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Damage coverage.


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I didn't watch the news tonight, but did they happen to have something on there about a HUGE accident on 270 south on the west side by Dublin? Well, I was so close to that accident, I had my own. I was making a run to the Rome-Hilliard Sam's Club to pick up some tires for our club and ran into a nifty snowstorm on 270. Traveling about 60 mph because of the conditions, I started to see brake lights and began to slow down, unfortunately not quickly enough. 2 Semi's and at least 6 other cars were already in and continuing to get into accidents right there. Of course, no stopping ability had me heading straight for the mass carnage. In a risky split-second decision, I decided to nudge the concrete median instead of colliding with another vehicle. I made it through the wreckage without hitting any other vehicles, so I decided not to stick around and be a part of an accident I wasn't actually involved in per se. However, my bumper, fender, and both driver's side wheels are scratched and scruffed to hell and according the the tow truck guy, my lower control arm on that side is bent (which would probably explain the difficulty keeping my steering under control). So all this leads to my question: because I was on the clock making a run for the business, should Sam's Club cover the damage to the vehicle? There's really two options this can go: either Sam's covers the cost of repairing the vehicle or Sam's pays the deductible on my insurance plan for the insurance to cover it. Which do you folks see as the more reasonable/appropriate course of action?
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I would say if you were on the clock and making a run for the company they should pay for the damage. I would think because you are an employee and using your car to transport there goods that would make them somewhat liable. Hope everything works out for you.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

u should have stayed and filed a report :(

werd.... they might want proof that the damage happened when you were making a run for them. Since you don't have a police report you don't have any proof to show that it happened then. For all they know it could have happened last month.
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sorry dude its your car you were driving and if you try to go that route your insurance policy is likely to not cover anything because you aren't paying for that type of coverage. Most insurance companies have insurance that covers your car driving to and from work each day and driving around for your own enjoyment/whatever, but you would have to be on a different plan if you are using that vehicle to do company business. I know a little about it since I drive my own car 700miles a week for work. You don't want to mention you where driving for work in your car.


I'd pay the deductable and forget about it. besides sam's club is likely to not agree with your logic anyway. Thats why they didn't provide you with a car to drive. Its cheaper for them if you get in an accident



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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Did you sign anything when you were hired releasing them from responsibility in cases like this?

Did they offer you a company vehicle to pick the tires up in?

Were you directed to pick them up by a manager?

1. Not that I know of.

2. No such thing.

3. Yes.


Since I wasn't involved in the accident (i.e. didn't make contact with another vehicle), I figured staying and filling out a report would be useless (but then again, I am young). After the incident occurred, I immediately talked with one of the managers at the store who said I could be assured that Sam's would cover the damages. Once I got back to the store, the same manager apparantly dug up a sheet that said that associates' insurance must cover it. He said Sam's may be able to cover the deductible. My mom and sister-in-law both think they should cover the damages because had I not been "sent" on the run, this wouldn't have happened. I see both points from both sides and I really would just settle for the deductible. I think that neither I nor Sam's is responsible, so we should find some middle ground. Just looking for other opinions. Thanks for the replies so far.

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kevin make sure you never drive your own car for them again on company time unless they are gonna cover it no matter who pays for it this time, if they ask tell them you need to know they are gonna cover it or you aren't gonna take your own personal vehicle
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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

If you only have them pay the deductable then you will be filing a claim with your insurance. Be prepared for your premiums to go up.

My mom's insured on the car (currently only $82 a month), so if that does happen, it won't raise too much.


I agree Adam.

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Wow! Sorry to hear and glad you weren't involved in worse!


They are probably going to hold you liable since you were operating the car, and will probably get you on failure to control or something like that.


Similar thing happened to a coworker with his M roadster. He was on a business trip and hit a deer on a Tennasee freeway...15K in front end damage!!!

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by Doug:

werd.... they might want proof that the damage happened when you were making a run for them. Since you don't have a police report you don't have any proof to show that it happened then. For all they know it could have happened last month.

+1...you don't have proof that this happened while you were on the clock and they might use that excuse as to why they won't pay for the damage. But good luck anyhow..hopefully it won't have to come out of your pocket!

Glad you're ok! smile.gif

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sams doesnt have to do anything about it, sadly to say. your car you were driving thats it. some dick companies at the occasion of any type of accident "on the clock" would send the employee to a drug screen, im sure if they dug up their policy thats problably what they would do.


id say pay your deduct. and move on, i put 7000 in damage on my brother truck my insurance went up a couple of dollars. maybe 2

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