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How many have gotten a drag racing ticket


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So... does Ohio have a law that says you can't witness a crime without having to help? Also, if you want to stop a crime in progress such as street racing, you'd have to put yourself in danger to stop it. Then, does that resolve your obligation to stop such crime?
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Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Quit kissing ass, Desperado. Christ, your pandering is nauseating.

What the fuck are you talking about? Kissing who's ass? I am gonna guess Chris's, but I don't see how. Trust me jerkwad, I know what happens to people that mouth off to Chris. Even when they are right and he's being an ass. I was only pointing that out to Mr. super noob. For some reason you have chosen to make asshole comments about almost EVERYTHING I post. Which doesn't do much other than make you look like an ass. Obviously you have nothing better to do so if it gives you some sense of gratification, by all means, have at it. But if you are going to make asshole comments, at least make them factual instead of being meaningless, childish bullshit with little or no basis in fact or reality.


As far as them arresting people for spectating at a drag race. About the only thing that you can be charged with is loitering and illegallly parking. They charge you with drag racing because if you don't know what you can and can't be charged with, and most people have no fucking clue about the law, it sticks because it is not questioned. You get a ticket or go to jail for the night, arguing the point at the time will get you charged with interfering with police business or resisting arrest if the cop is playing hardass. Resisting arrest is a pretty big deal and you can do some time for that, depending on the lawyer and the judge. And remember that if you are going to break the law, you better know the law. Because a cop can charge you with all sorts of shit. It's not his place to procicute (SP) you, only to enforce the law. And ALOT of laws are written openly so that it is "at the discretion of the officer" to charge you, while others are pretty specific. Look at loud exhaust tickets. There is no specifc sound level for that. It's up to the officer to deside if your car is too loud. Speeding, well it's anything over what the sign says, it's specific. It's not uncommon to be arrested on multiple counts, go to court the next morning and only speak to the judge on one charge, the others just dissapearing. What happens is the prosicutor talks with the officer and go over the specific acts that lead to the charge. If it has merit and can be prosicuted with success it goes on the docket. If it's something that is hard to prove, or the judge probably will not buy into the prosicutor just forgets about it and goes to the next charge. Lets say that you build houses, and you get picked up for DUI and fail a field soberity test. The cop searches your truck and finds a hammer, screwdriver and crowbar in the floor board. You get charged with OMVI and possesion of buglary tools. Spend the evening at the gray bar hotel, cop and the procuitor get together before court the next day. Procuitor looks at the charges, you blew a .12, The drunk thinf is a sure bet. He looks that the possision of buglary tools, sees that the truck is registered to ABC construction. He KNOWS the judge will laugh at him if he even speaks of it so he drops that and preceeds with the OMVI charge. This happens ALOT.

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Originally posted by 151:

Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

Quit kissing ass, Desperado. Christ, your pandering is nauseating.

And you, you lazy fuck, can't even come up with a comment. You just quote someone elses comment, somehow making it your own. Be original for gods sake instead of being a me too muthafucker. Damn.

I wonder if you do this shit to act like an ass or to simply postwhore. Cuz you do this shit alot.

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