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Top 10 gay cars


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Rane: No, gay people like *FASHIONABLE* things that cost money. Neons are far from fashionable, and pretty cheap, unless you wanna talk SRT-4, or buying from JD Byrapist. (Never going to buy a car there again, and no, I don't really like my car that much.)
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Originally posted by Kuruma:

Rane: No, gay people like *FASHIONABLE* things that cost money. Neons are far from fashionable, and pretty cheap, unless you wanna talk SRT-4, or buying from JD Byrapist. (Never going to buy a car there again, and no, I don't really like my car that much.)

i don't know buying a car from JD byrider is pretty gay, so your car may qualify for the list. graemlins/supergay.gif
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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

i don't know buying a car from JD byrider is pretty gay, so your car may qualify for the list.



Well, it's not like I had a choice in the matter. It was either get a car that day, or lose my job, and I had the only income in the apartment at the time. People do what they have to do to survive, after all. For a JD Byrider car the thing puts up with some pretty serious abuse, and is fairly reliable. Most of the problems have been known issues, normal wear for a 10 year old car (was first sold to a woman in 1994, even though it's a 95), or driver error.


They're still douchebags there though, and as soon as I can get outta the thing and trade for a better one, I'm doing it.

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Originally posted by SwimmingBird:

Le Car. That is all.

+1 for Le Car. Might want to add the Deaux Cheveaux (sp?) to the list, too, maybe?


Earlier (Rabbit-based) VW Cabrios <--the car that invented the rainbow sticker


Early-90s Mercury Capri <--screams "I like tube steak"

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Guest riggs867

Oh, I think some important cars were left off that list. I hate to say it, but every Subaru, except for the WRX, should be on there. If you don't believe me, just take a drive through German Village. Lots of Subarus with rainbow flags.


Also, the Honda Element is looking pretty foofy to me.

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