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owned by my car/need some help please

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

replaced main seal

put tranny back in

started car

oil leaking

tightened valve cover bolts

still leaking

felt down there while running

head gasket pushed out--it was draining down the bellhousing and into the torque converter cover and draining out the little hole in the bottom


im fucked, its driveable as long as i stop every few miles and put oil in it


anyone got a garage/ 5 free hours to help me replace it?


[ 23. September 2004, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Slow As Hell 86 T/A ]

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Guest FBody Addict

like i said, owned


i almost forgot, anyone got a spare (new, not used) head gasket they can sell me for an SBC?


[ 22. September 2004, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Slow As Hell 86 T/A ]

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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

like i said, owned


i almost forgot, anyone got a spare head gasket they can sell me for an SBC?

First off man go by a new gasket

Second you realy should pull the motor and fix ALL the little shit wrong with it. Fix the pan gasket you "Rigged" and do Both head gaskets and all of the stuff you will find with the motor out.

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Guest FBody Addict

dont have the time or money, this is my daily driver, and i need the car back together and running by monday, and i'll be busy friday evening and saturday, work friday morning till 2 and sunday till 4 so i'm gonna start tearing down tomorrow, my only day off, no, i'm not building up this engine, so i'm not worried about the other gasket


dave came out and helped put the tranny back in last night, so once he gets on and sees this, he's probably gonna be a little pissed

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Guest FBody Addict

hit button twice my bad

i do need some help with this i also need a properly calibrated torque wrench mine is grossly miscalibrated


[ 23. September 2004, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Slow As Hell 86 T/A ]

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Guest FBody Addict

i bought one head gasket and the whole manifold setup and i have already bought 300 in parts and shit (2 oilseals, destroyed first one, head gasket, manifold gasket set, fresh tranny fluid, oil, filter, throttle cable, rear stabilizer bar mounts[bar disconnected for some reason, like that when i bought it] rtv, spark plug wires, tranny mount, and a few other things, i think mainly cigarettes, car work seems to make me go through em quicker) so if someone has a spare head gasket they can let me use and i'll buy them a new one when i get paid next saturday, cause i am flat fucking broke


at least i have a full tank of gas

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Why would Dave be upset? if your car is broke, it's broke... Have fun with those stock manifolds... no way would I touch them... total PITA. Are you sure it's a headgasket leak? Did you do a compression check as well as look in the oil and coolant? Is your oil milky? Coolant have black shit floating in it or miscolored?
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a gen 1 sbc will not blow a HG and leak oil down the block. its leaking at the back of the intake manifold or around the base of distributor. if the back of the manifold leaks take a centerpunch and dimple the rail where the gaskets sits it'll help it seal better. I don't care that it still leaks thats just like a fucking car to break again somewhere else as soon as you get done fixing it.
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Originally posted by Slow As Hell 86 T/A:

just a thought, are there any oil plugs on the back of the block or the oil pressure sending unit? one of which may have cracked or rattled out

Two oil galley plugs and the cam plug. They can be found in front of the tranny. I highly doubt they are the cause of the leak though, they generally don't start leaking after many miles. They only leak in poorly assembled engines. I'm not sure where your oil pressure sending unit is, however there is a pressure port behind the intake, towards the driver's side, on the intake to block sealing surface.
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by buckeye:

john take that thing down to the car wash with a couple baggies, cover the important stuff and clean the hell out of it. It is so much easier to find the leak on a clean motor

would do that but when it is running it pours out a steady stream of oil, and i dont wanna end up paying for a new engine


tinman, are you saying remove the intake manifold and reseal at the back of the block? cause dave was saying something about them leaking at the back of the intake manifold

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