brought up at least 2 times a year. It is common knowledge that no one on here likes front license plates. SO leave it at that and STOP brining it back up. like old people, when i drive down sunbury which is a 45 mph speed zone still people go 35. WTF people need to press the gas a little more often. And watch the signs that say the proper speed to be going. I dont care if they arent going 60 mph just go the fucking speed limit!

You think that is bad?! Try driving down Central College road. Mother fuckers do like 35 in a 50 mph zone or worse
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I think front plates can be retarded, but people who don't have them like to pull in facing my store so they can steal gasoline, and try to run over my co-workers when they get busted and confronted about it. Usually I make people with no front plate come inside to pay first before I let them pump and think of some excuse if possible.


(But then, letting people pump gas before paying is a stupid fucking idea anyway, and corporate is smoking crack cocaine thinking it's a good way of doing shit)

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hooray for threadjacking



In some places around the US they have implemented a minimum speed limit, which they actually enforce from time to time. I understand that the elderly have to be careful when driving because of poorer sight and poorer reaction times, but the motherfucking AARP stands in the way of everything the country tries to do to stop old people from getting in the way. I'm all for annual or biannual driving tests for the elderly. Hell, I WANT it. Slow elderly drivers A) incite road rage B) despite their slow speeds are STILL terrible drivers and C) have no sense of right of way. If you have an older parent/grandparent that is a great driver, i applaud them. Their reward? I don't get fucking pissed at them and flash my beams because they are doing 15 fucking MPH in a 45 just because its 11:00 pm (yeah. some fucker in a silver LaCrosse tonight).



[/lame rant]

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Guest racinbird

My theory is that speed limits should change as cars progress. Driving 80-90 in any new car should feel safe. Brake technology, aerodynamics, and safety have all dramatically changed in the last 20+ years --- why havent the speed limits changed accordingly????[/QB]


They have, city freeways used to be 55, now they are 65 unless you are in the downtown area.

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